Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 225 Blacken's Rabbit

As for how the seniors of Huaguo reached an agreement with Wakanda, and what method they used to obtain Vibranium, this is not a matter that Chen should care about.

After learning that Vibranium can be obtained easily in the future, Chen Mu was quite happy.

This means that, in the future, there will be no lack of Vibranium as a material.

The gun of Thor would have been stronger if it had been made of Vibranium, but due to material problems, Chen Mu had no choice but to use some high-strength alloys.

This also led to a decline in its power, and the power of Thor that the user can invoke is actually not that powerful.

And if there is enough Vibranium now, it is undoubtedly good news for Chen Mu.

"The world-crossing gate will always be maintained, and Zheng Xian is also ordered to assist the world over there to establish a similar God's Spear Bureau. The role of the God's Spear Bureau is to maintain the security of China, and it can also resist the future, from outer space. , and even the threat of other worlds.”

The universe is not the only intelligent race of people on earth, there are many high level civilizations in outer space.

Once these civilizations reach the earth, they will undoubtedly be a threat to the people on earth.

All the seniors have the idea of ​​being prepared for danger in times of peace, not to mention, the current seniors are originally in dire straits.

There is no "safety" at all, and we are in "danger" all the time.

It has just driven the foreign invaders out of their homeland, and learned that there are many other civilizations in outer space, and they are also anxious to establish a powerful institution.

strive to protect their own citizens.

They don't want to see their compatriots helpless after facing a powerful enemy.

In short, Huaguo in 1943 is now starting to establish a sound industrial foundation, with technical support from the independent world, which is still very easy for them.

Huaguo people hope to rely on their own strength in everything, and don't expect the help of others, but if the other party is also their own and Huaguo people, then there is nothing to be polite about.

The two were born from the same root, and the world in 1943 was really the "grandfather" of the main world, and they also accepted various technical assistance with peace of mind.

Definitely, in principle, some things cannot be changed. The seniors did not receive aid without a price. They also took the initiative to offer some resources for exchange as purchases.

For example, only Wakanda has Vibranium.

At this time, because the genes of the fighting nation were activated by the invaders, there are even a large number of seniors who still have some different ideas.

Since they have the support of a strong force, they don't need to consider what means to use.

In this generation, there is a saying.

I would rather bear the infamy myself, but let future generations enjoy the blessings.

The rabbits of this era are already on the edge of Blacken, when they see that later generations such as America, such as Japan, have a very strong economic foundation after the war, and the citizens are enjoying happiness.

It has to be said that they are envious, so in order to allow their offspring to have this kind of treatment and enjoy the blessings, they chose to do whatever it takes.

As a victorious country, after the war, there was only poverty, but as a defeated country, Japan was able to enjoy the dividends brought by the war openly after the war.


There are still a lot of insightful people in this era, and there are also warlike ones. Today's country is poor and white, and the so-called barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes. Unlike the Huaguo of later generations, there are many issues that need to be considered.

In order to prevent the achievements of the ancestors from being burned, they are very restrained, but the ancestors of this era, what do they have to be afraid of? In today's Huaguo, what else is there to be afraid of losing?

Everything has been robbed by the invaders, especially, after learning that after the unfair trials of the later generations, the old-timers are already angry, and no matter how good-tempered people are, there will be Rage.

Anyway, Huaguo in another world is heading for a completely different path.

Stealing from the rich and helping the poor is also a means of development for them.

In addition to taking back the wealth that originally belonged to them, they also have to go to seek the well-being of future generations.

Rob Wakanda's rich and help his own poor.

The old-timers are willing to use Vibranium as an exchange resource in exchange for various equipment from Huaguo in the main world.

Now the country of Hua in the main world has unprecedented military strength. The various weapons in the army were already facing elimination, but now they have found a new place to go.

Go to the Huaguo in that world, and continue to shine for the descendants of Yan and Huang.

"The weapons and equipment of the main world are now being transported to the world over there through the world-transmitting gate."

At this time, Chen Mu probably understood what the elders did.

There is no shortage of various resources in the main world, and Huaguo, the main world that has entered the cosmic civilization, can obtain various resources from space.

And Wakanda's unique Vibranium is the only thing that Huaguo in the world can be interested in.

And the seniors also knew about this, so they chose to use any means to obtain resources like Vibranium.

"Every descendant of Yan and Huang who loves their own nation is qualified to evolve at the level of life."

Chen Mu thought for a while, and continued: "If possible, bring the evolutionary equipment of the Card of Life to the seniors, so as to minimize their casualties."

The old-timers in 1943 have now embarked on a completely different path.

There was no further civil war.

Today, they all have a common goal and have truly cooperated.

This is something that Chen Mu did not expect at all.

But this is also good, although there are differences in philosophy, but the killing of each other among compatriots can be eliminated if possible.

The future of Huaguo lies in the sea of ​​stars.

It is impossible to be limited to the earth.

Furthermore, the world war in the world over there has not yet ended, and the country of Hua must demonstrate a force strong enough to deter the entire world in order to gain more benefits in future negotiations.

Look at the America of later generations, isn't it exactly like this?

The elders are envious!

For the sake of their descendants, they can also enjoy the same benefits, and the strength of the army over there has already gone abroad.

The powerful Qilin battle armor, in this era, is completely a dimensionality reduction blow to other countries.

No country can threaten the country of Hua at this time.

"Two evolutionary machines are already ready, let's take them over there and use them first."

In Chen Mu's view, all the descendants of Yan and Huang are his compatriots. As long as they have such a deep sense of identity with their own nation, they are all qualified to evolve at the level of life.

As for those traitors, running dogs and traitors, stay wherever they are cool, you didn't kill them directly, it was the greatest charity to them.

Looking at others, all compatriots can gain longevity, but I can only die of old age, and die in endless regret.


Xu Jia nodded and left the laboratory. She wanted to go to the world there again.

In fact, Chen Mu didn't know that the development of the world over there at this moment was ten times and a hundred times more complicated than what Xu Jia said in a few words.

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