Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 154 Comrade Doom, who was tricked by his buddy, is here again

"Boss, stop making fun of me. You gave me the blueprint. I just followed it." Although he said so, Ivan couldn't help but straighten his body, his mouth curled up, and the toothpick in his mouth was put aside.

Eric shook his head with a look of approval, "No, Ivan, the blueprint I gave you is just an idea. I didn't expect you to be able to turn it into reality. It's really great!"

While praising his subordinates, Eric walked towards the glass window. The little white mouse inside saw him approaching and immediately became alert. The white fur on the surface instantly turned into a bright silver.

Under the induction of the magnetic field, the cells of the little white mouse underwent a fundamental transformation in an instant, from the original flesh and blood body to a metal-like form, and its structure was extremely similar to vibranium!

Eric opened the window and reached out to grab the little white mouse, but the little white mouse actually flew up and avoided his palm.

"Not bad!" Eric praised, controlling several metal plates to wrap it in it, but after a while, the metal plates turned red quickly, and soon melted a small hole, and the little white mouse flew out immediately.

Ivan saw Eric release the little white mouse. Although he was still proud, he quickly picked up the controller on the table and stared at the little guy out of the cage vigilantly. It can be seen that he must have suffered from it!

Eric looked back at him and smiled, "You are too nervous, Ivan!" After that, he held the little white mouse from a distance, and the little white mouse could not move immediately. The four short legs struggled desperately in the air, and the metal color on its body began to change. It turned into a rock, a diamond, and a flame, but no matter how it changed, it could not escape.

"I didn't expect that transplanting the Sentinel Plan to a living organism would actually succeed!" Eric pulled the little white mouse closer and stared at it closely, as if he was looking at a rare treasure!

That's right, the Sentinel Plan, this is the drawing that Eric gave to Ivan!

This mutant killing machine invented by the dwarf scientist Bolivar Teslak has forced mutants to travel through time and space and reverse the future in many parallel universes. Some parallel universes may even exterminate the entire human race!

When Eric traveled through time, he obtained all of Magneto's memories, and his research on these enemies was naturally included. In addition, he deliberately collected the drawings of this technology after he took control of his body, and he mastered them very well.

The ultimate sentinel robot made by Bolivar Teslak uses the genes of Mystique as a template to transform the robot, and then adds the genes of other mutants, allowing them to change their form according to specific circumstances. A robot has almost all the abilities of mutants, which is extremely perverted.

Eric improved the drawings and replaced the carrier of the sentinel robot from a machine to a living organism, making it more flexible, more adaptable, and also more difficult to control.

But is Eric really going to create a brand new sentinel biochemical weapon? Of course not! These mice are just the most basic carriers for the next experiment, and they will be added with more powerful forces!

Eric put the mouse back into the window. Ivan hurriedly controlled the window to close and released a special sound wave. The mouse immediately calmed down, and its epidermis became soft flesh and blood again. It happily gnawed the mouse food.

"This will be the most powerful weapon I have ever seen!" Eric was very satisfied with the performance of the mouse. He took out a piece of gel from his pocket dimension, which contained a thin orange hair.

"The plan has changed. Originally, I just wanted to make a powerful weapon, but recently I met a big guy. From him, I saw some special energy. I need that kind of energy, so the next experimental material will be this!"

Ivan took the gel carefully, put it in front of his eyes and observed it carefully. After looking at it for a long time, he asked in confusion: "Boss, this seems to be a cat's hair?"

"Yes, it comes from an orange cat, a powerful orange cat!" Speaking of orange cats, Eric couldn't help but recall a poor guy who was scratched by an orange cat. As the former wallkeeper, he was truly free after the wallkeeper stepped down.

"Hurry up on the research. I will get the next material as soon as possible, Mr. Creator!"


Back on Earth, Eric visited the Immortal City again. The time machine had been destroyed, and the Eternal Man Michelangelo reconnected to this timeline. He came just for him.

"Master, how should the Son of the Star be dealt with?" Eric got straight to the point and threw this thorny problem directly to Michelangelo.

"He can't die on Earth, nor can he die at the hands of Earthlings!" Michelangelo pointed to the sky, and Eric immediately understood what he meant. He wanted him to send the Son of the Star to another planet!

Moreover, Michelangelo's words meant that he wanted the Son of the Star to die! Why? Because he absorbed the energy of the sun. A baby god who was in urgent need of energy absorbed the energy of the sun for 1,500 years. How much would it absorb? Anyone who could estimate it would frown, as this would greatly reduce the life of the sun!

Perhaps Newton's calculations are correct. In 2060, the Earth will really go extinct, and the reason is probably because of the Son of the Stars!

No one can guarantee that he will not absorb the energy of the sun again in the future. Letting him die on another planet may be the best choice, but which planet should he be sent to? Who should he die in? This requires careful planning!

"Master, where does the original energy of the Son of the Star come from?" After temporarily suppressing this big pit, Eric asked the question he was most concerned about.

"That is the most primitive energy formed during the Big Bang. All gods use it as a driving force. They are born with the ability to transform this energy. The Son of the Star absorbs the energy of the sun and transforms this primitive energy for his use."

Eric nodded. This was similar to what he guessed. "Master, is it possible for us to copy this technology?"

Michelangelo shook his head. "That may be a unique ability of the gods. The Brotherhood of the Holy Shield has been studying it for more than 500 years and has made no progress!"

Is that so! Eric was very regretful. He didn't think that his mind could compare with those geniuses of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield. If they couldn't figure it out, it would be useless for him to do it. It would be better to continue to work on his little white mouse.


Back in the New York villa, Eric opened a can of Coke, collapsed on the sofa, and let himself relax.

Unfortunately, he wanted to relax, but someone didn't intend to let him do it.

"Sir, Mr. Doom is visiting."

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