Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 138 Do you really think you are not affected?

"Hello Magneto, oh, no, it seems a bit inappropriate to call me Magneto now."

Michelangelo tilted his head slightly and looked at Eric, "Yes, you have mastered most of the four basic powers. You are more talented than other Magnetos."

"That's not what you said the last time I saw you!" Eric still remembered that in the Emperor Thanos universe, when he first came to the Immortal City, he did not look for a way to defeat Thanos, but instead looked for ways to escape. When he was walking on the road, Michelangelo mocked him as the most cowardly of all Magneto...

"Oh, that one I might be going through menopause." Michelangelo made a little joke, but the dazzling golden light on his body made Eric unable to laugh no matter what.

"What happened here?" Eric hurriedly changed the subject and asked, pointing to the broken eaves and broken walls in front of him. In the Emperor Thanos universe, the Immortal City was destroyed more completely than here, but he has never done so. Find the truth.

"Civil War!" Michelangelo turned around and looked at the tragic scene in front of him expressionlessly, as luminous figures appeared in the ruins one after another. They all have identical faces, some are meditating with their eyes closed, some are painting for others, some are carving portraits, and some are gathered together in twos and threes and arguing fiercely about something.

Eric squinted his eyes and turned his head slightly. This golden area was so dazzling!

"In 1960, Newton went to war with Leonardo da Vinci for the leadership of the Supreme Council of the Holy Shield. They destroyed this place after a great war." Michelangelo beside Eric explained.

"No! The Civil War happened in 1978!" Michelangelo, who was drawing, suddenly stood up and walked towards them. "It was the midnight machine Tesla that destroyed this place."

"No, it was 1981. Nostradamus and the Children of the Stars came to look for the infinite formula. The Children of the Stars saw the silent mathematics, fell into rage and destroyed the place!" Michelangelo, who was carving a stone statue, threw down the hammer. .

"You are all wrong! The Civil War happened ten years later..."

More and more Michelangelos came over. They were Michelangelos scattered in different parallel universes. Each one was real and each one was himself.

They each expressed their own opinions and described the history they witnessed with great emotion, but they could not convince those around them.

Michelangelo, who was beside Eric, curled his lips and made a helpless expression, "Sometimes, it's really hard to convince yourself."

Eric nodded awkwardly, "Let's just talk about the history of this universe."

"Oh, that's great! This way we can talk in more detail." Michelangelo, who first spoke to Eric, showed a smile, while the other Michelangelos all showed disappointed expressions, not even one. Will disappear without a trace.

"The civil war caused all the elites of the Brotherhood to be lost, and the Eternal City was reduced to rubble. In order to end this meaningless war, I brought back three young men, Howard Stark and Nathaniel Lee. Chaz, and Midnight Machine Nikola Tesla’s son, Leonid.”

Iron Man's father, Mr. Fantastic's father, plus Tesla's son, wow, this lineup is really powerful!

"The Supreme Council of the Holy Shield convened a court meeting, Nathaniel Richards charged the spirit, Howard Stark was responsible for driving the truth, and Leonid made the final verdict." Michelangelo's voice was full of The taste of memories seems to be accompanied by deep fatigue.

"What's the ending?" Eric couldn't help but ask.

"No one can hide the truth in a court hearing." The light on Michelangelo suddenly became dim. "The truth is that Newton killed Galileo!"

"What! Newton killed Galileo!" Eric was dumbfounded, suspecting that his ears heard it wrong, but unfortunately that was the truth.

"Yes, Newton killed Galileo for his own selfish desires!" Michelangelo sighed. "Newton was sentenced to death in court. Unfortunately, he had a backup plan. He activated the time machine in court and traveled to the future. To witness the destruction of the world with his own eyes, Leonardo led the remaining Brotherhood members in pursuit."


"Yes, 2060."

Eric: "..."

He suddenly felt that he was too frustrated! Look at this guy, he jumps around the timeline at will, and when he goes to the future, he always forms a group to go together. What about him? In order to travel through parallel universes, he robbed the Illuminati, abandoned Mystique, and even lost half his life. This gap is really huge!

"Why go to 2060?"

"The Brotherhood of the Aegis has calculated the time of human extinction. We have repeatedly calculated it for hundreds of years, and the results all show that humankind will perish in 2060. Newton wants to be a witness to the extinction of humankind."

Destruction of humanity in 2060? Hum! If humans really became extinct in 2060, how did Cable reach the 39th century? How can human life and death be measured by calculation? It's all nonsense!

"What happened next?"

Michelangelo stared ahead in trance. Time passed slowly around him, but it did not affect him at all. "They are still fighting! Fighting in three different potential timelines."

Eric shrugged and made no comment. Last time he came in a hurry and didn't care about anything else except looking for things. This time he had time. He originally wanted to meet the sages of the Brotherhood, but now it seems that they are just like that! Even if you don’t see him!

"Okay, the story is over. Now let's talk about you. Why did you come here this time?" Michelangelo looked at Eric with scrutiny in his eyes.

Eric frowned and was so busy listening to the story that he almost forgot the main business. "I came here this time to ask you, what happened to Howard and Maria?"

"Don't you already have the answer in your heart?"

Eric swallowed his saliva after hearing this, "Is it really because of that?"

"Howard began to study the super soldier potion in the late 1980s, but he was very old at that time. His slow brain made it impossible for him to deduce the formula of the potion. Fortunately, Sir Newton left behind an infinite formula. Howard was inspired by it and perfected the potion, but unfortunately the side effects are still obvious."

"Sure enough!" Eric smiled bitterly. This was the only answer he could think of!

Super soldier potion. In order to keep the couple alive, Eric injected half a tube into each of them. Later, because there was not enough energy irradiation, they fell asleep for nearly ten years.

Now, they woke up from their deep sleep. Eric had long forgotten about it, but he didn't expect that they were still affected by the potion.

"So, it's my fault this time? Haha, so what? Isn't it just taking the blame? I'm used to taking the blame!" Eric put his hands in his pockets indifferently, looking like he was not burdened by too many debts.

"If I remember correctly, you seem to have injected two tubes of potion, right?" Michelangelo suddenly laughed at Eric, making Eric's skin crawl.

"I found a way to eliminate the side effects!" Eric hurriedly explained, "I was not affected by the side effects of the potion!"

"Oh? Really? Do you really think you are not affected?"

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