Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 606 Battlefield Transfer


Ultron shouted angrily, and an unimaginably powerful force suddenly erupted from his body. Even the party Thor with the power of Asgard was thrown out by the bullet at this moment.

A flash of light flashed, and the party Thor, who was still showing off his power before, was suddenly ejected.

Ultron was really angry. On his own territory, he didn't expect to be beaten helplessly, which made him even more uncontrollable.

Perhaps because of Juanfu's taunt before, Ultron's head is full of anger now, and now it has reached the point where it is difficult to suppress.

Under his control, the power of Infinite Gems has restored his body to its integrity, and he is mobilizing the power of Infinite Gems all the time.

Party Although Thor is powerful at this moment, with the power of Asgard, how can he be the opponent of Ultron in the state of Infinite Gems.

The two confronted again, but the result was completely different. Even though the strength increased greatly, Party Thor was still no match, and was sent flying in two or three hits.

"Asgard, give me strength!"

Thor, the party whose strength has skyrocketed, obviously played a real fire. It can be said that he exhausted all his strength and summoned the power of Asgard.

However, this power has crossed the world after all, so it is already greatly discounted. How can it face the infinite Ultron with six gems?

After several collisions again, the party Thor was shot down to the ground, denting the ground.

Defeated again, even with the power of Asgard, the party Thor is still no match.

"I said, enough is enough!"

Knocking down the party Thor to the ground, Ultron looked at the crowd proudly, and continued:

"This is the end of the boring game!"

Under the power of Infinite Gems, Ultron, who had returned to his prime, said coldly, looked at Yuatu, and continued:

"If this group of people is your reliance, then you will die here today!"

Obviously, this group of people who came to this world with Yuatu are naturally his helpers.

Ultron had already defeated all these difficult guys, so naturally he didn't have any worries.

In his view, Yuatu needs to be completely killed, then everything can be easily resolved.

"Yes, it is indeed time for the game to end."

At this time, Chen Mu finally spoke. He was not too surprised by the two Thors and the defeat of Juan Fu.

The only thing that was a little speechless was that Juanfu was defeated by Ultron without showing his own strength.

You are a magician, can't you use magic properly?

Moreover, Juanfu still knows dark magic. With dark magic, coupled with the magic he learned in Huaguo recently, he is not incapable of fighting Ultron.

As a result, he played martial arts in a flashy manner, and even lost himself.

Moreover, you said that you are a good magician, what ridicule skill do you learn? Okay now, let's leave early, shall we?

"Game time, it's time to end."

After Chen Mu finished speaking, he stepped forward and looked at Ultron indifferently.

"Oh? Who are you?"

Ultron looked at Chen Mu indifferently. In all his data, there was no information about Chen Mu. He definitely thought that Chen Mu was just a small character.

He slaughtered countless people like this, how could he put Chen Mu in his eyes?

Anyway, from Ultron's point of view, Chen Mu is a scumbag.

"I heard that you killed everyone in this world?"

Chen Mu ignored Ultron's contempt, but glanced at the dilapidated ruins and lonely world, and asked.

"That's right." Ultron said with a look of indifference, "All humans in this world will be driven to extinction by me, leaving no one behind!"

Even if he didn't get the other five Infinite Gems, and before Thanos came to deliver the courier, Ultron had already killed everyone on the earth. After getting the other five Infinite Gems, he also went to other planets and sent All the planets with intelligent creatures were slaughtered.

There may be three or two fish that slip through the net, but for a planet, this is too small and completely negligible.



Just after Ultron finished saying this, a bow and arrow shot from nowhere, just hit Ultron's forehead, and then exploded in an instant.

This iconic attack made people think of Hawkeye, but when everyone looked over, it was a woman with wine-red long hair, wearing a black leather jacket, and a woman with an indifferent expression.

It is Black widow, the last survivor in this world.

Her archery skills are also not bad, holding Hawkeye's bow and arrow, it seems that the dead Hawkeye gave her strength.

"Didn't you say that no one will be kept, and all will be killed?"

A simple explosion obviously cannot cause any damage to Ultron, but Chen Mu asked indifferently.

This arrow does not hurt much, but it is extremely insulting. Just now, I pretended to kill him, but a survivor came out in the next second, and an arrow was shot at his head. At this moment, my mind is not very good. After hearing Chen Mu's ridicule, Ultron was extremely angry.

"You'll see next."

Ultron brushed away the smoke and dust in front of him casually, and said coldly, then, on the Mind Gem on his forehead, he also shot a laser towards Black Widow.

And Black widow, who had been prepared for a long time, had already dodged in a hurry, narrowly avoiding Ultron's blow.

"It's useless to hide, not just you Natasha Romanoff, everyone here must die!"

Ultron didn't care too much, and continued to shoot lasers.

"Are you pretending that I don't exist?"

Although Chen Mu didn't want to care about Black widow's life and death, Ultron ignored his behavior, which made him very upset. When he saw Ultron continue to use Mind Gem to use lasers, he opened a mirror space to Ultron wrapped himself up.

Magician fights, open a domain first, there is always no problem.

"Are you a magician too?"

Ultron's attack failed, so he turned his attention to Chen Mu, and said calmly: "I have killed all the Sorcerer Supremes in this world, do you think you are my opponent?"

"Hehe, how will you know if you don't try it?"

Chen Mu chuckled. To be honest, Ultron's power is not really that strong, it's just that the six Infinite Gems are stronger than ordinary Infinite Gems. Apart from these things, he originally only relied on the strength of Vibranium. There are some super abilities, but Ultron, without the power of gems, can't even beat a sky soldier robot.

Therefore, to deal with the wireless Ultron, it should not be too simple for Chen Mu, as long as his gems lose their original power, can't they be manipulated at will?

As for how to make his gem lose its power?

Hey, it's simple, just open a mirror space, take Ultron directly to travel together, and go to a world other than Marvel...

Therefore, after opening the mirror space, Chen Mu also opened a traversal door outside the space. The five-pointed star traversal door directly packs and swallows the mirror space.

Changjin Lake World...

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