If the earth is a living thing, then Ah San must be the Gangmen of this living thing.

Thor couldn't imagine, what kind of person would go to sword a monitor lizard?

Also take a video? Ready to savor anytime?

Thinking of this, Thor has the urge to lead the Asgard army to destroy the country of Asan.

This country is really disgusting!

"After I find Loki this time, I'll take him back to Asgard and get out of here, so..."

Thor took a deep breath and said, "Before that, I'm going to kill Ah San, well, at least, it's Ah San who is here!"

People in this country are simply disgusting people if they keep them, and Thor can't bear it anyway.

"That's a good thing. Anyway, that country doesn't have much power. For you, it can't be destroyed casually."

Wang Wei and others said cheerfully.

Although they don't pick things up, they also like to watch the excitement!

People like Ah San like to provoke them whenever they have nothing to do. Although they will end up miserable, they are still very happy to hear that Thor wants to lead the Asgard army to destroy him.

Anyway, we didn't do it, it was just a mentality of watching the fun.

"Walk around, first go and destroy their military area here."

Leng Feng and other soldiers seemed eager to try.

"No, let me do it!"

Thor looked upright and said, "I want to get justice for the Bengal monitor lizard!"



On the other side, in the northwest of China, Tony Stark got off the plane with a refreshed look on his face.

"Didn't you say that most of the Northwest of Huaguo is a barren land? Why?"

Tony Stark looked curious, he had overlooked this land when he was on the plane.

Now this piece of land is covered with green trees and forest lakes everywhere, completely different from the reports he heard.

But thinking of the pissing nature of his American media, as long as they encounter things in Huaguo, they will slander them without thinking, Tony understands.

Can the American media believe it?

Public opinion such as America is in the hands of capitalists, and it is used to fool the masses. In the eyes of these capitalists, only stupid people are the easiest to fool.

"Hi! Tony, you're here."

A big green man walked out of the crowd, waving happily at Tony.

It was none other than Bruce Banner.

In China, Bruce Banner was not restricted from any activities, and he also relied on his clever brain to study how to green the desert in the Northwest.

Over the years, it can be regarded as some achievements. At this moment, most of the deserts in the Northwest have been turned into today's forests.

Today's Ross Banner is really a pure scientific researcher. After joining this career for several years, he has gradually fallen in love with this job.

"Awesome, is this what you said, desert greening technology?"

Knowing that Bruce Banner has been studying this topic, Tony Stark also believes that Bruce Banner must be responsible for turning the desert into the forest today.

"That's not true. I just developed a nutrient solution. Plants soaked in the nutrient solution have a stronger ability to survive. Now the desert in the northwest can become the forest today. The bigger function is actually From the people of China."

Bruce Banner shook his head, not daring to take the credit for himself.

"The people of Huaguo, long ago, spontaneously organized afforestation in the deserts of the Northwest. The people of the whole country are providing funds for this, and the funds are used to purchase saplings suitable for desert growth in the whole country and even the world."

"Now you can see that every tree here is actually provided by every Chinese person."

This is one of the biggest differences between Chinese people and foreigners. Hua people always hope to benefit future generations. Even if they suffer some hardships, they don't want future generations to suffer.

In the Northwest, afforestation is originally a matter of suffering in the present and benefiting in the future.

Every Chinese is also willing to contribute to this.

"So, are the people who pay the money all Chinese?"

Tony nodded. He didn't have much idea about money, but he admired the people of Huaguo very much.

That certainly doesn't happen in America.

American people are self-interested, let them contribute to others, do you think it is possible?

"So, even if I want to introduce this technology, in the end, I have to pay for it myself?"

Although this is an unimaginable investment, even the slightest benefit cannot be seen. But for Tony, it's not unacceptable.

He, Tony Stark, lacks everything but money.

After learning about Bruce Banner's technology, Tony, who already felt empty and lonely, felt that he should also do something for the world.

For example, public welfare?

Introduce this technology and strive to transform the deserts on the earth into forests.

Just thinking about it, the amount of money it will cost is an astronomical figure.

But Tony Stark is not afraid, money can be earned slowly, but public welfare is indeed a career that affects the whole life, and even the next generation.

"Do you think technology and capital alone are enough?" Bo Ross shook his head with a half wry smile, and said to Tony Stark:

"I can provide you with the nutrient solution technology for free, but planting trees in the desert cannot be solved with money."

"how do I say this?"

Tony looked curious. Could it be that there are problems in this world that money can't solve?

"Can you imagine that countless people have devoted themselves to this cause without asking for anything in return, planting trees, transporting water, and taking care of these saplings for decades in the harsh environment of the desert?"

The afforestation in the Northwest did not start in the past two years, let alone after Bruce Banner came over.

As early as many years ago, the people of Huaguo began to improve the environment here. Their sole purpose was to seek the well-being of future generations, so that future generations could have a better living environment.

This work has been going on for more than ten years, and many people have devoted themselves to this cause. Most of these people do not ask for anything in return, and even lose their wealth, but they have no regrets.

To be honest, Bruce Banner helped a lot here, but that's all, he just made it easier for these trees to survive.

However, now that the desert has turned into a forest, the people who have contributed the most are still those ordinary people. They work around the clock to take care of the trees. This is the main reason.


Hearing this, Tony fell silent.

This is really not a problem that money can solve.

Although the wages are high enough, there will be people who will do it, but how many people can persist in such a boring job of planting trees in the desert?

Labor will be the biggest expense in the future.

"It's just that I still want to try."

It sounds difficult, but Tony is still ready to give it a try.

"Okay, by the way, what did you come to see me for?"

Bruce Banner shook his head, looking at Tony curiously.

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