The establishment of the Divine Spear Bureau has been put on the agenda. Chen Mu and Xu Jia returned to the park after some simple discussions with the bureau chief.

After returning to the park, Chen Mu did not see Zheng Xian again.

Today, since he has been given other more important responsibilities, he naturally has no time. He continues to stay in the park because of his hobbies, researching armor and learning these technologies.

This time, there were not a few researchers and soldiers who left the park. It was obvious that these people had been strictly screened from the very beginning.

If I leave this time, I am afraid that I will go directly to become a member of the Divine Spear Bureau.

So it is very possible that the Spear Bureau was planned to be established a long time ago, and this time Nick Fury came to the door, it was just an opportunity.

It seems that the military, represented by soldiers like them, has long been dissatisfied with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Even without the appearance of Chen Mu, the Spear Bureau would have been established, but the appearance of Chen Mu accelerated the speed.

"The Spear Bureau is established, will you join?"

Back in his office, Chen Mu looked curiously at Xu Jia and asked.

"My task is to be the general manager of Xiaomu Technology until Xiaomu Technology is no longer needed."

Xu Jia said flatly: "Besides, you will also be a very important existence in the Shenspear Bureau after this. Technical consultants also need bodyguards. Without instructions from superiors, I will always be your bodyguard."

"What do you mean until I don't need it?"

Chen Mu was a little curious, but he didn't continue to dwell on this question.

"But then again, our country pays Nick Fury and his division billions of dollars every year?"

For this point, Chen Mu is still somewhat curious.

"Hmph, these shameless guys say they are organizations under the United Nations, but in fact they have never contributed to the United Nations. Even America hasn't paid any dues for several years in a row, but these guys are still completely working for America. work."

It is conceivable that S.H.I.E.L.D is originally an organization of the United States and is said to be an organization under the Security Council, but it is just for others to hear.

In other words, the United Nations, an organization, has long since changed its nature, and has quietly become a puppet of America.

"The United Nations has been unfair for a long time. It can be seen from the wars launched by the United States these few times. Although the United Nations will issue condemnations, it is nothing more than that. It’s just America’s puppet, and with one veto, America has three votes.”

As members of NATO, Britain, France and the United States are all in collusion.

This is to wear a pair of trousers. The significance of the existence of Britain and France as permanent members is only for the United States. When it is inconvenient to vote veto, let them vote.

"In the United Nations, the pressure on our country is actually very high. As a developing country, we are the only ones who really speak out for some backward countries, and this is far from enough."

Speaking of this, Xu Jia felt a little sad. The leader of this world is still the Western world.

Just like America, if they insist on invading other countries, even if our country votes against it, they can ignore it completely and find some unfounded excuses to launch attacks brazenly.

If you want to add a crime, you have no words.

In addition, America basically controls the entire external network, and when the propaganda machine is fully activated, black people can also be called white by them.

Under its propaganda, those countries in the Middle East have all become terrorist countries.

Even ordinary people have become what they call "terrorists."

However, the massacre of civilians by the US military was covered up by them, and there was no trace of clues on the Internet.

And all of this may be done by S.H.I.E.L.D.

They completely have this ability to completely cover up these things.

This is the power of public opinion. Fortunately, our country is very wise and established the Green Dam a long time ago. Otherwise, under the instigation of its propaganda machine, the younger generation of our country would not know what kind of disaster it will be.

Look at the island province where Chen Mu was originally from. Their young people have been brainwashed, and you can often see them make some ridiculous remarks.

Like a frog in a well.

This is the influence of public opinion on young people. What they have been exposed to since they are sensible are lies, and they grow up with these lies, which makes them believe in it.

What is clearly a lie is regarded as the truth by them.

It is hard to imagine what the young people of today would be like if my country had not established a green dam of the Internet.

I'm afraid it's similar to those young people in our island province.

"That's all going to change."

Chen Mu was silent for a while, and then said firmly.

In his eyes, there seemed to be a ray of light. Since he came to this world, if he didn't change the world, wouldn't it be in vain?

"Quickly produce the armors. I hope to produce all the remaining armors today. When Zheng Xian comes over tomorrow, I must be able to deliver all the armors to him." Chen Mu waved his hand and did not continue Stuck on this issue.

At this moment, he is learning various technologies, and is preparing to integrate all the technologies obtained by the system first, so that he can develop new technologies by himself instead of relying entirely on the system.

The system is very powerful, but if Chen Mu wants to achieve real development, he must not rely entirely on it. The system is just a tool. If he wants to develop the country, he cannot rely on this tool alone.

Moreover, the Huaqiangbei system has a fatal weakness. It can only develop and break through the same technology once!

Not to mention other things, if Chen Mu wants the Qilin armor to be on the same level as Tony's steel battle suit, or even better, he must upgrade it himself!

If you rely solely on the system, then only Chen Mu can keep picking up the strengths of various schools of thought to upgrade the armor.

Fortunately, there are countless scientific researchers in our country. They will help Chen Mu to improve the new technology. Chen Mu himself is also able to master the knowledge obtained from the system, but it takes time, and Chen Mu needs to study these by himself. thing.

"Use up the gold-titanium alloy this time, and use ordinary steel to continue production."

In fact, the production of battle armor, materials have always been a big problem, but the biggest problem lies in the manufacture of energy.

It is not realistic to rely solely on Chen Mu's industrial park to mass-produce portable Ark reactors, unless the beggar's version of Ark reactors is produced, like the one Tony Stark hammered out in the cave.

If you want to promote the Qilin battle armor to the whole army, you don't need ten sets of hundreds of battle armors. What you need is tens of thousands of tens of millions of portable Ark reactors.

Therefore, it is necessary for Chen Mu to specially develop a weakened version of the reactor.

The only way to produce so many Ark reactors, where everyone in the country can wear a battle suit, is to mobilize national power and let scientists in the country fully understand this technology.

Then, the Ark Reactor can really go on the assembly line in our country.

Definitely, this is a later story. What Chen Mu needs to do now is to use his own industrial park to arm Absolute first, or in other words, arming the Spear Bureau first is the top priority.

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