"Don't worry about these aliens, let's go directly to the ground."

Although they are in space, the people present are not ordinary people. They can continue to survive even in the cosmic environment. After Chen Mu knew the cause and effect, he directly opened the portal and brought Xu Sanduo and them together. He went to the ground and appeared directly in the camp of the reincarnation team.

"Chen Mu?"

The reincarnators were not too surprised by the portal that appeared. Their teammates also used this method to move. They thought they were teammates, but after seeing Chen Mu and others, they felt a little bit confused. Surprised.

"Why are you here?"

As the captain of the reincarnation team, Cable looked at Chen Mu and the others with a strange expression on his face.

After handing over a large amount of future technology, Cable successfully obtained Huaguo's ID card, which made Deadpool so envious.

After that, Dian Suo has been working diligently for Huaguo, and now, he has successfully become the captain of the reincarnation team.

Although his own combat power may be insufficient, any player can defeat him, but in terms of leadership ability, Cable is still very good.

Now here at Paradise Star, that is, he is coordinating.

"I heard that you may be in trouble, and we came here to help."

Xu Sanduo grinned and said, it is obviously more interesting to fight aliens than to fight dinosaurs.

"It's not really a trouble, it's just that there are constantly aliens coming over to ask for a duel, it's just boring..."

The black line on the cable's face, their mission of the main god has long since ended, and they are in this world now, mainly studying some secrets of this world.

On this alien planet, they found many interesting things.

It's not over yet, but another wave of aliens came out, which was very lively.

"Now we have encountered two alien races with different civilizations, and according to research, these two races have a history of hundreds of millions, or even billions of years."

Therefore, both civilizations have a lot of high technology.

However, what makes Cable a little unclear is that the level of weapons of these two civilizations does not seem to be much higher?

The engineer's black water virus is still interesting, but the various guns and spaceships of the predators are really not on the table.

This made Cable really unable to complain.

Billions of years of development, that's it?

In the original world, with this development time, any civilization can develop to unimaginable heights!

The billions of years of blindness are simply in vain!

People of these two races are even more hip than the prophet race in the Pacific Rim world.

With this development time, human beings may become a civilization of gods!

Speaking of this, Dian Suo and the others are particularly interested in the origin of human beings in this universe, because many evidences show that in this universe, human beings are actually a race created by aliens, not native to the earth. race.

And the creator of mankind is the engineer race of this planet.

According to the literature and data on this planet, as early as billions of years ago, a group of engineers came to the earth and left the genetic information on the earth. After billions of years of evolution, the human race was born. .

It is precisely because of this that the people in the team have some differences on how to treat the human beings in this world.

This is why they have been entangled in this universe.

"On this planet, the race that originally lived was called engineers. They are also the creators of mankind. There used to be a large number of engineer races living here, but not long ago, they were all slaughtered."

As he said that, Cable said a few words to a teammate next to him, and the latter opened a mirror space and dragged a person out of it.

"And the murderer is this guy who looks like Magneto."

The person who was pulled out was not restricted in his activities. He had a human body and looked calm. He was the last survivor of Prometheus, the biochemical David.

"Who are you? It is impossible for humans to have these abilities."

After leaving the prison of the mirror space, David looked at everyone present and said indifferently: "In other words, the Abilities you use are not reasonable."

Although this is also a sci-fi world, there is no supernatural power, and this world is even more a world of monsters.

Therefore, David's cpu was almost dry and smoking for the various abilities used by the reincarnated people, and he couldn't figure out how these abilities came from.

"This biochemical man released the biochemical weapon made by the engineer himself, and wiped out everyone on this planet. At the same time, it is here, using various creatures to conduct experiments, and finally created a monster like Alien."

In fact, the aliens, like humans, were originally created by engineers, but because the aliens were out of control and very dangerous, they were abandoned as failures, and humans, in their view, were also "failures".

One is that the human body is too fragile and not their ideal product. If so, it’s fine. However, human beings have shown super high ability and intelligence so high that engineers want to destroy human beings.

And this is why the engineer spacecraft encountered by the Prometheus spacecraft wanted to destroy the earth.

However, during the mission, some accidents occurred. The black water virus leaked. This destruction mission has been put on hold. Even the engineers who performed this mission were basically killed and injured. Only one engineer was left lingering in the hibernation cabin. , This hibernation lasts for tens of thousands of years.

It wasn't until it was activated by humans that it woke up. At this time, the first thing the engineer wanted to do was to continue the previous mission and destroy humans.

What's more, human beings are able to travel across the planet within thousands of years, which makes engineers firm in their goal of destroying human beings.

If things go on like this, maybe thousands of years later, human beings will be able to surpass their engineers in technology. Can this be tolerated?

But the good news is that ten years ago, Dr. Xiao stopped the engineer's plan and escaped from that planet, but in the end he failed to escape David's clutches.

After David came to Paradise Star, he was particularly interested in the alien monsters created by engineers, and conducted a lot of experiments. Recently, he transformed the final version of the alien.

In the final analysis, everything that happens in this world is caused by death.

Not only are human beings dying, but as engineers of human creators, they are also dying...

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