Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 907 Deadpool's Bizarre Adventure 3

"What the hell? So many outrageous things have happened recently?"

In a certain world, Deadpool looked at a police officer in front of him and listened to what the other said, he couldn't help but be amazed.

"There's been a lot going on on Earth recently."

It has been a long time since he came to this world, and Deadpool lives in China with all his heart, and he feels very comfortable with his current life.

In Huaguo, no one will force him to do anything, and he can do whatever he wants.

In this world, he is the only human being with supernatural powers.

"Some time ago, the Sakura Volcano in Japan began to erupt continuously, and the height of the eruption has reached 3,000 meters."

For some reason, this is obviously sad news, but the corners of the mouth of the person delivering the news couldn't help but rise.

"I can only say that this may be fate."

Deadpool shrugged and said: "Not long ago, I also saw a Japanese volcano erupting in another world. Hey, good guy, the eruption of Mount Fuji directly destroyed Japan."

Deadpool rubbed his hands, showing a look of gloating, and said, "I just don't know if this volcanic eruption will destroy Japan."

In this world, Deadpool is very active in helping Huaguo with various assistance, whether it is providing the items he brought, or some tasks that require him to perform, Deadpool is very active.

The storage bracelet was handed over to Huaguo for research. Although nothing has been researched until now, it is fine if it can be used.

With the cooperation of Deadpool, relying on his physique beyond ordinary people, Huaguo has also achieved full development in space. With a storage bracelet, today's space station has long surpassed the International Space Station. Every time a rocket launches , They can all go up with tens of thousands of tons of materials.

Two and a half years, two and a half years!

And he, Deadpool, with so many contributions, finally got his dream Huaguo ID card.

This made Deadpool very grateful, thinking that after Wanjiehuaxia came to this world, he would be regarded as a leader.

And today, Deadpool also learned about some recent events from the correspondent next to him.

"At this time, it should be replaced with a happy song."

Laughing, Deadpool turned on the TV in the living room and played a song called Good Luck.

"Little Japanese do some disgusting things in this world, just like waste water from a nuclear power plant. I heard that they have been quietly dumping it into the sea all the time. They are simply not human."

The correspondent is also a young man who lives next to Deadpool and is responsible for passing some news to Deadpool. If Deadpool needs anything, he can tell it through him.

After all, as the only real "Superman" in this world, the importance of Deadpool is self-evident to Huaguo.

Moreover, Huaguo is still very interested in the "China of Myriad Realms" he said, and is also looking forward to contacting him as soon as possible.

"That's right, I also think that Little Japan should be destroyed."

Deadpool approved with a look of approval.

"By the way, is there any mission for the organization this time? Let's hear it, as long as there is money to be made, I, Deadpool, will go through fire and water!"

Deadpool rubbed his hands together, winking and asking.

Deadpool is a very good ghost. Just by looking at the correspondent, he knew that something must be up.

"That's right."

The correspondent also had a serious face at this time, and said: "Some time ago, a train carrying dangerous chemicals in America derailed, causing a large amount of toxic chemicals to leak, and now it even poses a great threat to the entire earth. Japan’s discharge of nuclear waste water is just as immoral.”

With that said, the correspondent handed over a piece of information to Deadpool.

"Tsk tsk tsk, these Americans are really incompetent."

Deadpool also found it a bit unbelievable. In the past, he got some research reports on the virus some time ago from the former president, and found that this thing was made by America, which had a particularly large impact on the world.

Because of the slender evidence, America compromised and handed over all the research reports, and the research and deciphering of the virus was progressing very quickly.

Seeing that the epidemic is finally over, now America has come up with some moths.

"Highly toxic chemicals were leaked, and America's treatment method is to burn them directly, which will also lead to the emergence of more toxic compounds."

While Deadpool was looking at the information, the correspondent next to him also told him about the incident.

"Facing the leaked highly toxic vinyl chloride, the best way is to seal it on the spot, and then process it in batches to minimize the possible harm. But America is lucky, and directly chooses to incinerate. It is said that after complete combustion, only produce some less harmful compounds."

The correspondent shrugged his shoulders speechlessly, and said angrily: "However, it is full combustion, and it can only be burned in a pure oxygen environment, and the place where the train overturned obviously does not have such conditions."

But just like that, America still insisted on choosing to incinerate. Deadpool looked at the photos of the scene, and couldn't help but marvel at the billowing black smoke.

"Tsk tsk, America has lost his mind, right?"

Although Deadpool didn't know what vinyl chloride was for, the information that Huaguo had prepared for him was very complete. After a simple look, Deadpool probably knew the usefulness of this thing.

To put it bluntly, this thing is the raw material for the manufacture of biochemical weapons. Simply put, Agent Orange used by the US military in the Vietnam War was made from this thing.

The various substances produced by incomplete combustion are equivalent to Agent Orange, and even have stronger toxicity.

But does America care?

I didn't care, I still chose to burn, the billowing smoke at the scene even formed dark clouds in the sky.

This time, it hurt the ordinary people around.

A large number of people felt unwell and a large number of animals died, but for America, it was no problem at all. It was just a notification to ask the nearby residents to leave temporarily. As a result, within two days, they were notified that these people could go back to live.

Good guy, this is purely treating these people as guinea pigs. I want to see how long human beings can survive in this poisonous gas environment?

"America's practice of releasing poisonous vinyl chloride gas into the atmosphere is of the same nature as Japan's discharge of nuclear wastewater into the sea. They will let the whole world bear the price of their own mistakes."

It has to be said that the father is kind and the son is filial. Little Japan and America are indeed the same breed, and their practices are the same. To sum it up in one sentence, it is wicked!

Dade is missing!

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