Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 150 The Secret of the Gods

Taros, a Skrull, came to Earth six years ago to track down Captain Marvel Carol in order to find his lost wife, children and tribe members, and to help his tribe members find a safe place to live.

Later, Eric repelled the Kree fleet that was tracking him, and placed him and his tribe members on the planet Vormir where the Soul Gem was hidden.

As a Skrull, and the leader of a tribe, Taros's ability to transform is one of the best in the tribe. After he transforms, he can not only obtain the short-term memory of his original body, but also copy a little bit of his abilities.

Of course, it's just a little bit. Eric invited him to transform into himself, and he only gained some simple magnetic field control abilities, which could not be used after encountering the X-Gene Inhibitor.

Almost all of his abilities come from the rings on his hands, which originally belonged to the Ten Rings of the Mandarin.

In addition to the shock ring that had long been given to Skye, the lightning ring given to Barton, the dark force field ring temporarily lent to Blade, and the mind amplification ring that Skye hung around his neck to influence Tony Stark, the other six rings were all worn on his hands.

Coupled with some auxiliary technological equipment Eric temporarily made and his rich combat experience, it is unlikely to defeat the Son of Stars, but it is more than enough to hold him up.

The Son of Stars is just a baby of the Celestials who is only 20 meters tall. It is actually very easy for Eric to kill him, but he dares not.

He cannot be sure whether there is some unknown communication method between the Celestials. What if he kills the Son of Stars and other adult Celestials come to Earth for revenge?

For example, the 20,000-foot-tall Eradicator, which requires the little rascal to absorb the power of all the superheroes on Earth to barely defeat it. If he encounters the Eradicator now, he can only choose to escape or surrender.

However, with a living Celestial in front of him, isn't it a bit of a waste to just let him go? Eric thought, even if it is a stone, I have to scrape a layer of dust off you!

When the Son of Stars saw Eric teleporting over, the "Eric" who was fighting with him turned into a green skin again, and immediately knew that he was fooled. He was already extremely angry, and now he was even more furious.

"Destruction!" The Son of Star roared, and a huge energy shock swept towards Eric.

His energy comes from the sun, but after using it, the energy level is obviously higher than the sun's energy. No matter what it is, it will be smashed to pieces by the energy shock.

Eric drew a circle in front of him and opened a portal, wanting to transmit the attack of the Son of Star to other places. After the shock came, he realized that he thought too simply.

The energy of the Son of Star can actually affect the space faintly. His portal cannot carry this energy at all. This is not a problem of quantity, but a problem of quality.

"Sure enough, God is fundamentally different from mortals!" Eric excitedly felt this energy, which may provide him with a way forward in the future.

His next step has been confirmed by the previous observer. Through the calcination of the eternal fire, he will help him improve his life level and integrate the four basic forces.

By then, his life level will undergo a qualitative change, and he will get rid of his mortal body and ascend to the top of the god!

This kind of god is not the kind of fantasy omnipotent god, but a higher level of evolution, like Father Odin and Thor.

By then, he will be promoted to the Father level and stand at the same level as Odin.

This is the conclusion Eric came to after countless calculations, but what about the road ahead? He was at a loss.

Think about other pantheons on Earth, Odin and Thor's Aesir pantheon, which seems to grow through the accumulation and inheritance of divine power. Their divine power will continue to grow with age, and at the last moment of their lives, they will pass the divine power to their sons, and pass it down from generation to generation. The divine power continues to accumulate, and finally the invincible rune king Thor will be created.

In addition, there is the Christian pantheon of God and angels that the American people talk about every day, which should be improved through faith.

The Indian pantheon and the Egyptian pantheon should be linked to the underworld and improved through the power of death.

Then there are the messy Greek pantheon, Celtic pantheon, Finnish pantheon, etc. These earth pantheons have their own ways to improve their strength.

But the efficiency seems to be not high...

Let Eric wait for thousands of years to accumulate power? Or let him develop believers? Or kneel down and lick the goddess of death? I can't do it!

So, it is more reliable to study the cosmic gods of the Celestial God Group.

The portal is not working, Eric has set up magnetic shields, gravitational shields, energy shields, strong and weak forces, and decided to defend but not attack, so as to analyze the energy composition of the Son of Stars.

"It seems to be a very primitive energy, which can almost evolve all the energy types I have mastered!" Eric squinted his eyes and tried to separate a trace of this energy from the attack of the Son of Stars.

This primitive energy is very little, so little that it is almost imperceptible, but it directly affects the life level of the Son of Stars, allowing him to stay firmly at the level of "God".

"Primitive but pure, rare but extremely high level, this energy seems to come from the beginning of the Big Bang!" Eric's mouth curled up, "Let's call it primitive cosmic energy for the time being, this is what I need in the future!"

Eric felt that he had grasped the key, and his expression was a little excited, which further angered the Son of Stars. The energy impact continued, and another attack came. This was his divine power, planning.

All the barriers in front of Eric turned into bubbles under this attack. Eric woke up instantly, quickly dodged, and took advantage of the fact that the Son of Stars didn't react, and teleported to the back of his head and punched him hard.

The four basic forces condensed and exploded on this punch, and the huge energy like a missile was poured on the back of the Son of Stars' head.

Eric carefully observed the state of the Son of Stars to prevent him from being killed directly by himself. In the end, with one punch, the Son of Stars fell unconscious.

"Eric, you have become stronger again!" Talos, who was hiding aside, swallowed his saliva, walked over slowly, looked at his fist, and looked at his face with lingering fear.

"Haha, Talos, thank you so much for this time. Come to my house for a drink later!"

Hearing Eric's invitation, Talos shook his head: "No, next time, my fourth child is about to be born. If I didn't need your help this time, I wouldn't even leave the house."

Eric nodded knowingly and asked casually: "Are you used to living on Vormir?"

"Of course, the environment there is beautiful, the resources are rich, and there are no Kree people!" Talos's big green face showed satisfaction, but also with a trace of regret, "It's a pity that we can only live on such a good planet for 20 years. You don't know, Eric, we all live by the clock."

Eric was silent after hearing this. After a while, he patted Talos on the shoulder and solemnly promised: "Talos, you are ready, ready to move at any time, as short as one year, as long as three years, I will definitely give you a perfect home."

This comic plot is over, and we can enter the familiar movie plot again...right?


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