The warm sun was shining in the afternoon, and the stands on the green field of Zhongcheng Institute of Technology were filled with people.

But at this moment, the whole place was very quiet, and all the spectators held their breath and stared at the playground. The game entered the ninth inning, but the scores of both sides were very close. The last ball would end the anxious game and decide the winner.

Gwen in the audience held Luo Xia's hand tightly, and she whispered the name of the team she supported.

A beam of sunlight shines on the green field. If you cover your eyes with your hands, you can faintly see the orange core in the middle of the sun.

The pitcher threw the ball in his hand, and the batsman, who reacted very quickly, hit the baseball accurately. A loud and crisp sound was heard, the baseball flew out, and the batsman immediately threw away the bat and ran towards first base.

Under the gaze of everyone, the baseball flew high and finally crossed the home run wall at the back of the outfield!

The whole audience cheered at the same time, countless spectators raised their arms and shouted, and the green field was boiling instantly!


Gwen shouted excitedly, she hugged Luo Xia and shook her violently, and kissed Luo Xia's cheek excitedly.

"Miss Spider, maybe you should join the women's baseball league. You will be unstoppable." Luo Xia leaned into Gwen's ear and said.

"No!" Gwen said, holding Luo Xia's shoulders with both hands, "Superheroes suit me better than baseball players."

After saying that, she kissed Luo Xia, hugging excitedly like the other couples in the stands.

A few minutes later, many spectators rushed to the arena to revel together, but Luo Xia and Gwen held hands and left the venue avoiding the crowd.

There was almost no one on the road, so Gwen made a ball-hitting motion with her hands clasped in front of her body. She kept her back foot on the ground, and her tight jeans outlined the shape of her buttocks.

"Home run!" Gwen shouted excitedly. It looked like she was very happy to watch this baseball game.

"If you go to a baseball game, you will definitely be invincible and easily win the MLB championship!" Gwen said with great interest after remembering Luo Xia's super power, "Not only baseball, but also basketball, football, badminton... You can do it. Become a sports star!”

"By cheating?" Luo Xia shook his head, "But these options are better than being a superhero. You have safety and income, and more importantly, you won't be scolded."

"Here you go again..." Gwen said with narrowed eyes.

"Baseball games, cycling, dessert shops..." Luo Xia cited examples one by one, "What else is in your love notes?"

“Cinema, aquarium and Ferris wheel!”

Gwen held Luo Xia's hand and said, "Are you free next week? We can go camping and have a picnic."

"I'm free next week, but I guess I'll be delayed now." Luo Xia said with a flash of eyes, "Do you still remember the night when the 'Devil Plan' ended?"

Gwen was stunned, and her face turned a little rosy.

Gwen patted Luo Xia: "I don't think we should mention those things on this occasion..."

"What are you thinking about?" Luo Xia couldn't help but laugh, "I'm talking about those two genetically mutated criminals in the middle of the night."

"Rhino and jackal? Are they committing crimes around here?"

"Not nearby, but right in the school. They are coming in our direction... Hurry up and run away? Or is Spider-Woman about to appear?" Luo Xia said indifferently, "It seems that they are not ordinary criminals. , and actually knows where to find Spider-Woman.”

Gwen was still digesting the information. After hearing Luo Xia's words, she couldn't help but ask: "Are they coming for me?"

"Otherwise, what else can attract them here? This is a school, not a shopping mall or a bank..." Luo Xia suddenly smiled mysteriously: "But this school is very popular with criminals, devils, green devils, The lizardmen have been here before, and now there are two more of them.”

"It's because some students in the school are careless..." Gwen said, covering her face, and she sighed: "Oops, the date was interrupted again..."

Gwen also thinks that Luo Xia's judgment is very logical, and she is also prepared for a big battle. But Gwen was a little curious about how Luo Xia knew about the approach of the rhinoceros and the jackal? Could it be that Rorsha is a humanoid villain detector?

"How did they know I was in this school? Will they know my true identity?" Gwen asked, looking at Luo Xia, her eyes full of worry.

"Who knows, it's possible." Holmes Rosha started to go online, "Who knows your true identity?"

Gwen began to list one by one: "You, Norman Osborn...he is dead, and Peter Parker?"

"And Harry Osborn, Iron Man may also know." Luo Xia added for her: "Then the origins of these two people are very clear."

"How could Iron Man know..." Gwen was a little unbelievable, "I have only met him twice, and he has never revealed any flaws."

"You underestimated Tony Stark's IQ, but that's not the point." Rorsha held Gwen's head in both hands and said, "The point is that your former good friend now wants to kill you. It's really dramatic."

"You mean Harry?" Gwen also reacted.

The Osborn Group has made many achievements in the field of biological genes. The Green Devil and Lizard Man are both monsters indirectly created by Osborn. And she, her spider gene was also obtained from Osborn...

The rhino and jackal that Gwen and Luo Xia faced a few days ago were also products of genetic mutation.

Then Rosha's guess is reasonable. Harry created these monsters, and now he lets them come to school to attack him...

Gwen shook her head slowly, she couldn't believe this fact.

"The Green Goblin is Norman Osborn, right? He died at the dance that night, right? The news reported that he had been missing for a long time..."

Luo Xia pretended to ask, doing all the tricks, he would never show any flaws.

This sentence exploded in Gwen's mind, and she nodded slowly. In an instant, Gwen no longer had any doubts... In Harry's mind, he must have thought that Spider-Woman and the devil killed Norman Os. Book.

Suddenly there was a commotion in the music room not far away, and a moment later panicked students were running around.

"Don't think too much, dear Miss Gwen." Luo Xia pinched Gwen's shoulders from behind, "It's better to go..."

"You know my choice." Gwen interrupted Luo Xia. She took off her baseball cap and put it on Luo Xia's head with her backhand. "Sister went to eliminate the bad guys! Your mission is to protect innocent students from being harmed... …”

"I never said I wanted to get involved!" Luo Xia emphasized. He adjusted the direction of his hat and said, "I'm not a superhero..."

"Time is of the essence. If there is more, we can talk after it's over." Gwen kissed Luo Xia again. "Now someone is going to bully your beautiful girlfriend. Do you want to choose to sit back and ignore it and let poor me fight alone?"

"Then they all have to die."

Luo Xia suddenly spoke calmly, but Gwen felt the slightest chill.

"Uh... there's no need to be so violent." Gwen corrected, "The best solution is to control him, hand it over to the police, and let the judge try him..."

"Gwen, dealing with criminals is not just playing house..." Luo Xia smiled scornfully and walked towards the music room, "You succeeded in persuading me. Now you go to a safe place and wait for me. Those two genes I will deal with the mutated monsters...yes, I will judge them on behalf of the judge."

"I'm Spider-Woman, a superhero, not a weak little girl!" Gwen protested, "And I'm also genetically mutated..."

"Okay, okay." Luo Xia said casually, without looking back, "You are responsible for evacuating the crowd and protecting everyone's safety, Miss Spider."

Luo Xia went against the flow of people, and the crowded flow of people would automatically separate a passage for him to move forward.

Gwen in the back was not so lucky. She didn't have time to change into the spider suit, and she couldn't use spider silk or climb the wall to avoid the flow of people. She could only watch Luo Xia enter the building and disappear behind her. in the field of vision.

Gwen was not worried about Luo Xia's safety. After Luo Xia intervened in the battlefield that night, she killed two genetically mutated criminals with a crushing force. She was just dissatisfied with Luo Xia abandoning her. The correct plot should be a couple. The two fight side by side and work together to defeat the criminals.

Luo Xia entered the building and saw a big hole in one side of the wall, which should be the work of the Rhinoceros.

Midtown Institute of Technology has no walls. Behind this building is the street. It seems that the two criminals entered the school from here.

With the Dragon Talisman, Luo Xia could clearly feel the energy source of the rhino and the jackal, and soon he opened the door of a music classroom and found the two of them.

The Jackal was standing by the window looking out over the playground, while the huge Rhino Man was destroying the classroom.

The alert Jackal discovered Luo Xia. Luo Xia's reaction was very strange. He was not afraid and was even calm, which surprised the Jackal.

"Boy, are you a student here? How to get to the graduating class? And have you heard of the name Gwen Stacy?"

The rhinoceros man also turned around and stared at Luo Xia with an unkind look.

"Of course." Luo Xia walked to the center of the classroom and said calmly, "She is my girlfriend."

Jackal smiled slightly. Not wanting to waste time, he picked up a table next to him and threw it. The table shot out quickly and hit Luo Xia.

Suddenly he froze, his eyes full of surprise... The shocked expression instantly turned to fear, and a chill spread throughout his body.

The table actually stopped in the air... The rhinoceros man also reacted. He leaned down and rushed towards Luo Xia, aiming the sharp horn of his head at Luo Xia's head.

Both of them recalled a bad memory. When they were fighting Spider-Woman that night, a mysterious man suddenly came and brutalized them!

Luo Xia waved his hand casually, and the rhinoceros flew sideways, smashed into the wall and fell into the green belt.

The table that was still in the air was also reflected, at ten times the original speed! The agile jackal was hit before he even had time to dodge.

With a roar, the iron table collapsed, and the jackal fell to the ground. His head was knocked crooked, and he felt a violent dizziness.

But this was just the beginning. Luo Xia turned to look at a piano on the side of the classroom. The piano immediately flew up and hit the jackal.

The jackal was hit hard twice before he woke up. Luo Xia looked coldly at the messy classroom and slowly clasped his palms together.

The piano on Jackal's body instantly couldn't withstand the huge force and exploded, and the broken parts tightly wrapped around Jackal.

The pegs and broken movement drilled hard into the jackal's body. The jackal on the floor let out a terrifying scream, as if he was undergoing some kind of torture.

The iron bones of the piano were twisted together and wrapped around the jackal's neck. It was still shrinking under Luo Xia's control. The screams in the classroom suddenly stopped. The face of the jackal whose trachea was strangled turned red. He wanted to use his claws. He cut the restraints around his neck, but the sharp claws only pierced his throat, drawing blood.

Luo Xia's hand was completely clenched, and the strings of the shattered piano penetrated the Jackal's body, neatly entering from the chest, piercing the back with blood and exposing it to the air. At this moment, the Jackal looked more like It's a bloody hedgehog...

Even though the vitality of these genetic monsters was strong, under Luo Xia's fierce offensive, the Jackal quickly stopped resisting and fell into a pool of blood.

The whole battle took less than ten seconds, and the genetically mutated jackal was completely killed by Luo Xia.

Luo Xia didn't even glance at the miserable corpse of the Jackal. He turned and walked towards the big hole the Rhinoceros had made in the wall.

The rhinoceros man was so dizzy from the fall that he just climbed up from the green belt and swept the grass clippings from his face. He found that his body was floating uncontrollably, and he moved backwards and returned to the music classroom.

The limbs of the rhinoceros suspended in the air were constantly scratching the air, and he was trying to break free from Luo Xia's telekinetic control. Rhino Man's fear continued to be amplified, and the bad memories of that night resurfaced in his mind...

Luo Xia had a headache looking at the green polymer skin on the Rhino Man's body and the metal armor on his back. It was difficult for him to kill the Rhino Man without using an attack method with obvious demonic tags.

Luo Xia used the chicken charm to control the rhino man to float in front of him. He stretched out his hand to hold the rhino man down.

The shadow of the tiger totem flashed in his eyes, and the tiger talisman was activated with all his strength.

The rhinoceros man was stunned. He felt the energy in his body passing rapidly, accompanied by a strong pain...

Power division!

The rhinoceros gene power in his body began to be separated under the action of the tiger charm, and he would transform from a genetic monster back to a normal person.

A few seconds passed, and the cyan polymer skin on the Rhino Man's body cracked and fell off. The sharp horns on his head and part of the metal armor on his back also began to fall off. His body continued to shrink, shrinking from a height of more than three meters to about two meters. , revealing the appearance of a normal human being.

Luo Xia smiled slightly. The rhinoceros man who had turned into an ordinary person had no ability to resist. He had seen the scene where Luo Xia used the chicken charm, so Luo Xia naturally couldn't let him survive.


A cello was shattered by a huge force. The four horizontal strings of the cello were straightened and moved in an orderly manner at high speed. The sound of tearing the air was like four blades.

The crisp sound of the strings sounded, and the four strings easily cut the rhinoceros man's body...

Thanks to book friend "Situ Xieyue" for the 1,000 starting point coin.

Thanks to the book friend "From the Ultimate Madman to Complete Crazy" for the 933 starting points.

Thanks to the book friend "woc this book is so poisonous" for the 500 starting points reward.

Thanks to the book friend "Yi Ye Bo Tao" for the 100 starting points reward.

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