Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 497: Reincarnation Squad

"Xiao Chen, do we have any mission?"

After the team was assembled, a group of people was in the temporary space station in space. Mou Gang looked at Chen Mu in front of him curiously.

As the person who introduced himself to the official line at the beginning, Mou Gang's current position is quite high, but in private, he is still a friend of Chen Mu's father.

"That's right, I'm going to temporarily form a team and go to a world to perform missions."

The few people present were Chen Mu, Dark Doctor Strange, Mou Gang, and some of Mou Gang's friends in the army. These were the "Reincarnation Squad" that Chen Mu was going to take to explore the zombie universe.

Mou Gang, Chen Mu's Uncle, now also relies on this relationship to get a lot of benefits, and his combat power is also very strong. He has carried out "Heavenly General" strengthening, and now he is also a heavenly general.

Chu Xuan, a clerk in Mou Gang's office, heard that his IQ is superb, and now he has done some strengthening, and has a very outstanding ability to magic. Now his magic cultivation is also strong enough to be comparable to Sorcerer Supreme, although compared to Ancient One may be even worse, but it is also stronger than many Sorcerer Supremes in the past.

In fact, in today's Huaguo, many magicians, after systematic magic learning, have steadily surpassed many Sorcerer Supremes in the past. Powerful magicians like Chu Xuan are not there. few.

Wang Renjia, nicknamed Wang Xia, is an expert in the army and has a strong combat power. He especially likes to turn into a green titan to fight against others. His physical strength has been exercised to an unbelievable level.

Zhang Jie, a rookie who just joined the army recently, but I heard that his ability is very good, and he is specially recruited. He is said to be very good at piloting mechs and fighter planes.

These people are all people who have a good relationship with Mou Gang. Chen Mu found Mou Gang and asked him to gather some team members, which is the current group of people.

"A more dangerous world. This world is attacked by the zombie virus, and everyone has turned into zombies, including the compatriots in that world."

Chen Mu also felt a little regretful about this, but there was nothing he could do about it. The world had already been destroyed, and he had nothing he could do. Besides, in countless multi-universes, worlds were being destroyed all the time, and There is a world being born, and there is absolutely no need for him to be merciful for the destruction of a world.

What he can do is to research and explore, to understand how this world is destroyed, and to use this as a warning to let other worlds learn from it.

"Zombie virus? Doomsday?"

Hearing this, several soldiers present were also slightly disappointed.

"We went here this time to investigate clearly how the zombie virus broke out, and we must take precautions to avoid such tragedies from happening in our world in the future."

Looking at the people present again, the eyes of the people brought by Mou Gang were full of fighting intent. In order to avoid such a thing from happening, and to save their compatriots from such a disaster, they did not hesitate.

"General Chen, give the order, we are willing to do any task."

Mou Gang glanced at the group of friends around him, looked at Chen Mu seriously, and even changed his address to a very formal "General".

"very good."

Seeing this, Chen Mu nodded in satisfaction. He can always trust the soldiers of his country.

"Before then, I will entrust your souls in this Soul Gem, and I will carry it with me, which will allow you to be reborn under any circumstances, even if you die."

Chen Mu took out the Soul Gem, which he snatched from Thanos. After he had thoroughly analyzed the Horcrux magic of Corvus Glaive, he planned to let all the warriors keep their souls in a safe place.

In the future, a "Main Temple" will be built in the Heavenly Court for the "Reincarnation" to go to different worlds to carry out tasks, and he is going to protect the souls of all the Reincarnators in a safe place, that is, inside the Heavenly Court.

Today, the Heavenly Court has not yet been established, but Chen Mu has chosen the object of sustenance for the soul.

That is naturally Soul Gem.

The Soul Gem already has the ability to preserve the soul. Now that Chen Mu has analyzed it, he has a very deep understanding of its structure. It is perfect to use this gem to preserve the souls of soldiers.

This gem was indeed born with some intelligence, but like a newborn child who was ignorant, Chen Mu easily obliterated it, making this gem a "best of gods".

That's right, this plan to save souls in the heaven is called "Conferred Gods List". As long as the souls of soldiers are written into the list of Conferred Gods, they will not die again in the future. This is the real meaning of "becoming a god" .

Today, the Heavenly Court has not yet been established, so the "Fengshen Bang" can only be temporarily placed on Chen Mu's body. After all, this is the safest place right now.

"But there is one thing. Putting your souls here with me means that I can decide your life and death at any time. If so, are you still willing?"

This is also a drawback of Corvus Glaive's horcrux magic. If the soul sustenance is damaged, he will be injured accordingly. If it is completely destroyed, it will directly lead to his death.

And this point, when putting the soul in the list of gods, there will also be such problems.

"I have incorporated this soul-entrusting magic into Huaguo's magic education system. In the future, many people will use this magic. At that time, they can also find Horcruxes on their own, and they don't have to keep them with me. "

Soul Gem is only the sustenance of the souls of the reincarnated people in the main temple under the banner of Diversified Immortal Court. This is definitely the safest place in the future, but it is still the same sentence, some people are willing to find Horcruxes by themselves, which is not incomprehensible.

"Does the general represent the Heavenly Court?"

Before Mou Gang could speak, Chu Xuan beside him asked calmly, "When I joined the army, I already dedicated everything to the motherland and the nation. What's unacceptable?"

In fact, many people have seen Chen Mu's behavior all the time. Since it is for his own nation, what is unacceptable?

"Well, I will put it in the Heavenly Court in the future, and compatriots from all over the world will use it as a Horcrux, and everyone will protect it together."

"This will be the safest place, won't it?" Chu Xuan showed a smile, but no matter how you looked at it, it seemed that he had no emotion, which made people panic.

Mou Gang told Chen Mu before that Chu Xuan has insufficient secretion of various hormones in his body, and he seems to have no feeling, no emotion, and no expression, so he didn't care.

"Since this is the case, if you can let yourself have Regenerative Healing Factor, why should you refuse?"

Chu Xuan said calmly, but he was very sure.

"That's right, we will accept the orders of our superiors anyway, and it's also beneficial to us."

Wang Xia and Zhang Jie looked at each other and nodded without any hesitation.

"That's right, who would refuse such a good thing?" Mou Gang agreed with a face full of approval.

"Okay then, I'll cast the spell."

Chen Mu smiled, and also said seriously.

"What about me?" On the side, the dark Doctor Strange pointed to his nose and said, "I also want to have a name, so I won't be able to die in the future..."


Chen Mu glanced at the dark Doctor Strange, and asked, "Are you from Huaguo?"


Darkness Doctor Strange's face darkened, and he quickly asked, "Then how can one become a native of Huaguo?"


Now it's Chen Mu's turn to be speechless. By the way, why do you all want to join Huaguo so much?

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