Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 423 Hundreds Of Thousands Of Magicians

"Ahem, it turns out to be the famous Doctor Strange, I've been looking forward to it for a long time!"

Seeing the two Doctor Strange talking, ignoring himself, how could a social bully like Deadpool bear it? He glanced at the newly appeared Doctor Strange, and prepared to repeat his old tricks, going up to continue flattering.

"Doctor Strange, I'm your fan, I like watching your movies the most, especially the special effects in your movies, it's amazing!"

What he said seemed to be familiar, Deadpool continued to slap his horse: "You are the hero who saves the world, I know, you are the hero who saves the world! Your magic is the strongest, it is simply unmatched and omnipotent !"

Deadpool continued to flatter, but Doctor Strange ignored him, but looked at the black Doctor Strange, frowning and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Sorry, I got excited."

Black Doctor Strange sighed, and said: "I don't know about other worlds, but if you continue to delve into black magic, one day, you will fall into darkness like me, and at that time, you will also fall into darkness." Like me too, losing everything, your beloved Christine."


Hearing this, Deadpool on the other side was dumbfounded. Well, it seems that this new Doctor Strange is also researching black magic, so one day, he will also become a dark Doctor Strange?

Deadpool didn't want to talk anymore, it seemed that he would never be able to continue flattering in the future, he was the one who was embarrassed!

"In the face of mighty Thanos, I have no choice."

Doctor Strange's face darkened, and he said in a heavy tone.

That's right, Doctor Strange in this world also began to learn dark magic and the art of dream walking, trying to find a way to defeat Thanos' army.

In order to be able to win, he can make any attempt.

Definitely, Doctor Strange's actions were carried out without telling the other heroes, otherwise, they would definitely be stopped by those sanctimonious people.

However, for the dark Doctor Strange, this can be seen at a glance. This Doctor Strange has also embarked on the road of no return for dark magic.

Indeed, facing the threat from Thanos on the earth today, the heroes on the earth can be said to be helpless.

If it wasn't for him, Doctor Strange and Iron Man, to find a way to connect the multi-universe, they would only bet on the one-in-a-million chance.

"No, you have a choice, because here we are."

Chen Mu stepped forward at this time, looked at Doctor Strange in front of him, and said confidently: "In your eyes, the invincible Thanos is not a problem for me."

"Who are you?"

Doctor Strange frowned, looked at Chen Mu, and said, "I can also feel the breath of Eye of Agamotto from your body, are you also the Sorcerer Supreme of which world?"

Speaking of which, in the current No. 3 universe, at the same time, three Time Gems appeared.

The dark Doctor Strange has one, the native Doctor Strange has one, and Chen Mu also has one.

There is an inexplicable connection between Infinite Gems, which can attract each other, let alone the same Infinite Gems.

"No, I'm not Sorcerer Supreme. In my world, Ancient One hasn't retired yet."

Chen Mu shrugged and said so.

He doesn't want to be Doctor Strange, and he doesn't want to take on the responsibility of protecting the world.

In Chen Mu's view, what he needs to protect is his own motherland, which is enough.

People in other countries, except those who have friendship with themselves, other people, what does life and death have to do with themselves?

Chen Mu has never been a saint, he only cares about his own people.

"Ancient One magician, is she alright?"

Hearing Chen Mu's words, both Doctor Strange sighed. In their respective worlds, the Ancient One magician was "dead", and the Ancient One magician made Doctor Strange today through his own death.

"It's not bad. At least the Ancient One magicians in the two worlds I know have established magic schools and are now dedicated to teaching students. Under their hands, there are now hundreds of thousands of powerful magicians who have graduated."

When Chen Mu said so, the eyes of the two Doctor Strange widened in disbelief.

Hundreds of thousands? A mighty magician?

When did magician become so worthless?

Didn't it mean that people with magician ability are basically one in a hundred?

Coupled with the prevalence of science now, where are so many people willing to learn magic?

Even if you want to learn, are you sure that these people must have the ability to learn magic?

Look at Kamar-Taj, over the years, how many truly powerful magicians have there been?

There are very few who can be called a "master".

"In universe zero and universe one, the Ancient One magicians of the two worlds have established magic schools in Huaguo, recruiting young people of the right age to learn magic on a large scale. Now a few years have passed, and a group of powerful magicians have graduated magician."

The magic school in Huaguo is a serious magic school. It not only teaches the spells of Kamar-Taj, but also learns spells from other worlds in the Nine Realms. Every student who studies in it is unimaginably powerful. .

"Anyway, in our world, although Wang Magician is a teacher, he basically can't beat those students."

King magician exists in these two worlds, and his strength is indeed the mainstay of Kamar-Taj. Among the magicians, he is very powerful.

And such a magician, in Huaguo, can't even defeat a group of students who have just dabbled in magic...

"Anyway, in my opinion, if you don't use the Time Gem, you can basically beat you."

Chen Mu bluntly said that most of Doctor Strange's strength is actually in Time Gem, so if we just talk about magic, Doctor Strange may not be able to beat the students in Huaguo School of Magic.

"This is really..."

Doctor Strange in the third world couldn't help but took a deep breath and said, "So, this is your world, the solution to future crises?"

Doctor Strange took a deep breath. After hearing Chen Mu's words, he couldn't help thinking, if there were so many magicians in his own world, wouldn't Thanos and Dormammu all come to deliver food?

"That's right, Thanos, as you said, is nothing in our world."

Isn't it true that Thanos dared to invade with Huaguo's powerful strength?

That's not called intrusion, that's called food delivery!

"I'm really envious."

Doctor Strange has an envious look on his face, it's not a lie, if their world can be like what Chen Mu said...

Wait, since Chen Mu is able to come, does that mean that the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of magician troops he mentioned can also come?

Does this mean that if Chen Mu and their world are willing to help, Thanos or something is here to be funny?

"That's why I'm here."

Chen Mu saw what Doctor Strange was thinking, and said with a smile: "I will build a permanent portal in this world, so that people in the two worlds can communicate without any obstacles."

"The premise is that it can only be used in Huaguo, and only Huaguo people can use it!"

At this time, Deadpool on the side said proudly.

What is it called? This is called conversion certificate fanaticism. In order to obtain Huaguo status, Deadpool lost all his morals!

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