Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 629: Wolf Warrior 2 World

Instead of watching what Zhang Jie and the others did, Chen Mu looked at Chu Xuan.

In Huaguo in this world, Chu Xuan and his team came directly to the highest power center of Huaguo through the portal.

After showing off his Ability and a lot of things, Chu Xuan easily gained trust.

At the same time, it was also at this time that Hua Guo knew about the biochemical research of the umbrella company.

Under Chu Xuan's suggestion, before the biochemical crisis broke out, Huaguo in this world was isolated from all other countries. The reason is very simple, that is, a certain unknown epidemic was discovered, which is highly contagious. Other countries People who want to come to Huaguo will be directly rejected. At the same time, Huaguo appeals to the whole world internationally, requiring overseas compatriots to return to Huaguo within the specified time, otherwise, there will be no chance to return.

This time, Huaguo's words are very serious. The biochemical crisis is about to break out. If you don't return to Huaguo within the stipulated time, then you really have no chance to come back.

In China, all research departments of all umbrella companies, and even companies related to umbrellas, have been shut down. This behavior has caused an uproar all over the world.

Especially Umbrella Company dared to ask Hua Guo for an explanation, but after Hua Guo simply took out the information on the hive base and threw it in the other party's face, Umbrella Company left in despair.

They were afraid that the Chinese Congress would make it public, so naturally they didn't dare to say anything more.

But some other countries are jumping up and down in the international arena, Hua Guo doesn't bother to pay attention to it.

Anyway, it won't take long, other countries will be destroyed by the zombie virus, and a group of people who are destined to die, what's the fuss?

Established a connection with Huaxia of Wanjie, the Huaguo of this world naturally has nothing to worry about.

For Chu Xuan, this operation is actually very familiar. Isn't it the same way in Universe 5? It's just that in universe No. 5, the zombie virus did not reappear.

"The world of Resident Evil is not useless. Red Queen's intelligent program still has its advantages. It's good to let Zhang Jie and the others snatch Red Queen's motherboard back. What's more, the cloning technology is still good, but this technology There are some ethical challenges, but it is good as a technical reserve.”

Seeing that this world does not pose any threat to the reincarnation, Chen Mu is ready to go to other worlds.

After taking a last glance at this world, Chen Mu opened the portal and returned to the Heavenly Court. He was going to wander around in other worlds to see how the other reincarnation teams were progressing and whether they would encounter any difficulties.

In the world of Wolf Warrior 2, after Chen Mu returned to the Heavenly Court, he came to this world non-stop. This is a very ordinary world, which made Chen Mu feel a sense of familiarity when he came to this world.

Unknowingly, it has been a few years. He has experienced more than ten worlds, and he took the lead in establishing a Huaxia of Ten Thousand Realms across the heavens. This is a very good start. Even without him in the future, Ten Thousand Worlds Jiehuaxia can also develop well.

For this point, even if he died, Chen Mu felt that he would have no regrets in dying.

The world of Wolf Warrior 2 is basically the same as the world before Chen Mu traveled. The story happened is also an evacuation operation in his original world, but it is just some stories that happened from the perspective of the protagonist Leng Feng.

Leng Feng, an outstanding special soldier of Huaguo, has a firm sense of national honor. He is not weak in Huaguo Kungfu, and combined with the sharpshooter skills of hundreds of shots, he has few opponents.

The will of Hua Guo soldiers has been best interpreted by Leng Feng.

In other words, in Universe No. 0, there is also No. 1 character Leng Feng, who has a good relationship with Inch Thor. I don’t know if there will be any interesting things when we meet in the future...

The reincarnation team that came to this world to carry out missions is Wang Lei, Liu Peiqiang and others who wandered around the earth. The way they carry out missions is really simple and rude.

At this moment, they are all wearing nano armor, and they are not afraid of the guns of this world at all. In order to complete the task quickly, they directly choose to drive an anti-gravity aerospace aircraft carrier.

Originally, the aerospace aircraft carrier was a very backward piece of equipment for Duohuaxia, and other worlds looked down on it, but for the wandering earth, it was the best vehicle.

Huaguo's aerospace aircraft carriers are mainly anti-gravity devices. On the wandering earth, the earth's atmosphere is very thin, which makes it difficult for conventional flight devices to fly here, but aerospace aircraft carriers are different. Use anti-gravity.

And because its carrying ability is very powerful, it has made a lot of contributions in the reconstruction of the wandering earth.

At this moment, the wandering earth did not continue to escape into the deep space, but stopped at the edge of the solar system. With the technical support of Duohuaxia, a ground city was built, and the huge sky enveloped the earth. Although there was not enough The sunlight, but with sufficient energy, brought the temperature inside the sky back to the normal 25 degrees, and brought the life of the people on earth back to the original normal situation more than ten years ago.

Humans no longer live underground like mice, but return to the ground and live a happy life again.

With the help of Wanjiehuaxia, Xiaopoqiu has almost been transformed into an interstellar fortress. According to the plan, it has an unimaginable combat ability, and it is also a trump card of Duohuaxia.

If there is a space war in any world in the future, just open a planet and go out and hit the enemy's face, who will dare to BB?

Definitely, these are postscripts. In the world of Wolf Warrior 2, the team of reincarnators from the Wandering Earth, the original CN171-11 rescue team, started to arrange very quickly, and divided two groups of people to carry out the task.

Liu Peiqiang led the team in the same way as Colonel Chu Xuan did. He took a few people and went directly to Huaguo in this world, requesting to join the Huaxia of Ten Thousand Realms. The rest of Wang Lei, Liu Qi, Han Duoduo and others stayed to assist in the withdrawal Overseas Chinese, they directly drove out the aerospace aircraft carrier they brought, and drove towards the African countries that were about to have wars.

The aircraft carrier did not take off directly, but sailed quickly on the sea. There is no war in Africa yet. When the time is right, they will pick up all the expatriates on the aircraft carrier and return directly to China...

As for now, Liu Qi and others from the wandering earth are standing on the deck of the aircraft carrier, enjoying the warm sea breeze in this world.

This is the warm touch they haven't seen for a long time, especially Han Duoduo. This is the first time she has seen the blue sky, White Cloud and the sea in a real sense.

So it looks very comfortable.

ps: How about collecting seven "Wu Jing" and forming a team of seven wolves?

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