What does it mean to have more than enough success and more than failure? Just look at these America armies.

Originally, although the battle between the three of Clark would affect innocent ordinary people and cause them harm, their Kryptonian battles were mainly fist-to-hand combat, and the damage caused mainly affected some buildings. , or the aftermath of the battle endangered it.

The range of losses is still within an acceptable range. Even Deadman is just a few unlucky ones who died.

But it's different when the U.S. military enters the war.

Powerful missiles flew around, aviation machine guns fired everywhere, and the addition of thermal weapons raised the casualties of innocent people to a higher level.

These human thermal weapons are of no use to Kryptonians, but to ordinary Earthlings, they are definitely killers.

Those ordinary people who were hiding far away and fled in all directions were greeted by missiles from the American military.

This time, there were countless casualties, but Clark was distracted, and the two Kryptonians of Ophelia gained the upper hand.

Definitely, according to America's usual style, these dead and injured people just need to blame their deaths on the Kryptonians. Anyway, they will never take the blame themselves.

"Have you seen it? A ready-made American blockbuster with real special effects."

However, what America's military could never dream of is that there is a sixth child hiding in the mirror space, holding a camera to record what the US military has done with relish, and commenting in a clear and orderly manner.


Tony remained silent, these wine bags and rice bags of America are really things that do not accomplish much, but do more than do nothing.

Regarding Chen Mu's actions, he does not have any opinions at the moment, and even wants to add fuel to the flames, and push these facts to everyone's eyes in the future, so that people can see the truth. After all, he also belongs to the Hua Kingdom now.

Is it too immoral for you to do so?

"I need to let the world know the truth, not rely on America's empty words."

Chen Mu said with a serious face, after all, everyone knows that America will definitely use lies to cover up these facts, and as Chen Mu with a strong sense of justice, it is naturally necessary to make these facts public.

"Xiaoqing, I leave this to you. After the matter is over, upload these evidences on the whole Internet. We need to let people all over the world know the truth."

He handed the camera to Xiaoqing who was watching the fun, this guy is also a master who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the fun.

"Get ready, I think we're about to make a move."

Looking at Clark who was at a disadvantage, Chen Mu clapped his hands, and it seemed that they were about to be dispatched.

I just don't know, will the current Superman Clark continue to be stubborn and feel that he doesn't need help?

But it doesn't matter, the abilities of ordinary Kryptonians have been fully analyzed, and now they just need to take out the code of life hidden in Clark's body.

At that time, the genetic abilities of all Kryptonians will be mastered by Chen Mu, and now as long as they are handed over to Wanjie Huaxia, the future of the Superman army can be expected.

Chen Mu and the others watched the fun in the mirror space, and Clark and the others were also having a heated fight.

The three parties fought together, Clark and the two Kryptonians fought inextricably, and the U.S. military would continue to harass them.

Definitely, they are basically useless. Human weapons are too rubbish for the Kryptonians. They are not much different from tickling. The only function is to annoy the two Kryptonians.

"Attack their masks."

At the moment Clark gained trust after saving several American soldiers. At the very least, the soldiers here also temporarily knew that Clark was not an enemy.

In short, Clark remembered what happened on the Kryptonian spacecraft before. The earth's atmosphere is poison to the Kryptonians, which can make them lose their combat ability. Therefore, Clark thought of a countermeasure and asked the US military to use firepower to attract the two attention, and he took the opportunity to destroy their masks.

In this way, as long as the opponent loses a combat power, he can defeat them.

The current Superman is actually not that powerful. When facing two Kryptonians, he still has to use some means.


The one who answered Clark was Yige Zhongxiao. When he was at the US military base, he was also responsible for contacting Clark, so there is still a good relationship.

The lieutenant colonel was called, forget it, it was just a trick. The lieutenant colonel greeted his men and launched an attack on Ophelia and the others. Under the concentrated fire, it still caused some trouble. At least, the flames blocked the line of sight. Make them very upset.


Seeing the influence of the two Kryptonians from the U.S. military, Clark's eyes lit up, and he took the opportunity to rush towards them.

However, Clark still overestimated this group of American troops, and the useless attack could only raise some dust.

Looking at Clark who was messing with humans, the two Kryptonians looked cold. Since you are so shameless and have lost face to the Kryptonians, then don't blame me for being rude.

The two of Ophelia, who had been holding back their anger for a long time, looked at each other and took out her weapon directly.

After all, Krypton is a civilization of hundreds of thousands of years, and it is also very powerful in terms of technology, but because their own power is too strong, there are actually all kinds of weapons, which are usually useless. It is also because they like to solve it more directly with their fists.

Well now, since you like to play hot weapons, let's play with you.

A small device appeared in Ofila's hand, and then it aimed directly at the group of American troops. Before the American troops could react, a hot laser shot out from the machine, and instantly wiped out a large area of ​​American troops. Cut off at the middle.

Well, including that lieutenant colonel.

The laser weapon, or rather, is exactly the same as Superman's heat vision.

Kryptonians have a lot of racial abilities, and they must have researched things like thermal vision. It is not too strange to be able to come up with such a device.


Persevering, Clark stared angrily, and in his eyes, thermal vision also shot out. Ofila didn't notice it for a while, and the device in her hand was destroyed, but she was still unharmed, and quickly hid.

"Hmph, Carl Al, since you're so obsessed with it, then die with these stupid Earthlings."

Ofila didn't seem too surprised that Clark was able to apply thermal vision, and said indifferently: "The fittest survive in the universe, and backward and ignorant races like people on earth are simply not qualified to survive in the universe."

The advanced Kryptonian civilization's discrimination against the backward earth civilization is very obvious.

"I can't pretend that I didn't hear this sentence."

As the words fell, Chen Mu and his group walked out from the portal, looking at the two Kryptonians of Ofila indifferently.

"Clark, do you need help?"

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