In New Jersey, Tony Captain America and Black Widow, after a long drive, came to the Widow training camp. At this moment, the place is already empty, and I don't know how long it has been abandoned.

"It's impossible to have an ammunition depot next to the dormitory."

Familiar with the training camp, Captain America brought the two of them to an independent "arsenal", he said thoughtfully.

When he was training here, there was no such building, and besides it was the military dormitory, which was obviously unreasonable.

So, Captain America took the lead, pushed open the armory door, and walked in.

"There is an underground base here."

Tony wasn't interested in searching slowly, so he raised his hand, released a small drone, and started scanning the building, and soon found a secret door in the wall, where an elevator was hidden.

"The secret of HYDRA is hidden here."

Captain America nodded and walked in first.

Although Captain America has been hit hard recently, he is still very courageous. As Captain America, it is definitely a matter of course to take the lead.

"It seems that this place has indeed been abandoned for a long time."

Coming to the underground base, Black Widow looked at the countless outdated computer mainframes inside the base, and couldn't help sighing. In her opinion, these decades-old computer mainframes are covered with dust. one question.

"Someone has been here."

Captain America was very keen to find that in front of several monitors placed in front, there were several traces of dust being touched by people, so he couldn't help frowning and said: "Besides, it's still very new, be careful, there must be someone here!"

Captain America was startled, and looked around in anticipation, his eyes full of vigilance.

"Welcome the arrival of the three."

At this moment, those backward computer hosts started to run, and the monitor in front also lit up, and a human face displayed by data characters appeared on it.

"Who are you?"

Captain America looked at him suspiciously, and asked with a frown.

"Steve Rogers, born 1918; Natasha Romanoff Alenova Romanoff, born 1984; Tony Stark, born 1970."

The camera turned to the three people in turn, and the faces made of data on the screen spoke their names.

"Is this a video?"

Black widow Natasha Romanoff looked strange, not too surprised that the other party knew his name and birthday.

"I'm not a video recorder. As for the captain, you may not remember it. It was 1945, when you caught me."

The other party controlled the camera and looked at Captain America at the side. At the same time, another screen next to it also played a black and white photo. It was a man with glasses.

"Dr. Zola, a German scientist working under Red Skull."

Looking at the photo, Captain America finally remembered who the other party was.

"You should have been dead for many years."

No, after all, he was a character from World War II, and it was impossible for him to live for such a long time. Captain America was naturally very puzzled by this.

"First of all, I'm Swiss, and besides, I'm not dead, look around, I'm alive and well, you're in my body right now!"

Hearing this, several people looked around curiously, except for a large number of old computers in operation, they couldn't see anything at all.

"You transformed your consciousness into a data life?"

Seeing this, Tony suddenly came back to his senses, knowing what happened, and looked at Dr. Zola in surprise.

It is amazing to resolutely give up the body and transform oneself into a data life.

"So, when I deciphered the insight plan before, it was you who blocked it."

Tony looked at Dr. Zola with calm eyes, and continued: "You are the intelligent program of HYDRA. I came here to find you, to find some evidence."

As the intelligent program of HYDRA, there must be something he wanted to find here, the truth about the death of his father, Howard Stark!

What he needs is evidence, what Chen Mu said, the video captured by surveillance!

Howard died at the hands of HYDRA, and Dr. Zola had this piece of data backed up, so it is definitely a matter of course.

Tony came here to find the intelligent program of HYDRA. He wanted to find the video from it. He doesn't care about the data world at all!

What Tony cares about is being able to find what he wants, that segment, the video that Shen Mu said.

"Forget it, these are not important. I came here just to find the truth. Tell me, who killed my father, Howard Stark? What happened on that day in December 1992?"

Tony looked at Dr. Zola on the screen expressionlessly, and asked in a cold tone.

Since the other party has his own intelligence, Tony doesn't want to spend any more effort to crack his program, so he plans to ask directly.

"In December 1992, the Winter Soldier was assigned by Pierce to kill the Howard Starks."

I don't know why, but Dr. Zola had no intention of hiding anything, and said this matter without any hesitation.

But it's no wonder that S.H.I.E.L.D didn't investigate this matter, because this matter was planned by SHIELD Director Pierce from beginning to end.

At the same time, on the black and white screen next to it, a video was played, which was the video of Howard Stark's death on the day.

This video does not only exist in the HYDRA base in Siberia, it is also preserved in Dr. Zola's calculator.

On the quiet road, a car was driving slowly, Tony recognized that it was his father Howard's car.

At this time, a motorcycle chased up from behind. The rider covered his face, but the scattered hair and the silver-white metal arm that caught the eye made him instantly recognizable.

"Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, transformed by HYDRA, possesses great strength and is one of the most powerful fighters in the HYDRA organization."

While the surveillance video was playing, Dr. Zola also gave an intimate explanation.

"Howard Stark may have realized the existence of HYDRA, so Pierce gave the order to destroy him without any hesitation. After finding the opportunity, the Winter Soldier easily killed him."

Tony looked into the screen expressionlessly, Bucky killed his parents fiercely without any hesitation, he didn't speak, but the anger at the moment was accumulating crazily.

He didn't speak, didn't show any expression, but this was the calm before the storm.

The revenge of killing his father is irreconcilable. At this moment, the real evidence has been placed in front of Tony.

His biological parents were indeed dead in Bucky's hands.

ps, Tony and Captain America completely fell apart, and the plot of Captain America3 can also be directly connected.

This civil war will also be accompanied by the disintegration of America.

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