Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 830 Kryptonian In Action

These surviving Kryptonians have long been eager to rebuild their civilization.

General Zod and the others are all products of genetic planning. Deep in their souls, they have long been imprinted with the belief of dedicating everything to Krypton.

When Krypton was destroyed, they were also liberated from their prisons in the Shadow Zone. But they were not happy at all.

The destruction of Krypton means that they lost everything, the most important thing is that they lost their faith.

However, under the leadership of General Zod, they still regained their faith, which is to rebuild the Kryptonian civilization.

This also made them no longer be in a daze. They have been wandering in the universe for more than thirty years, and they have been devoting themselves to finding available materials. Definitely the most important thing is to find Clark, or the code of life.

Because the code of life has been found, it means that the gene sequences of all Kryptonians have been found.

That's their only hope of rebuilding Krypton.

Therefore, what Zod said is not wrong, even if there is someone on earth who can stop time, it is so powerful that it is unimaginable, but they can't care about it.

It is necessary to find Clark and extract the code of life.

This is their only chance.

As General Zod himself said, the Kryptonians have no time to waste, the only opportunity is in front of them, and they have to do whatever it takes to accomplish it.

They have no other choice.

The plan of this group of Kryptonians is actually very simple, that is, to use their spacecraft to directly transform the earth.

Their spacecraft can be divided into two parts, fly directly to two opposite positions on the earth, and then send out gravitational waves to modify the earth's environment.

This plan is actually very simple and unpretentious, and they did not formulate any plans for human beings, because it is completely unnecessary. They just transformed the earth, and all human beings will be extinct in the process.

Vulnerable humans simply cannot adapt to new environments.

What does it have to do with you to destroy you?

In the eyes of Kryptonians, humans are no different from bugs, and there is no need to formulate special plans.

Maybe the previous time stagnation caused many variables in their plans, but now is not the time to take these things into consideration, they need to take a gamble, and they must take a gamble.

The key to rebuilding Krypton is the code of life in Clark.

This is why they are willing to risk everything. Between rebuilding their own civilization and the dangers they may face, they resolutely choose to rebuild their own civilization.

They are not afraid of the so-called possible strong men, what they fear is that they will not be able to rebuild their own civilization.

In a sense, this group of talents are so-called heroes, lonely heroes, carrying the last hope of their own civilization revival.

In contrast, Clark, who has taken refuge in humans, is a sinner.

It sounds nice to protect human beings, but in fact, it kills another race, even his own race, the last chance of survival.

Perhaps this is the meaning carried by the American movie. Come to America, boy, betray your compatriots, your motherland, and your nation, and you can become a hero here.

Although the treatment of this hero is not very good, there are countless people who worship him and regard him as an idol.

From a human point of view, Clark is indeed a human hero, but to the Kryptonians themselves, this is definitely not the case.

In short, from different perspectives, the definition of justice will also be different.

The spaceship was divided into two parts, both of which were like sharp claws. The Kryptonian soldiers split into two groups and drove the spaceship to different places.

One quickly flew towards the Indian Ocean opposite the earth, and this spaceship flew directly over the metropolis.

Metropolis is the financial center of America, and it is also the city where the Daily Planet is located. Louise works in this city. Since Clark likes this human woman, he will directly operate from here. He still does not believe that Clark will not take the initiative to send it to her door. .

As the spacecraft approached, countless people in the metropolis saw the alien spacecraft up close for the first time, which made them very nervous and had no idea what happened.

Everyone knows that the earth is now facing a swaggering alien invasion, and the Kryptonians directly invaded the earth.

Definitely, the people in America didn't know what was going on, and they watched the spaceships very curiously. In the center of the city, they pointed at the spaceships in the sky, not knowing that Death God was approaching.


When the world engine on the Kryptonian spacecraft started to run, the spacecraft located at both ends of the earth began to release regular gravitational beams, and the terrifying gravitational and repulsive forces began to expand from the position of the spacecraft to the outside world.

Krypton's transformation technology is actually very simple and crude. It uses the means of modifying the planet's gravity to gradually transform the surface. This process is very rough. Buildings and creatures will be attracted to the sky, and then pushed towards the ground at a faster speed. .

To put it simply, the spaceships located on both sides of the earth alternately generate gravity according to different frequencies, thereby changing the gravitational field of the entire earth.

Now, the Kryptonian spacecraft has started to operate, and gradually, a large number of people began to be involved, and countless people in the metropolis were affected, causing heavy casualties.

As for the location of the spacecraft on the opposite side of the earth, in the Indian Ocean, except for a few unlucky Indian fishermen, there were basically not many casualties.

As soon as Zod and the others started to do this, then Clark was bound to show up.

And at this moment, it was just like this. Clark had returned home, saw Martha and Louise, and now also discovered the actions of the Kryptonians. After saying goodbye to the two women, he rushed towards the metropolis without hesitation.

At this moment, Chen Mu and the others were also fully prepared, returned to China, and began to deploy troops in full swing.

Definitely, I can actually leave at any time, but after all, I still have to roll my name before departure, so I didn't rush to the metropolis to help.

After all, according to the urine nature of American blockbusters, isn't the finale always the last to appear?

It is not yet time for Hua Guo to appear on the stage as a savior.

It is also time to let the world see the power of Huaguo. ,

As for the loss of many lives in the metropolis? This is really helpless, who made them unlucky, aliens always like to pick you to invade, and don't you still have the most powerful US military on earth?

It's impossible for Hua Guo not to even say hello, and directly suppress the country with an army?

At that time, America will turn around and slander China for invading them.

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