Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 404 Revising The Past

"Then let's all go."

Chen Mu said calmly, mobilized the power of Time Gem, and opened a portal across the multi-universe in front of him.

The portal that can cross dimensions is Kamar-Taj's unique magic. It already has the ability to cross the multi-universe. As long as you know the coordinates of the opposite side and your strength allows, you can directly open the teleportation through the multi-universe Door.

For the current Chen Mu, this is simply not too simple, and there is no need to summon the multi-universe mirror image.

A portal across the multi-universe opened in front of everyone.

Opposite the door of the supermarket. It was Cable, who was sitting on a sofa with a silent face at the moment.

This is a very messy room, with scorched marks everywhere in it. It was obvious that it had been attacked by a strong flame. Everything in the room was burned to ashes, and even at this moment, it still smelled of burning.

"Is this the place?"

Came to a new world again, Chen Mu looked around, looked around, and his eyes fell on the cable. In front of him, there were two charred corpses hugging each other on the ground.

It is conceivable how they are full of fear and helplessness when facing death.

"This is my family."

Cable was talking dully. At this time, even Deadpool, who likes to complain, didn't say much, but chose to remain silent.

"Even if Russell was killed, none of my family members could be resurrected."

Cable seemed very disappointed. When he traveled back to the time point when he left, he found that the bodies of his wife and daughter hadn't changed in any way, which made him feel ashamed.

Don't look at Cable's stay in Deadpool's world, that is, the past time, for so many days, but for this world, it is just a moment.

"There are two types of time travel, one is like you before, your own time travels to the previous time, in fact, in that world, there are two you at the same time, so your behavior just makes that world more It’s just a different timeline, your world and the world you traveled through are actually two worlds, any of your actions will naturally not affect the other world.”

Looking at the lost cable, Chen Mu continued, "So even if you kill Russell, it won't have much impact on this world."

"And there is another way to travel through time, and that is to travel to people in the past."

Glancing at the dead body on the ground, Chen Mu continued to the TV: "This kind of time travel is equivalent to sending your consciousness and your memory back to the past, for example, two days before your wife was injured, you There is enough time to change this ending, and this behavior will also create a new time branch, but it can have an impact on the future."

In short, according to the theory of multi-universe, as long as anyone has different choices, he will always create a brand new world, so there are countless multi-universes.

"Then what should I do?"

Cable raised his head and looked at Chen Mu, he asked: "Should I travel back to a few days ago to stop Russell's actions? But now I am not Russell's opponent at all."

That's why Cable didn't choose to travel across, on the day or two days before Russell's murder, to find trouble with him.

Because Russell at this time has already developed, and his combat power is much stronger than him, and because Russell is a Mutant, there is no way for Cable to defeat Russell.

Otherwise, why did you go to Russell when he was a child?

According to his words, the longer the travel time, the more uncontrollable factors will be, so why didn't he travel to two days ago before his wife and daughter were killed? Wouldn't it be easier to control that way?

Isn't it because you can't beat it, and then you want to find trouble with Russell when you were a child?

"Ahem, so it's because you can't beat him that you go over there to find soft persimmons to pinch?"

At this time, Deadpool looked at the cable with a speechless face, and said angrily: "If I were you, then I would travel to the day when Russell did it, and kill him with my own hands!"

"Hmph, to put it simply, Russell is already a level 4 mutant at this time, and few people can threaten him."

Level 4 Mutant, it's not something that a simple special soldier can deal with.

The so-called fourth-level Mutant, Magneto, and Professor X belong to this level.

So, after hearing Russell's rating, Deadpool shut up anyway.

Uh, I really can't afford it.

"However, I don't see how this fellow Russell can become a fourth-level Mutant in the end?"

Deadpool changed the subject, and said with a displeased face: "However, for daring to massacre ordinary people, it really deserves death!"

The Russell of this world is not a minor, and it is naturally impossible for Deadpool to stand by his side.

"So, what can you do?"

Cable looked at Chen Mu, who might be his last hope.

"This is actually not a difficult task for me."

Chen Mu nodded and said: "I can directly travel to the time node of this world to prevent Russell from hurting your family, so that the ending can be changed."

And because of Chen Mu's particularity, his disruption of the timeline of a world will not have too much impact, and even the new timeline will not survive.

In addition, two days have not passed since Russell hurt Deng Suo's family, so even if Chen Mu traveled through time and changed the past, it would not have much impact.

And this is also the purpose of Chen Mu, he wants to try, whether what the observer Yuatu said is true, his actions will not create a new timeline, a new multi-universe.

He will not try in the world he is already familiar with, and he came here just to verify this.

Chen Mu is also very worried. In the future, another "Chen Mu" will appear in front of her. How should she deal with herself?

Definitely, if what Yuatu said is true and he is unique, then he doesn't have to worry about this problem.

"Really?" Cable's eyes lit up, he looked at Chen Mu, and said beseechingly: "I can pay any price, as long as you can save my family."

"That must be true, he is Doctor Fantastic Art, in the comics, he is the omnipotent Sorcerer Supreme!"

At this time, Deadpool interjected again, and he actually wanted to see if Chen Mu could really save Cable's family, because if he could, it would mean that Chen Mu could bring his Vanessa back. Rescue me.

This is why Deadpool has been by Chen Mu's side.

"How many times have I said that I am from Huaguo, not the Doctor Strange you mentioned."

Chen Mu has already been unable to complain, is Deadpool doing it on purpose?

"Hey, the Ancient One magician in the comics is still from Huaguo, so what's wrong with Doctor Strange being from Huaguo?"

Deadpool extended his middle finger and said, "The female Ancient One magician in the movie is a pirated version, right?"


What you said seemed to make sense, but I was speechless.

Chen Mu remained silent, took out the Time Gem, and began to check the time node of this world. Soon, he found that two days ago, he directly used the gem's Ability to travel.

The green light was lingering, and under everyone's surprised eyes, the room was completely new, without any previous damage, and the two corpses that were still on the floor before disappeared out of thin air.

Chen Mu used the Time Gem to travel through time and successfully modified the past.

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