Marvel: The Strongest Huaqiang North

Chapter 987 Talokan Attack

Maybe this is the eye, anyway, at this moment, Su Rui has already made a plan to fight against the unknown Talokan for Rarity.

Anyway, that's how it was. Su Rui and Rarity hit it off right away, and then regardless of their own goals, they wanted to protect Rarity and chose to directly make him an enemy of Talokan.

But seriously, as a princess, are you really responsible for your behavior?

On the one hand, there are "sisters" who met once, and on the other hand, his country is facing the threat of war. Su Rui has almost no hesitation, so he chooses his sisters.

Moreover, as the captain of the guard, Okoye of General Wakanda did not have any objections, and even acquiesced in Su Rui's behavior.

Seeing this, Chen Mu decisively pressed fast forward, what is this and what?

With such a princess, Wakanda deserves to be exterminated.

Fast forward in time, the next day, Shu Rui and Okoye, together with Rarity in the "steel battle suit", headed towards Wakanda.

At this time, Chen Mu also took a look at the battle suit built by Rarity, good guy, almost thought it was plastic.

"If I remember correctly, Rarity will be the 'Iron Man' after Stark, becoming the 'Iron Heart'."

Looking at the plastic-like battle suit, Chen Mu couldn't help but wonder if Stark would cheat if he saw that his title of "Iron Man" was inherited by this armor.

Or, what would the Iron Man in other worlds think after seeing this iron heart?

However, based on Chen Mu's understanding of Stark, this guy is a person who looks at his face. Anyway, as far as his date is concerned, there is no black man...

Presumably, Stark will not be too satisfied with this black "heir", right?

In short, Wakanda's Su Rui and Okoye, with iron hearts, flew in the direction of Wakanda, and when they passed a bridge, they were suddenly attacked.

Sure enough, it did not exceed Chen Mu's expectations. Iron Heart's battle armor had no effect at all. It was said to be a battle armor, but in fact it didn't have any weapons at all. Facing the attackers, he was quickly shot down.

And Su Rui and Okoye are also caught in a hard fight.


Looking at the attackers on the screen, Chen Mu couldn't help feeling a little strange, because those attackers really looked like Avatars, with blue skin and dreadlocks, no matter how they looked, they looked like Avatars.

In short, Chen Mu was a little speechless watching the battle between the two parties. It was really a street fight between two parties, and it was not interesting at all.

The only eye-catching thing is the weapons of the attackers, or the only "black technology", a water bomb that bursts out a large amount of water after the explosion.

But then again, where did the water come from?

For a bomb with the size of a fist file, the amount of water released by the explosion is at least dozens of square meters. It is unknown how outrageous compression technology is used to compress the amount of water into such a small bomb.

It is also possible that these attackers also possess magic, but this is obviously impossible. Now Chen Mu can basically confirm that these people are from Talokan.

I just don't know what the intentions of these Talokan people are.

In other words, Namor really stayed in the water for so long that his mind was really flooded.

On the one hand, let the people of Wakanda arrest people, and on the other hand, let people intercept and kill them.

If you really want to kill Tiexin, your people can just go straight to it, and let Wakanda's people intervene, isn't it a pain in the ass?

Some people may say that it is easy to put the blame on Wakanda, but thinking that the outside world does not know the existence of Talokan, and doing things casually, others will doubt Wakanda. Their actions are simply unnecessary .

Similarly, Su Rui was able to guess the identity of the other party, and after Okoye was blown up by the bomb, she raised her hand and surrendered.

"I am Princess Shuri of Wakanda, and I want to meet Namor."

In the face of danger, Su Rui's mind was still very clear, and he quickly revealed his identity and expressed his request to see Namor.

Sure enough, when Namor's name was uttered, the attackers also stopped attacking. After a blue-skinned man in the lead came out, he handcuffed Su Rui, put a breathing mask on her and Tie Xin, and took Watching the two girls, he jumped off the bridge and took them to Taloqan.

At this time, Okoye, who finally escaped from the water, also found out that his princess had been kidnapped, and rushed to Wakanda without stopping, and reported the matter to him at the same time.

Uh, looking at what has happened, Chen Mu is in a bad mood.

"Dog blood, bad plot."

The current Chen Mu can be considered to have understood the feelings of the observer, Yuatu. Every day watching these bullshit and bloody plots, he still feels uncomfortable. No wonder he didn’t have much in the face of Chen Mu’s solicitation. Hesitation, he agreed to solicit, and now, as the Acute eyes Acute ears of the Heavenly Court, watching the "plots" of other worlds in the Heavenly Court is much more pleasant than before!

Anyway, watching Wakanda and Talokan's love and killing each other, even the current Chen Mu feels a little unbearable.

"I really don't know if I will go crazy if I watch this kind of bad plot thousands of times..."

Chen Mu couldn't help complaining, and continued to fast forward.

Soon, two girls, Su Rui and Tie Xin, were kidnapped by Talocan people to the capital city of Talocan. Through the screen, Chen Mu also saw Talokan, who, together with Wakanda, boasted about how advanced its Vibranium technology is. How developed or something.

Wakanda is okay, at least there are modern cities, although there is only one city, and the other people are still in the form of tribes, but they can still see it anyway; and Talokan is even more outrageous, their so-called "high-tech" , just a big light bulb...

Perhaps their water bombs can make people's eyes bright, but others can only make others' eyes dark.

Anyway, Chen Mu doesn't know, why do the two countries of Wakanda and Talocan have the face to say that their technology is the strongest on earth?

Even if the country of Hua, which has been opened up, is excluded first, the countries on the earth, the other military powers, and any one of them can be promoted by both of them.

And the picture on the screen has also come to the capital of Talokan, and Namor has also come in front of Su Rui and Tie Xin.

"As long as we, Talokan and your Wakanda unite, we will definitely be able to defeat other countries and become the master of the world in one fell swoop. We no longer need to estimate the opinions of other countries, and we can better protect our resources."

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