Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 461 The War Is Coming

The Storm Crimson appeared on the stage with unparalleled power and momentum. It was originally the mecha with the strongest melee ability, but now it has been transformed by Chen Mu, and it has become even more different.

The current mecha is controlled by one person, and it is even more flexible. In addition, Wei Hu's own fighting ability is already strong. Under his control, Baofeng Chihong assumed a martial arts posture and rushed towards the two monsters.

In the movie, the three Wei brothers couldn't beat Baker, and they lost a lot in fighting. During the battle, Wei Hu controlled the reborn Storm Crimson, and faced the two monsters flexibly, appearing to be able to do a job with ease.

In addition, the leatherback turtle was hit hard by the storm red when it appeared on the stage, so soon, the storm red hit the two monsters with explosive hammers, changing the previous decline.

"Cool, kill them!"

This scene was broadcast to the command center in real time, and everyone cheered.

In any case, the mecha represents human beings, and defeating monsters is victory.

"Is it possible for a single person to operate a mecha?"

General Pant looked at Chen Mu, who was expressionless, and the two Wei brothers who were eager to try, and couldn't help raising his brows, looked at Chen Mu, and asked, "So, is this the latest technology of Huaguo? If we master this technology, we will be able to create more mechs to protect the earth."

"Oh, that's true, but do you have money?"

Chen Mu glanced at General Pante and said, "As for the few mechas in the hunter plan, you probably don't have the money to continue maintaining them, right?"

If it weren't for Hua Guo being so talkative and continuing to provide bases for the Hunter Project, General Pant would have packed up and left long ago. Just like that, he still wanted to continue to modify the mecha so that the mecha could be controlled by one person.

This is simply nonsense.


Swearing does not reveal faults, you are poking people where they hurt!

For Chen Mu's outspokenness, General Pant looked displeased, but he couldn't refute it. After all, it was true, and the hunter plan simply had no money to continue.

"The Eureka Raiders and Cherno Alpha are badly damaged, and repairs will cost a fortune."

The words of another researcher on the side dealt another heavy blow to General Pante.

Now the biggest problem of the Mech Hunter Project is money, but fortunately, because the virus destroyed the Wall of Life in Australia before, let the countries resume the plan of the Hunter Mecha and slowly start appropriating funds, otherwise, he really All I could do was stare blankly.

"Any act of intrusion into the airspace and territorial waters of China's territory will be regarded as a provocation."

Chen Mu said quietly, and on the other side, Baofeng Chihong also fulfilled his words. Under his iron fist, the two monsters were beaten so that they couldn't find their way.

Not to mention anything else, the difference in tonnage alone is unimaginably huge.

With similar body size, Storm Crimson uses a large amount of high level alloy, its density is basically the density of metal, and the two monsters, IMHO, the density is calculated in front of Storm Crimson, it really becomes a "foam monster" .

The monsters that were unable to compete with the previous few were quickly torn apart under the offensive of the storm red. The spine-backed turtle, known for its defensive power, was directly screwed off by the storm red, and the head and tail stood up. The rat's long tail was also torn off by hand.

The battle came and went quickly, and within a few minutes, the monster was already lying down.

"I said that any act that dares to invade the territory of Huaguo will pay a price."

Seeing this, Chen Mu nodded in satisfaction. Although he did not use all kinds of weapons he installed in the battle of Storm Scarlet, but prefers fist-to-flesh melee combat, the result still satisfied him. The screen is also very intimidating.

"Mr. Chen Mu, I implore you to help the base to modify other mechs."

Seeing this, General Pant naturally couldn't sit still, looked at Chen Mu at the side, and said very sincerely.

Unlike Nick Fury, he did not stand on the ground of righteousness, pointing fingers from the moral high ground, and kept his mouth shut for the sake of human beings. General Pant was still very sincere.

"If the other mechs also have the ability of the current storm crimson, we can blow up the seabed crossing according to the original plan, so that we can completely end this war."

This is General Pante's recent plan. Now there are only four mechas left, and there is no new appropriation for the construction of mechas. We can only rely on these mechas to break the boat. This is the last chance. Only by blowing it up can the threat of monsters be resolved once and for all.

"It's useless, the crossing has a genetic recognition function, and our mechs can't get through it at all."

At this time, Newt said with some distress: "I see from the monster's memory that the passageway is a passage made by the prophet. Only the correct secret can pass through this passageway, and this secret is the monster's gene. .”

"Isn't there two ready-made corpses? We can stuff the nuclear bomb into the monster's body and send it into the entrance."

General Pant looked at the big screen and said, the battle is now over. The three mechas that were dispatched earlier are all seriously injured and need to be returned to the factory for overhaul. That's why he thought about it and hoped that Chen Mu could help.

"However, it is certainly impossible for the crossing to be without any defensive measures."

Newt looked down, expressing concern.

"Heh, after blowing up a portal, you can guarantee that aliens won't open another portal?"

Chen Mu looked at General Pante amusedly, and said, "I know you want to protect the earth, but don't you think it's a little naive and ridiculous to blow up this crossing to end the war?"

But no, since the Pioneer can create a crossing, it can naturally create a second and a third, so even if the crossing is blown up, it will be useless to the war.

"Also, I'm not interested in helping you upgrade those toys."

Chen Mu glanced at the screen, and the mechas who were carried back to the base by Baofeng Chihong looked disgusted.

The reason why I helped Baofeng Chihong to upgrade was because this is a mecha belonging to Huaguo, Chen Mu naturally wanted to make it shine, but other mechas?

Why help them transform?

Just a bunch of big figures.

"So, what should we do in this war?"

General Pan Te smiled wryly, he really had nothing to do with Chen Mu's reluctance.

"It's very simple, call back."

Chen Mu said blankly: "The 'pioneer' of the alien civilization invaded the territorial waters of China. This is an act of war and will definitely be retaliated by China."

Even though Huaguo in this world is still in the "investigation period" of the multicultural China, it is still a member of our Huaguo. How can we watch the pioneers invade our Huaguo and remain indifferent?

The war between mechs and monsters is just a small fight, the real war is coming.

The pioneer of this alien civilization will definitely pay the price for its invasion of the territorial waters of Huaguo!

ps, mechs vs. monsters are just a small fight, the interstellar war is about to start...

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