Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 813 Clark's Compromise

Early the next morning, Clark put on his battle suit and went directly to the US military base.

Because of his accidental discovery, Louise was controlled by the American military, and the reason was only because Louise knew her true identity.

To be honest, this made Clark very unhappy.

Just because he knew his true identity, his freedom was restricted, and Louise was treated as if he were a prisoner, which was too overbearing.

Although he knew that doing so was inevitable, Clark still disliked her very much anyway. Not to mention, Clark really had a good impression of Louise now.

He talked about freedom every day, but Clark had never seen real freedom in this country.

Anyway, feeling unhappy, Clark came directly to this America military region.

"I'm here to negotiate with you."

Floating in the air, Clark watched the U.S. military point all kinds of weapons at him, but he didn't have the slightest worry.

Human weapons cannot threaten him at all, at least the weapons of the US military.

Looking at these American soldiers, Clark looked calm.

Since you are afraid, Clark can only behave submissively, falling directly to the ground, and letting the U.S. military handcuff him.

This thing may be useful to humans, but to Clark, it's not much better than a rubber toy, but he didn't break free, but sat on the vehicle of the military area honestly.

Having lived here for decades, he is still very clear about the peeing nature of the people in this country.

Clark's plan is to come to the US military base first, express his attitude to the US military, and see how these people view him by the way, and ask them to release Louise, and then contact General Zod.

So far, he still doesn't know what General Zod's purpose is.

The "controlled" Clark also came to the military base with the military vehicle.

The people from the America military immediately quarantined him and tried to interrogate him first, which seemed a little funny to Clark.

"Why do you want to reveal your identity all of a sudden?"

In the interrogation room, Louise sat opposite Clark and asked curiously.

Hidden in human society for thirty years, and before Clark told Louise about his past, he knew that he didn't want others to know his true identity.

And Louise can be regarded as loyal, even if she was arrested, she didn't reveal Clark's identity in the first place, at least, so far.

And now the two were locked together, and the interrogation room was also full of soldiers from America at the moment, and they were all watching Clark Kent.

Women always like to be self-righteous. In short, for the current Louise, she thinks that Clark came here and revealed his identity to save herself.

Although there is this part of the reason, I have to say that Louise still believes in her own charm too much. She thinks that she has attracted Clark...

That being said, it was really outrageous, but Clark was really attracted to Louise.

"Because that's what I have to do."

Clark said seriously: "I have to figure out the purpose of General Zod, otherwise, it will be too dangerous for the earth."

Although General Zod and the others only have one spaceship, Clark knows very well that in terms of military strength alone, General Zod and others from Krypton have far more military power than America.

Definitely, because of the contact with Chen Mu, Clark is not very clear about the military strength of China on the other side of the ocean, and there are too many uncertain factors.

But because he has also lived in America for thirty years, Clark also felt that he should also contact the American military first to see how they treat him.

But now it seems that he is not very popular.

The military's actions at the moment made him somewhat unhappy, but he had nothing to say.

"Is it really?"

Louise still wanted to ask more questions, but at this time the military personnel also started to speak.

They did not come to the interrogation room, but questioned Clark through the speaker equipment in the interrogation room.

"Should we call you Clark Kent, or Carl Al?"

At this moment, the US must have investigated Clark's identity, and continued to ask: "What is the reason for you to come to Earth? Why do you want to hide in human society?"

These interrogators were actually outside the interrogation room, observing Clark's every move through the one-way glass.

And this piece of glass was a joke to Clark, even the walls couldn't block his view, let alone such a one-way glass.

"Purpose? No, I just live here."

Clark shook his head. He was sent to Earth as a baby. Where and for what purpose?

"It's hard for me to believe what you're saying."

The person in charge of questioning Clark was a scientist. He looked at Clark and asked, "Since you only live here, why didn't you reveal your identity to us, and why did you only tell Ms. Louise about this?" ?”

As a military scientist, he was actually just a simple scientist and didn't think much about other reasons.

"Dr. Emil Hamilton? Why don't you just come in and say it?"

Clark looked at the group of people outside with some amusement, and revealed his true identity to you?

"Uh, sorry, we can't guarantee that there are no alien bacteria and viruses on your body."

Dr. Hamilton was a little surprised that Clark called out his name, but he said it anyway.

"So, you let Louise and I be alone in a room? And Doctor, I have lived on Earth for thirty years, and I have never caused any alien infection."

Clark was a little amused. He stood up and walked towards the wall. At the same time, the handcuffs on his hands were easily pulled away as if there were nothing there. He looked at the crowd behind the glass and said, "I have some powers that you can't imagine , I came to you, not to surrender to you, but to General Zod."

If it wasn't for Louise being controlled by the military, he wouldn't bother to come here.

"Send a message to General Zod, I will contact them here."

In fact, talking to your military personnel can be regarded as giving you face, don't give face and shame...

Definitely, what Superman meant was this, but he definitely wouldn't say it that way, and the people in the military could tell that, after looking at each other, they agreed with what Clark said.

He opened the door of the interrogation room, followed Clark's arrangement, and sent a signal to General Zod's spaceship.

At this moment, the U.S. military has never seen the power of Kryptonians, and they don’t think how powerful Clark will be, but for them, the top priority is to appease General Zod first. As for this alien, they don’t know its specific strength. Zod wanted Clark, so just give Clark to them now, and other things, just adapt to the situation.

The U.S. military made urgent arrangements, and Clark followed them to an open space.

Looking at this group of sanctimonious U.S. troops, Clark couldn't help but sigh in his heart. His attitude towards himself was completely different from Chen Mu's.

At the very least, Chen Mu did not see himself as a threat like the U.S. military.

ps, it’s the new year, and it’s a holiday, don’t you want to buy a win console to play with? And search for "Chen Mu Mu Shop" to take care of the business. In addition, this year's Spring Festival, I plan to drive in Xishuangbanna by myself. If there are any book friends in Xishuangbanna, I would recommend a place to play...

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