Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 298: The First Avenger

Although America claims to be free of speech, it is a complete joke here. Even if many people post the pictures they took on the Internet, it is impossible for others to see them. Down, no one can see at all,

In short, most people in other countries around the world don't know that the victory in this war is mainly due to the Chinese Space Force...

And America, in order to build up its glorious and upright image, this time the victory in the war was credited to the so-called "Avengers" of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Avengers were also known at this moment.

Captain America Rogers, Black widow Natasha Romanoff, Hawkeye Barton, Crossbones Rumlow, definitely, and Iron Man Tony Stark.

These five were hyped by America as the original Avengers.

Definitely, in this case, Captain America didn't kill a few aliens at all, but it didn't prevent him from becoming the c-person in charge of America's publicity. Compared with his name is "Captain America", it is easy to publicize Captain America's achievements. It is to highlight the role of their America.

Even, Captain America didn't save a few people, but America was able to find these people, and asked repeatedly how powerful Captain America was, and how to protect ordinary people like them in times of crisis.

In short, when the aliens attacked on a large scale, Captain America saved the people from the fire and water with a mortal body, and was forcibly pushed to the altar by S.H.I.E.L.D.

After saving dozens of people, he was dubbed the title of savior, which is what America can do.

As for the thousands of ordinary people who died in this war, America really doesn't talk about it.

I just don't know what kind of expression Captain America had when he saw the news.

However, no matter how angry Captain America protested, it was useless. Don't look at him being called "Captain America", but he was actually just an actor pushed by America to the stage. Today, he can be made a savior. It can discredit him, which is just a common method for America.

The armor of Hawkeye and Black widow has recorded a lot of videos of killing aliens. Anyway, it is also used by America and S.H.I.E.L.D to make a fuss, bragging about how brave America is and how bravely it kills the enemy.

How many enemies died in their hands, but they kept silent about the contribution of the Space Force, let alone the fact that their American army and S.H.I.E.L.D directly abandoned ordinary people and ran away.

Even if the surviving people in America with a conscience tell the truth at that time, they will be banned soon. On the Internet, as long as any keywords about Huaguo appear, they will be directly erased and the flow will be restricted, so that the news will not be heard at all. may spread.

In terms of Internet control, S.H.I.E.L.D is really powerful.

Although Huaguo has the ability to easily let them show their true colors, but at this moment, Huaguo doesn't bother to do so at all. Huaguo is busy recruiting private forces to open up space. How can I have time to play house with you?

But it was the person who arranged for the Spear Bureau to find trouble with S.H.I.E.L.D. After all, in today's Huaguo, it is not just a "misfired missile" that can be prevaricated.

Do you think Ah San can't do it? Missiles can be misoperated and fly around?

If there is trouble, just make trouble. After all, the matter of America launching a nuclear bomb at the Space Force cannot be ignored.

Chen Mu was not involved in matters at the national level. He returned to his studio and prepared to start researching the various spaceships left by Chitauri.

That's right, since the nuclear bomb did not explode, it is naturally impossible for Huaguo to leave these good things to America. After the war, several wreckages of the alien spacecraft were also taken away by the Space Force, leaving only some of Chitauri's Rubbish individual weapons, these things, to be honest, Hua Guo doesn't look down on them at all.

Most of these spacecraft wreckages were basically sent to Chen Mu's industrial park, and Chen Mu was asked to study them.

Definitely, does Chen Mu need research?

Just use the Ability of the system to analyze it.

"It has never been discovered that the wreckage of technological products cannot be perfectly analyzed. The analyzed technology is also a defective version, and the technological breakthrough is only to restore it to the way it was when it was completed, and it cannot go further. .”

After analyzing several Chitauri's spaceships and making technological breakthroughs, it turned out that even after the technological breakthroughs, they would at most reach the level of no damage.

This made Chen Mu not help but worry. In the future, to obtain technology, he still needs to analyze it when it is intact, not after it is destroyed.

Just like in the past, analyzing the ability of the green titan did not directly kill Hulk. Otherwise, the analyzed green titan technology is definitely not controllable. If Wang Wei and other soldiers are turned into Hulk, another Uncontrollable personality, and full of destructive desire, which is very embarrassing.

Fortunately, the technologies extracted from the wreckage of the spaceship this time are not originally too advanced. Most of the technologies are not even comparable to Asgard's spaceship technology, but some are very common in the universe. The technology, after being analyzed, will be of great help to the Chinese explorers who will explore the universe in the future.

Unlike Huaguo, which is in full swing and thriving, the outside world, especially America, is under a kind of gloom at the moment. These arrogant Americans are really unbearable. Their great country, The fact that it was invaded by aliens.

At the moment, in their Congress, a meeting is being held to discuss how America will develop in the next time and how to communicate with alien civilizations.

Definitely, there are still many trivial matters that need to be resolved in this meeting.

First of all, it was the matter of launching a nuclear bomb on New York. At that time, the Huaguo Space Force was in New York, which also led to their behavior in America, which was equivalent to declaring war on Huaguo. This matter must be handled properly, otherwise, their America will suffer. Can't walk around.

Hua Guo must be given an explanation for the launch of the nuclear bomb.

The people present were basically America's elites. They manipulated public opinion to keep ordinary people from knowing the truth. However, most of the Americans at the venue knew the ins and outs of the New York War.

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