Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 953 United Nations General Assembly

"The UN intends to force Wakanda to hand over Vibranium?"

On the other side, Chen Mu heard the news when he returned to Huaguo in universe 199999.

"That's right, General Chen Mu, the United Nations hopes that we, as permanent members of the Security Council, will stand with them and force Wakanda to hand over the mining rights of Vibranium."

The official in charge of the United Nations General Assembly in this world is named Di Shuang. After Chen Mu came back, he happened to meet Chen Mu and told him about it.

It has been several months since Wanjie Huaxia came to this world, and the development of Huaguo is also very fast, and its current strength cannot be underestimated.

Definitely, according to Hua Guo's usual low-key style, in this universe, he has not yet shown his strength.

But even with the power of the original Hua Kingdom, this world dare not underestimate his existence.

Therefore, countries headed by the Western camp are now planning to rob Wakanda of Vibranium resources.

They will collectively put pressure on Wakanda at the UN General Assembly in an attempt to obtain the mining rights and usage rights of Vibranium.

Typical Western bandit logic, good things should naturally be handed over to "everyone". Definitely refers to their West here. If this thing is their own, it is pretentious to say nothing.

Anyway, these people are targeting Wakanda's resources.

"Black Panther passed away a month ago, and these people couldn't stand it any longer. They wanted to take advantage of the unstable situation in Wakanda and use the following methods to obtain Vibranium's resources."

Di Shuang saw through the plans of these people at a glance.

"They made a promise that after obtaining the mining rights, we will be able to use these minerals freely."

Di Shuang's face was full of disdain, and he continued: "The usual style of the West, the typical style of the descendants of Angsa, is not just wanting to snatch other people's things, and now they have even begun to divide the spoils."

Let’s not talk about Huaguo in this world. Now that he doesn’t like things like Vibranium, just talking about this kind of behavior, Huaguo said that he looks down on it from the bottom of his heart.

"In this world, Wakanda did contribute a lot in the face of Thanos' crisis, but now, the countries headed by America are impatient to attack them."

Everyone knows what beauty Meijian is, and Chen Mu is not surprised by it.

"This time I will represent the country to participate in the UNGA meeting. Is Mr. Chen Mu interested in going to see it together?"

"Well, I just have nothing to do, so it's okay to go and have a look."

After all, the final reconciliation between Thor and God Slayer Geer won't make it up. Chen Mu is also extremely depressed. After hearing Di Shuang's words, he is also going to take a stroll around the United Nations University to see how America is. "Shameless" is perfectly interpreted.

Today's Myriad Realms Huaxia covers a wide range of worlds, including many worlds in the heavens and myriad realms. Resources such as Vibranium are no longer rare, and they are as attractive to Huaguo as they were back then.

Today's Vibranium, for Huaguo, is no different from ordinary metals. After all, it has already set foot in the universe, can mine in space, and then the portal quickly travels to and from Huaguo on Earth. Not much interest.

"No problem, what the West means is that we just keep silent or simply abstain."

Hua Guo originally didn't have much idea of ​​getting involved in this matter. Chen Mu went there this time, just to join in the fun and have fun.

Today's Huaguo is proficient in magic, as well as perfect and mature magic devices. From Huaguo to the United Nations Building, it will pass quickly.

When it was time to attend the meeting, Chen Mu followed Di Shuang and arrived at the United Nations General Assembly. Here, representatives from many countries have already taken their seats. After Chen Mu and the Hua Guo representatives took their seats, they kept silent and prepared to watch watch a play.

"We urge Wakanda, Vibranium resources belong to all mankind, stop occupying Vibranium, you should hand over the mining rights of Vibranium to all mankind, and to the United Nations."

At the beginning of the meeting, the U.S. representative stated his purpose without any hesitation, looking at the Queen of Wakanda in front, who is Black Panther's mother, and said aggressively.

At the same time, America has gathered friends from all over the world, and voted for it without any hesitation at this time. For America, the United Nations is just an organization they raised, but it was created to achieve their goals. Their illegal actions provide a means of "legal channels".

It has to be said that this is indeed America's style. Not long after Black Panther died, the Americans jumped out impatiently, wanting to plunder the opponent's resources.

Fortunately, Wakanda is in this world, and its strength is not bad. At least it is the most technologically advanced country in the world. America cannot send troops to grab it. The army is overwhelmed.

Vibranium resources are actually no different from oil resources, anyway in the eyes of America, if they are not afraid of the power of Wakanda, they would have done it long ago!

In other words, it has already started.

"Hmph, America, you are delusional."

Black Panther looked at the America delegation coldly, and then clapped his hands. A few bald-headed black female guards walked up with a few agents, and continued: "Don't think I don't know about your America's dirty tricks. , this time you can forget about the past and withdraw all your agents, otherwise, we will regard you as declaring war on me Wakanda!"

It has to be said that this old black woman is quite a tiger. Relying on her "strong" national strength, she directly challenged America.

In a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly level, she yelled at the representatives of America. As a black person, even a black person in Wakanda, she made many black people feel very happy...

But as a bystander, Chen Mu found it funny.

Wakanda's technology, in his opinion, is nothing more than a group of primitive people who use "high technology". Talking about the most developed and advanced countries is nothing but nonsense.

If we really want to fight, just relying on Wakanda's small land, wouldn't it be destroyed by a few hooligans in minutes?

However, the scene of a black man angrily denouncing America as a representative, I have to say, is quite gratifying.


As for the spokesperson representing America, after seeing his own agent being pushed out, he became submissive for a while and seemed very embarrassed.

On the one hand, he asked others to contribute resources to all mankind, and on the other hand, he did some sneaky things, and was caught by others, and exposed in front of the whole world. He lost all face!

Oh, he has lost face in America long ago.

"I reiterate here that Vibranium belongs to Wakanda's property. No country or organization can covet it. Otherwise, we will regard it as a declaration of war against us. All countries should know."

After saying a word "full of domineering" again, Black Panther's mother walked away, showing her arrogance to the fullest.

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