Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 851: Nuwa's Plot

"What are we going to do next?"

Outside the earth's atmosphere, Chen Mu has already taken out the heart of the earth, and Nuwa has also reproduced this planet, but at this moment, Nuwa is not in a hurry to change the world.

Chen Mu looked at Nüwa who was narrowing her eyes slightly, and asked curiously.

"We need to intervene in the development of the world. It is different from the simple and crude intervention of the reincarnation team. We need to consider whether we can successfully connect with the future time and space, so that the past and the future can be integrated without any difference."

The uniqueness of Chen Mu causes him to have an impact on the future after he travels through time. This impact is like the wings of a butterfly, which will cause great changes.

Different from the future and the past of the Mutant world, two separate worlds have already been formed. The world on the wandering earth, because of Chen Mu, is actually the same world after the time travel. Different things, Chen Mu is on the timeline, exerting some influence on them.

Therefore, Chen Mu can only reduce the impact as much as possible.

"Let me consider……"

Nuwa opened her eyes, her eyes seemed to see through everything, and in an instant, she found an opportunity.

"I needed a carrier, and now, I've found it."

As Nuwa spoke, she showed a smile.

She waved her hand, and two screens appeared in front of them.

One shows a device, and the other, a girl.

"The 550 series of quantum computers is the most advanced computer equipment for human beings. Today's human beings abandon the past and develop together. The 550 series of computers will be iterated rapidly in the next ten years and become the future 550W model, which is the prototype of moss."

"When the quantum computer develops to a certain level, it will enter the time domain, and even be able to send information to the past time and space in the future, thereby affecting the future."

Nuwa smiled and continued:

"It just so happens that the space-time characteristics of quantum computers allow us to better combine the past and the future. At the same time, we can also use the 550 series quantum computers to communicate with me in future time and space, so as to prevent possible irreparable consequences for the future. "

550W, the reverse is the name of Moss.

When science touches the quantum realm, it is no longer "science".

In this world, it is not impossible for a quantum computer to send some kind of information to the past.

"And what about this girl?"

Chen Mu nodded, and looked at the screen next to him, where there was an innocent-looking girl.

"The 550 series of quantum computers must have enough wisdom to complete self-iteration and self-upgrade, and need a conscious subject as a blueprint, and this girl is my choice."

Nuwa looked at the girl's photo and said, "Or, it should be her father, that's my choice."

"This girl's name is Tu Yaya, and her father's name is Tu Hengyu, who is a very outstanding computing expert in Huaguo. If the 550 quantum computer wants to complete the upgrade, consciousness uploading is very necessary."

Nu Wa waved her hand, showing that the screen of the 550 quantum computer disappeared, and several monitoring screens appeared, and she continued: "So, I need the consciousness of their father and daughter to be written into the quantum computer through technical means. , Only in this way can the 550 have the ability of self-evolution."

Consciousness uploading technology is indeed a very good technology, but it is not at all useful for solving the doomsday crisis.

The duplication of one's own consciousness is called data, and it exists in the computer network, which is completely useless to reality. For the coalition government, it is just to let oneself act as an ostrich with its head buried.

Computers or machinery will always have malfunctions and malfunctions. When the computers are all aging, what use are these data lives?

Besides, what are you doing by turning your own consciousness into a piece of data that can be edited and keeping it in a computer? Let yourself become an electronic pet?

"And to accomplish all this, I need to guide the development of this world and control everything to develop according to my plan."

Nuwa said calmly, and Chen Mu saw a picture of a crossroad appearing on the numerous surveillance screens in front of him.

"Consciousness uploading technology is already listed as a taboo in this world. Except for a few people who can get it, others want to do it. Therefore, only Tu Hengyu can willingly study the consciousness uploading series and upload his own consciousness."

As soon as Nuwa's voice fell, the cameras at the intersection all turned at the same time, looking at the cyclist approaching not far away.

Inside the car, it was Tu Hengyu's family. Tu Hengyu, who looked a lot like Hua Tsai, was driving the car, talking happily with his wife and daughter, turning his head and not looking forward.

At this moment, Tu Hengyu didn't notice that the red street light suddenly changed at this moment, the green light turned into red light, and there happened to be a heavy truck with a smart posture on the other lane, appearing appropriately.

The tragedy happened at this moment, and Tu Hengyu only had time to see that his car was hit in the middle by a truck, and his wife and daughter in the back seat were directly knocked out.

Letting the shards of glass scratch his face, Tu Hengyu watched his wife and daughter fly out of the car with eyes wide open.

The driving is irregular, and the relatives cry.

Tu Hengyu's experience tells everyone that when driving, really don't look around, let alone turn your head to talk to the people in the back seat.

The car accident happened so suddenly that no one noticed, the traffic lights returned to their original state, as if nothing had happened, and those cameras also turned back to their original direction, as if nothing had happened.

While outside the atmosphere, Chen Mu looked at Nu Wa in disbelief.

"Isn't it too ruthless for you to do this?"

Others didn't know, but Chen Mu was very clear that all these accidents were actually done by Nu Wa in front of him.

It was true that the saint was ruthless, and she didn't care too much about the lives of two ordinary people.

"You have mercy?"

Nuwa smiled faintly, looked at Chen Mu seriously, and said, "In order to accomplish our goal, some sacrifices are inevitable."

"Besides, they don't really die. After everything is over, I will resurrect their mother and daughter and reunite their family of three."

"Now, I need Tu Hengyu to perfect the consciousness uploading technology and upload his daughter and his own consciousness to the quantum computer. I need the quantum computer to achieve iteration as soon as possible. I will use it as my body until the future , combine with my future self, and become stronger."

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