Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 126 My daughter will eventually grow up

"No answer? Tony? Did you make it? Unmanned armor? Great idea! Selling it to the Ministry of Defense will definitely make a lot of money! But the shape is too stupid. Are you going to give it to some girl?"

Seeing that Skye didn't answer for a long time, Obaday didn't want to wait any longer. The two Gatling guns behind him sprayed out two fire dragons, and the shells piled up quickly at his feet.

Unfortunately, he underestimated Skye's armor. The bullets that gushed out began to slow down wildly when they were three meters away from Skye. They completely lost power and fell down after flying less than one meter.

"What a great idea! Use a special magnetic field to slow down the bullets, Jarvis, record it!" Tony Stark was so shameless that he hid behind half a wall to learn from him, his face full of excitement of discovering a new world.

"Sir, I think this armor is more advanced than your Mark II." Jarvis's heart-wrenching words made Tony Stark's excited expression solidify.

"No, it's just a little creative in some places, yes, just a little creative!"


Obaday saw that the machine gun was useless, so he fired all the missiles in the arm armor directly, and he controlled Iron Monger to take heavy steps and rushed towards Skye.

Skye was still discussing her superhero nickname with the future, but she didn't expect that Obaday would start fighting without even saying hello. The violent rain of bullets scared her silly in an instant.

Where had she seen this before! She grew up in an orphanage, and after being adopted by Eric, she lived like a princess. She was pampered every day. The only exercise she had was to practice with Barton or Psylocke, but they were Eric's men, so how could they dare to kill her? What they taught her were all some gentle movements, which looked good but were useless...

The magnetic field defense of the armor started automatically and blocked the bullets in the sky, which made Skye feel relieved, but the missiles that followed made her heart rise to her throat again.

"Future, missiles! What should I do? What should I do?" No matter how powerful she was on the Internet, in reality, she was still just a fifteen-year-old loli.

"Miss, don't worry. After calculation, the power of the missile is not enough to destroy the magnetic shield."

Sure enough, several missiles exploded in front of Skye, but they were all blocked by the invisible magnetic shield, without hurting Skye inside.

With the precedent of Teddy Bear blocking missiles, Obaday knew very well that using missiles to shoot at this strange unmanned armor in the air would probably not have any effect. It was just to cover up his next attack.

The fire of the missile explosion blocked the future exploration. When her detector detected Iron Overlord again, he was less than five meters away from Skye.

I saw two thick flames sprayed from the feet of Iron Overlord, pushing its bulky body into the sky, and punching Skye. On the huge iron fist, a sharp blade more than two meters long stretched out.

This is one of Obaday's secret weapons. The blade is made of gold-titanium alloy. Through a special device, it can produce high-frequency vibrations. When the power is adjusted to the maximum, cutting a meter thick steel is like cutting tofu!

The sharp blade did not disappoint Obaday. It easily pierced through the magnetic shield and slashed towards Skye's head. Obaday couldn't help but show a grim smile on his face.

"Bang!" With a loud bang, the sharp blade collided with Skye's rabbit helmet. Iron Overlord used his size advantage to knock Skye out.

Skye circled uncontrollably in the air, making a piercing scream. If Future hadn't blocked the sound, Obaday and Stark would have heard it long ago.

Future controlled the armor to hover. The flying method of this armor is fundamentally different from the Mark series. There is no jet under its feet. The flight is completely dependent on the anti-gravity system that changes the gravitational field. The wings behind it can provide power, control direction, and look good...

"Miss, besides screaming, should you do something else?"

"Ah! I don't know! Future, let's go home!" Skye's face was pale and she looked really scared. She never thought that the real battle would be so terrifying!

"Miss, are you really going to go back and let the gentleman laugh at you?"

"I..." As soon as Eric was mentioned, Skye calmed down immediately and pursed her lips and muttered, "He won't laugh at me."

She said so, but she knew in her heart that her performance was really terrible! What was she doing here? To save Stark, but she wanted to run away just after the fight started, and she almost cried? It's so embarrassing!

"Future, what should I do?" Regaining courage and spirit, Skye humbly asked for advice from the future.

"Miss, your armor has extremely strong defense. You don't have to worry about Iron Monger's attack at all. He can't hurt you. Just treat this battle as a computer game. Think about the fighting skills that Mr. Barton and Ms. Psylocke taught you, and you will win!"

"Computer game?" Skye murmured to herself, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, and she completely regained her calmness. Her eyes became extremely serious, just like when she usually attacked other people's firewalls.

As long as she has something to do with computers, Skye can make her brain work quickly. In the network, she is the king!

Obaday never thought that his secret weapon did not cause any damage to the enemy. He looked at Skye floating in the air in surprise, and then looked at the sharp blade in his hand, with a puzzled face.

"Jarvis, what metal is that? Adamantium?" Stark on the side was also shocked. This is his home. His detection methods are far more comprehensive than Obaday's. Even if a large part of it was destroyed by Obaday, there are still many still working. Soon, Jarvis got the answer.

"According to the data comparison, it is very likely vibranium, sir, the same material as the shield your father made for Captain America."

"Vibranium? Didn't Dad use up all the vibranium in the world to make the shield?"

"I'm afraid that's not the case..."

In just over ten seconds, Skye had adjusted her state. She regarded Iron Monger as a fierce big boss in the game. The data of Iron Monger's armor flashed in her mind one by one. Combined with her own armor data, she quickly analyzed where Iron Monger's weaknesses were.

"It's not that difficult!" Skye chuckled confidently, flapped her wings gently, and swooped down towards Iron Monger.


In Eric's secret laboratory, Eric stood alone in front of the computer screen, watching Skye's change of mentality from cowardice to strength, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, his daughter will grow up, and he can't stay with her forever. In the future, she can only face danger by herself. Giving her more training now will make her less dangerous in the future. Iron Monger is a very suitable whetstone.

Eric is so worried about his daughter.

As a daughter slave, I really want to pave the way for my daughter's future...

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