Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 157: Skye goes to college

"Max, get ready, our neighbors are going home."

A phone call shocked Magneto, who was far away in Eastern Europe. The Danube River outside the window sparkled in the breeze, and Magneto was a little absent-minded for a while.

"Raven! Get everyone ready. The future of mutants depends on this battle." After a long time, he came back to his senses and called Mystique, who had been waiting for a long time.

Mystique rolled her eyes when she heard it, "Max, don't always think about the war. This time, maybe we don't need to go to the battlefield anymore."

Magneto shook his head, "No, for our compatriots, we must always be ready to fight!"

"Whatever you say!" Mystique shrugged and retreated.

This is Serbia in Eastern Europe, separated from Latveria, Doom's hometown, by only a river.

As early as several years ago, Magneto moved all the forces of the Brotherhood of Mutants here. Two years ago, the Kosovo War broke out. The Brotherhood of Mutants moved around and secretly controlled a large amount of territory in the war between Serbia and Kosovo.

These territories are controlled by major warlords on the surface, but in fact, the mutants of the Brotherhood are behind everything. They have a strictly followed rule, that is, there must be no trace of mutants on the battlefield!

Now, everything is ready, just waiting for Magneto to smash the cup as a signal.

"No hurry, no hurry, Eric should not be ready yet, wait a little longer, wait for decades, and these few months are not bad, follow the plan, and do it step by step."


After hanging up the phone, Eric was also a little absent-minded. The problem of mutants has a long history. It seems that the whole world is full of malice towards mutants. It is almost impossible to completely eliminate the gap between mutants and ordinary humans without one or two centuries of efforts.

At first, Eric just wanted to find a remote place on the earth for mutants, let them build a country and play by themselves. But as time went by, he found that this idea was too naive.

It's okay to establish a country, but you must not stay away from ordinary human countries. Now all countries are developing weapons of mass destruction. If you hide in the corners, aren't you just a live target for others? Not to mention the far distance, his space-based weapons will destroy a small country with one shot.

Mutants have many abilities and are strong, but they can't withstand a bunch of countries' plans to attack them. After thinking about it, Eric decided to be a neighbor of Doom, which is one of the reasons why he helped Doom again and again.

Of course, establishing a country is only the simplest step, and being able to save this country is the key.

"Follow the plan, step by step, and deal with the old bastard Gideon Malik first."


Time flies to the end of August, and the seven astronauts from NASA have been training on Eric's spacecraft for a whole week.

This spacecraft comes from the Kree Star Troopers, which is the one that Law Will sacrificed to the Soul Stone by Eric.

The spaceship is not big, but it has everything it needs. It is more than enough to deal with a few astronauts who are ready to be snacks.

Eric stayed with them for a few days and got to know their details clearly. There were seven people, three of whom were Hydras, and the other four, led by Will, were clean NASA astronauts.

The three Hydras who were ready to sacrifice themselves at any time brought the new equipment developed by Gideon Malik to try to see if they could pull the hive back, but Eric thought the equipment was just a joke.

The four NASA astronauts who were kept in the dark were tasked with detecting the composition of the alien atmosphere and evaluating whether the alien planet had immigration value. In fact, there was no need to detect the atmosphere there. The Gideon Malik family had figured it out for hundreds of years. It was just a cover for them to be snacks.

Eric ran down after staying on it for a few days because he had something more important to do.

After struggling for a long time, his daughter Skye finally submitted an application to Yale University. In the past two days, he and Skye have been preparing the necessary things for college. As for whether the application will be approved, the father and daughter are not worried at all. With Skye's IQ and grades, plus Eric's reputation and influence, she can choose any university in the world.

Eric is worried about Skye's daily life.

For example, you have to have a place to live there, so you should buy a luxury apartment closest to the school first; you have to go out there, right? Two helicopters, what? Why two? What if there is a license plate restriction!

Skye's safety is also a top priority. Psylocke and Barton must go with her, and she must also bring her full-level defense and zero-level attack armor.

Then there are the various snacks she likes to eat. Well, the taste there should be a little different from New York. Should I bring a cook?

"Eric! That's enough! I'm going to study, not to go on an outing!" Seeing that the things written on the list were getting more and more outrageous, Skye finally exploded and tore up the list that Eric had prepared all night.

"Skye, don't be like this, New Connecticut is not New York, that place..."

"Okay, okay, you're too nervous, I'm just going to school, and besides, it's less than a hundred kilometers away from New York! It's like being at home." Skye rolled her eyes and interrupted Eric's nagging, "Eric, are you in menopause?"

"You've just reached menopause!" Eric almost spit out his breakfast. This girl is getting more and more critical. She must have been taught badly by the future! Besides, he has already passed menopause, right?

The two of them played and complained to each other, and happily finalized the itinerary. The next day, they drove to New York, Connecticut. In addition to Psylocke, who Eric strongly requested to bring, Skye took the teddy bear armor with her.

As soon as the three of them arrived, Eric got Skye's admission notice through a special channel, and after another secret operation, Skye was assigned to the best dormitory in the school.

"Skye, have you considered it? What major do you want to choose?" That's right, the father and daughter came here just to violate the school rules. They just submitted their applications and came to the school to check it out. They have moved into the dormitory but haven't chosen a major yet...

Skye frowned and thought for a moment, looked at Eric, then looked at Psylocke, and smiled, "Physics, quantum physics!"

Eric almost sprained his waist. What's going on! You are a genius hacker, but you don't study computer science, but go to study quantum physics? Can a little girl like you understand that?

"Eric, I want to help you!" Speaking of the reason for the choice, Skye's expression gradually became firm.

In the past few years, Eric has invited experts everywhere, such as gravity, strong force, weak force, and a lot of messy research. She just watched but couldn't help, which made her anxious. Now she can finally learn something useful, and naturally the first thing she thought of was his father's research.

The research on the four fundamental forces has come to an end, and the experts Eric invited have gone their separate ways. After thinking about it, Skye thinks that his next step will definitely be to study quantum physics. He will learn it first, and maybe he can help in some way!

Eric was moved and a little amused when he heard this reason. He studied the four fundamental forces for his own ability. Now, scientific research can no longer help him improve his ability.

Besides, if I really need to study quantum physics, can you catch up? By the time you achieve something, the earth will have exploded several times!

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