"In short, let's take this person out of here first."

The captain of the combat team didn't want to have any contact with the US military, so he stood up.

"No. 2, use your armor to put this person in, and No. 3 will take you out of here later."

The system-optimized Qilin armor is actually very simple to wear. It can be opened directly from the front panel, and the driver can walk out or go in directly.

No. 2 came out of the Qilin battle armor. He was a very strong-looking man, about 30 years old, with a determined face and a soldier's iconic cropped head, which made him look extraordinarily energetic.

"Good captain."

The other fighters carried out his order without any hesitation, and directly lifted Bruce Banner who was unconscious on the ground, and stuffed them directly into No. 2 Qilin armor.

The Qilin armor can be unmanned, and the driver is not inside, so Bruce Banner can naturally be put into the armor.

"Mr. Chen Mu, you are here with Colonel Xu Jia, and leave first with No. 2 and the others." The captain thought for a while, facing Chen Mu and Xu Jia and said: "I will lead five soldiers to stay here to delay the time .”

Knowing that someone from the U.S. military will come over soon, the captain immediately thought of countermeasures and made arrangements.

He asked No. 2 to take off the Qilin armor, put the comatose Bruce Banner into the armor, and then asked the other team members to take No. 2 Flight and leave here directly to avoid meeting with the opponent.

"Stay with me from the 6th to the 10th, delaying time."

In fact, relying on the strength of this team, the opponent can be easily eliminated, but now Hua_guo and the United States are not in a state of hostility. Although they do not like each other, they will not directly launch an attack.

What's more, if you take the lead, you will really make a statement and make the motherland passive in diplomacy.

This is not what the soldiers want to see.

"Ok, no problem."

I wanted to take out another set of armor, give it to No. 2, and leave here wearing it first, but I thought it was inconvenient for me to reveal my Warehouse, so I listened to the team leader.

Prepare to leave here with the vanguard, taking Bruce Banner.

If I guessed right, the green titan Hulk is chasing after him, and it must be his old man, General Ross.

That's right, fate is such a wonderful thing, Bruce Banner's girlfriend is the daughter of General Ross.

Once the plan is made, the team immediately executes it.

Among the advance troops, No. 3 soldier held No. 2 who was not wearing armor in front of him, together with Xu Jia and Chen Mu, a group of seven Qilin armors quickly left the place.

Flying towards Venezuela's transport plane Y-20, they will take Y-20 to return to their motherland.

After returning to the airport in Venezuela, they only stayed for about an hour. The team leader and his team of six returned here safely, but their expressions seemed very unhappy.

"This group of US troops with their eyes above the top is really infuriating."

At this time, Xu Jia also came over and said with an unhappy face.

"America has sent a protest to our country, claiming that we have arrested the top American scientist, Dr. Bruce Banner, who studies gamma ray energy." Xu Jia seemed to grit his teeth and continued. "Now the other party wants us to return the kidnapped Dr. Bruce Banner to the US side."

Obviously, now that the U.S. military has seen that Huaguo defeated the green titan and directly captured it, it is in a hurry and wants to take Bruce Banner back.

But they have no choice but to take them to China, and now they can only start protesting internationally.

If it weren't for the fact that they couldn't beat this group of fighters wearing Qilin battle armor, they might have directly robbed them before.

Don't doubt, if it is America, it can really do this kind of thing.

Once upon a time, only other countries protested against America. How could anyone have seen America protest?

Although she was very happy, Xu Jia felt particularly uncomfortable with the other party's request.

You asked us to attack that big green guy, and you said that life and death don't matter?

Now seeing that we captured each other alive, they ran out anxiously, saying that we kidnapped your scientists?

Want to get someone back?

Who is this looking down on? Think that big green guy can kill everyone in the team?

Don't even think about it!

"Looking at Dr. Bruce Banner, he doesn't look like a bad guy. Maybe there's some kind of conspiracy involved!"

Xu Jia looked displeased, and said, "Perhaps Dr. Bruce Banner was harmed by the U.S. military."

"Oh, they want it, just give it to them."

Chen Mu chuckled lightly, he didn't have much thought about it, not to mention other things, he had already obtained the green titan mutation technology from Dr. Banner, and drew a lot of blood.

When the system breaks through this ability, it will be able to realize the controllable green titan mutation.

So the current Dr. Banner, to be honest, is of no use to him.

"Mr. Chen Mu, Dr. Bruce Banner is awake, he wants to see you."

At this time, the captain who was still wearing the Qilin battle armor came over, and now they returned to Yun-20, and after handing over the aid materials to Venezuela, Yun-20 became their temporary command post.

And Bruce Banner, who was in a coma, has also been released and put into the Yun-20 transport plane. This is because the opponent can become the green monster before, so all the special forces members are on alert.

Fortunately, after Bruce Banner woke up, he didn't show any aggressiveness, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

No one wants to be on a plane with a bomb that goes off at any time.

are you awake?

"Well, let's go and have a look."

Hearing what the captain said, Chen Mu also nodded, said indifferently, and walked towards Bruce.

Bruce Banner, now awake, sat up from the hospital bed.

"Hi, nice to meet you, my name is Bruce Banner."

Seeing Chen Mu and Xu Jia approaching, Banner quickly stood up, looked at them apologetically, and introduced himself.

"We already know that."

Xu Jia looked at him curiously, and asked, "Where's that big green guy from before?"

Although everyone present guessed that the green titan was transformed from the Banner in front of him, Xu Jia still asked curiously.

"You mean Hulk?"

Bruce Banner smiled bitterly, and continued: "He is me. When I am extremely angry or my heart rate is too fast, I will become that monster, lose my mind, and attack everything I see."

Obviously, at this moment, Banner has a deep hatred for the green titan.

After all, the green titan Hulk can be said to have ruined everything for him.

"That's you?"

Xu Jia and the others all looked at Banner in surprise, with surprise in their eyes.

They couldn't even imagine how a skinny looking person could turn into such a big monster?

Could it be that the law of conservation of matter was eaten by that green monster?

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