Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 112 A loud bang in the sky, the green fat man makes a brilliant appearance

Finally, Eric and Doom reached an agreement that after Doom's space station was built, Skye Industries would install an energy collection device for the space station.

Doom could use Skye Industries' energy collection device to collect solar storm energy without leaking it, using it for other purposes, and ensuring that Comrade Reed would not conduct research. After the solar storm ended, Doom was obliged to return the energy collection device to Skye Industries.

Skye Industries would not charge a penny. The only condition was that Eric would be compared to Comrade Reed and help Eric conduct strong and weak force research for one month.

Faced with this almost harsh overlord clause, Doom happily signed his name. Isn't it just the right to use Reed for one month? It's the same as freeloading!

Reed has the highest IQ in Marvel and is nicknamed "God of God". He graduated from world-renowned universities such as California Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Columbia University, Empire State University, etc. As long as he is willing, there is no doctorate he can't get!

Moreover, his research direction is very broad, including theoretical physics, applied physics, quantum physics, chemistry, genetic engineering, medicine, mathematics, astronomy...

He has made achievements in almost all fields and is a truly all-round genius.

His high IQ is his advantage, but also his disadvantage. Because of his extremely high IQ and strong desire for knowledge, he is very curious about everything he doesn't understand and wants to find out the truth, without considering whether it is dangerous or not.

Negative space wormholes, antimatter bombs, replicas of the ultimate eraser, etc., a series of dangerous items, are all due to his curiosity and high IQ.

Of course, this is also a common problem for researchers. When there is no danger, they always think they can control the overall situation and eliminate any danger, and then they collapse.

So, if you want to use Reed, you must set a fixed research scope and time for him, keep him in a very small circle, and don't give him room to play freely. Even Eric won't let him see artificial intelligence!


After sending Doom away, Reed soon came to Eric's laboratory. Like the Reed that Eric knew, this Reed was also a mad scientist. After learning about his mission, he plunged into the laboratory.

In order to prevent him from doing anything wrong, Eric decided to follow him throughout the whole process. Not reassured, he asked him to monitor him for 24 hours in the future, and to remind Eric as long as his research went beyond the limit.


It must be said that Reed, who has the strongest brain in Marvel, is really not covered. Only 20 days have passed in a month, and he has completed all the tasks assigned to him by Eric. You know, these are the difficult and complicated problems and a large number of unfinished tests that Eric and his team have accumulated for several years.

Seeing that the month has not yet arrived, Comrade Guabi still wants to continue to eat and drink with Eric, but Eric is really afraid that he will cause trouble, so he sent him back to the Doom Group and let him continue to harm Doom!

With the data calculated by Comrade Guabi, Eric's research on strong and weak forces can be said to have reached its peak. From now on, it will not be possible to do experiments in the laboratory alone.

The data is complete, but how to turn the data into his own ability? Eric still has no clue. He knows that Reed will definitely be able to study it, but he dare not let Reed do it, so he can only figure it out by himself.

"It would be great if there was a reference! Like the gravitonium, I need a primer!" Eric paced back and forth in the office, racking his brains to think about where to find such a primer.

There are countless treasures in the Marvel Universe, but there are really few that are related to strong and weak forces and harmless.

In fact, Eric has always known the most direct primer, which is nuclear radiation, but does he dare to try it on himself? This is different from the medicine invented by Hank. That thing is for curing diseases. Even if it is changed into poison by himself, it can be resisted by his super strong physique.

But nuclear radiation, without magnetic field isolation, he really dare not touch it. Nuclear radiation can 100% make him mutate, but what about the direction of mutation? Even with that pile of data, he can't control it. The probability of mutation in the bad direction is more than 99%...

That's no different from seeking death by himself.

"How about letting Chen Lu try?" Eric couldn't help but lock his eyes on the Asian face busy in the laboratory. This strong man used nuclear radiation on himself in order to gain power, and he really succeeded, becoming a radiation man, controlling radiation, in essence, is controlling weak force.

After watching for a while, Eric shook his head and looked away. Chen Lu used nuclear radiation on himself in order to obtain the other party's Thor's method. The time should be pushed back at least seven or eight years. The changes in the human body in seven or eight years and the progress of science and technology are important factors that cannot be ignored in mutation. Now let him be exposed to nuclear radiation, it is not necessarily successful.

Moreover, Chen Lu works hard every day under his command and contributes a lot to his research. It is not reasonable for him to do this!

"Wait a little longer. I don't know when the move of returning the Howards will work. Obaday is too slow. Should we add fuel to the fire?"

Sending the Howards back at this time is also a plan of Eric, and the purpose is self-evident. But now it seems that Obaday's efficiency is a bit low!

A lot of crooked ideas suddenly popped up in Eric's mind. Just when he was considering which one to use, the future of artificial intelligence suddenly interrupted his thoughts.

"Sir, General Ross has activated the space-based weapon!"

"Ah? So fast? What happened? It's only been a month!" Eric was shocked.

After signing the order with the military, Eric sold the engineering machine of the space-based weapon used in the demonstration to General Ross at a low price. The government would never let a private company own such a weapon. He could secretly make one, but now that the military leaders have seen it, how could he let such a dangerous thing get out of control?

For future cooperation, Eric wisely chose to sell it to General Ross, who had the closest relationship with him.

But he didn't expect that General Ross would use it in just one month?

"Future, call up the screen!" Eric will naturally monitor such an important backup, and even take full control of it when necessary...

The surveillance screen came, and it can be seen that the screen is looking down at the ground from space. The camera quickly zoomed in, and a familiar yet unfamiliar figure appeared in Eric's eyes, huge, strong, violent, and green...

"What's going on? Hulk is born now?!" Eric was stunned to see Hulk jumping around under the laser attack, "And what the hell are these four hands he is aiming at?!"

Hahaha, a different green fat man is here, please recommend, please vote, please subscribe

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