"Hoo hoo..."

The wind howled, and in the sky above the vast snow-capped mountains, a few umbrella flowers fluttered with the wind.


The spitter who jumped first was screaming in horror.

He believed in Deadpool's evil. He had never jumped out of a parachute, thinking that skydiving was a very simple thing.

After all, he is a Mutant, and even ordinary people can easily control a parachute. Could it be that his "powerful" Mutant can't complete this simple operation?

But when he was actually doing the actual operation, he was stunned. The strong wind on the snow mountain easily blew him around, and he couldn't control the parachute at all.

That guy from Deadpool did teach them how to operate, but he didn't teach them how to operate in special situations and emergency situations!

So, poor him, he was dizzy by the strong wind, and his stomach was overwhelmed, drifting with the wind.

"Get out of the way!"

Broken Xing also flew over at this time, he was much stronger than the sour saliva, after all, he was an alien, and his physique was indeed much stronger, barely able to control the parachute.

Seeing the strong acid saliva floating over, I was upset for a while, and then pulled out Katana from behind, cut off the opponent's parachute, and then grabbed it, and successfully rescued my comrade in the air.

"The operation of the parachute is very simple, you only need to have enough power."

Broken Star pulled his comrades back with a look of arrogance.

I have to say that his operation just now is really powerful, much better than Captain America in any movie.

"Thank you, thank you."

Spitter held back his smile, looked at Broken Star so close at hand, and thought of two big men hugging each other tightly on a parachute...

Coupled with the dizziness just now, his stomach churned for a while, and he couldn't control it in the end.


All of a sudden, the spitter vomited, and a large pile of highly corrosive vomit vomited on Broken Star's face.


This time, Broken Star let out a scream like a pig being slaughtered. The strong sulfuric acid easily corroded his face to pieces, and the bones were visible, which was extremely terrifying.

Under the severe pain, Broken Star suddenly pulled out Katana, cut the spitter in half, and kicked it down.

I have to say, as expected of an alien, Broken Star's physique is quite strong. He didn't die, but he was close to death. The parachute that lost control rolled up in the sky, and it seemed that he was not far from death. up...

Next came the noise. This black man using Controlling Magnetic Field Ability, perhaps because of his weight, landed faster and approached the ground without any risk.

"Ooooh, no, don't!"

But, poor Huo Xiao, it seems that he didn't choose a good place to land. Below him, there are ice thorns, sharp ice cones, and the cold light.

Then, Huo Xiao watched as he fell straight down, without any possibility of avoiding it.


The screams stopped abruptly, and the spikes directly pierced his heart...

Killing the piercing from bottom to top, it can be said that the death looks miserable.


Then, on the side of the hustle and bustle, there was a crisp sound, and a human-shaped depression appeared beside him. Then, blood gradually appeared, and a figure slowly emerged from it.

Well, it was the Invisible Man, the Vanishing Man, and now he finally saw his true colors.

The appearance of death was so miserable that they were all flattened.

But what's interesting is that he is also wearing a combat uniform at the moment, that is to say, his "disappearance" ability can also make the clothes invisible with him, at least he doesn't have to take off his clothes before going invisible.

"Ha, haha, I succeeded!"

Unexpectedly, Pete, who is an ordinary person, fell to the ground without any risk. He shouted excitedly, tears welling up in his eyes.

I really lost my mind, and actually joined Deadpool's team, this is simply a group of psychopaths!

"Hey, be careful!"

At this time, Domino, who also landed safely, shouted at Pete.


Pete looked puzzled and asked strangely.

Then, the next moment, a figure descended from the sky, it was the spitter that was split in half by the Broken Star.

His body, with the mess in his stomach, fell on Pete's head.

Poor him, he didn't even utter a scream, so he took the lunch box directly, and even the corpse was melted into an indescribable lump by the stomach acid.

"Oh, my x agent team..."

Deadpool also landed at this time, speaking in an unbelievable tone full of bewilderment.

This is really, quite sad!

"Don't worry, we still have elites!"

Deadpool coughed lightly, and said to the readers outside the screen: "We still have a powerful Broken Star, although there is a small accident and injury, but the problem is not serious..."

Before the words were finished, Broken Star finally couldn't bear the acid saliva from spitter, his head melted directly, turned into a corpse, and was blown by the wind with the parachute...

"Forget it, they were all fired by the x agent team. Our team, from the beginning to the end, is just me and Domino!"

Very good, so in this way, the x agent team landed this time, and there was no downsizing at all. Those who died tragically were all insignificant passers-by. I, Deadpool, are simply witty!

"Let's go, Domino, let's go to the prison and rescue Russell!"

Deadpool didn't care about other people's funerals, he patted his butt, untied the parachute, and said to Domino, and the two walked towards the prison not far away.


"This group of people is really speechless..."

Chen Mu, who also came out of the cabin and was floating in the space, watched all this happen, feeling a little unbelievable.

"This is Deadpool's x agent team, how should I put it? You die before you are born!"

Xu Jia was also a little dumbfounded. She had never seen such an outrageous team, and she was shocked.

"There's no x-agent team, it's just a free team formed by Deadpool."

Before the war started, there were many dead, and there was no one but Deadpool.

"It turns out how unreliable online jobs are. Look at this team in Deadpool. This is a trap!"

No, the job advertisement posted by Deadpool on the Internet talked about high salaries, freedom, and promised five insurances and one housing fund. Well, the first team building failed, and everyone’s salary was saved!

As expected of Deadpool, it's awesome!

"Well, it seems that after we go back, we will also rectify the online recruitment industry. We will carefully review the recruiters, and don't appear such scammers as Deadpool."

With black lines on Xu Jia's face, he complained.

"If you don't have money, forget it, don't put your life on it, it's not worth it!"

Isn't that right, if you are tricked into working for nothing, you can't get a salary, at least you can survive. If you meet someone like Deadpool, wouldn't you even risk your life?

Be cautious when looking for a job, don't be tricked by others and even give you your kidneys and your life, it's not worth it.

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