Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 16 Is there any Vibranium?

"You come for vibranium? Actually, there is no need to do so. There is no vibranium here. I am the only one who knows where the vibranium is stored. We can sit down and talk!" Ulysses is still making his last effort. He doesn't want to be an enemy of a powerful mutant.

"Oh? So, you really have vibranium in your hand?" Eric seemed to be persuaded by him. He waved his hand to lower the controlled gun, and the mercenaries were relieved.

"Of course! As long as he has money, Ulysses can buy anything!" Ulysses proudly straightened his back and smiled, but his teeth yellowed by tobacco made Eric feel sick no matter how he looked at them.

Eric turned his head and looked around. Except for Ulysses, he really didn't find any trace of vibranium. Ulysses' coat was also made of vibranium, but the vibranium content was relatively low.

"In fact, I didn't come for vibranium, but for you!" Eric controlled the magnetic field to slowly rise into the air and float towards Ulysses.

Ulysses acted decisively, and stretched the sonic gun in front of him, but he couldn't aim at Eric.

"Damn mutants!" Ulysses twisted his arm fiercely, removed the sonic gun from his arm, and turned to run away.

"Don't worry, let's sit down and talk!" Eric waved to him gently, and Ulysses's vibranium jacket was tightened immediately, and Ulysses was pulled back and sat in front of Eric.

"Hahaha! When did mutants become a dog of Wakanda?"

"No, in fact, you will be my ticket to Wakanda." Eric stretched out a finger and tapped Ulysses' forehead lightly, and Ulysses' eyes suddenly lost focus.

"Where is the vibranium?"

"No." Ulysses responded blankly, but the answer made Eric frown. He thought his control failed, and he did it again, but the answer was still the same.

"What happened?"

"T'Chaka is here, he killed Ni-Drob and took away all the vibranium." Ulysses, under Eric's control, revealed everything he knew.

It turned out that two months ago, Prince Ni-Drob of Wakanda helped Ulysses steal 250 kilograms of vibranium from Wakanda and fled. It was thought that no one could find him, and no one could suspect Prince Ni-Drob, but unexpectedly, the brother of Prince Ni-Drob was also a spy sent by Wakanda to the United States, the son of Azuri. Now, both of them are in trouble.

T'Chaka came to the United States in person and found his own brother in California. He wanted to capture him back to Wakanda, but he accidentally killed him.

Afterwards, T'Chaka seemed to vent his anger for his brother's death on Ulysses, and chased him. Although Ulysses finally escaped with his life, he lost all the vibranium he had collected for years, leaving only this coat and a sonic gun...

"So, I went to such great lengths to find you, but I didn't get any benefit at all?" Eric was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, and slapped him twice.

Ulysses looked at him blankly, without any reaction.

"No, even if it's a tiger, I have to grab a handful of its fur. Get up and go to Wakanda!" Eric grabbed Ulysses' collar and pulled him up, but then he remembered something, "Maybe I should go to California first."


Oakland, California.

In order to save time, Eric took Ulysses on a flight and arrived at the place in less than an hour. He found the place where Prince Ni-Zhub had been hiding.

The room was messy and covered with dust. From the traces, it seemed that more than one group of people had been here. It seemed that the security here was really not very good.

Eric carefully checked every bookshelf and behind the wall, but he didn't find what he wanted. He knew he was late.

"What a trouble! If you can't find the things, then go find people. If you find people, you will find the things naturally."

That night, Eric wore a skull mask and wiped out more than a dozen local gangs of all sizes. The largest force had hundreds of people, hundreds of guns, and even two mutant thugs. The smallest was just a dozen idle people who made a living by collecting protection fees.

Eric didn't care how powerful they were. He took control of all the people he could find. Then, a large-scale search for people began. Ulysses provided clues such as height, weight, and appearance, and gangs of all sizes began to look for people like crazy.

Oakland locals thought that these gangs were going to fight again, and all those who could hide went back home, and the originally lively neighborhood became deserted.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the local police sent police one after another and kept a close eye on these people. But this time, these former second-rate guys didn't smash, rob, steal, or make a fuss, but just kept looking for people. They had no reason to arrest people because they were looking for them. They could only watch silently.

Soon, a black boy in his teens was brought to Eric, and several gangsters found a thick diary on him.

"Eric Stevens, what a coincidence, you are also named Eric!" Eric smiled and gently touched the boy's hair. The boy dodged with a vigilant look, but did not dodge.

"What's your real name? I remember it seems to be Ni Jadaka, right?" Eric's question made the future little leopard open his eyes wide, and his eyes glanced around, as if looking for a way to escape.

"Haha, don't think about running away, I'm here to take you home." Eric showed a smile that he thought was very kind.

"I don't have a home!" The little leopard said the first sentence after seeing Eric, revealing a sense of sadness, anger, hatred, and surprisingly stubborn eyes.

"No, you do, Wakanda is your home!" Eric opened his diary, which was very good, with English and Wakanda mixed, so there was no need to worry about not being able to understand it.

"Are you from Wakanda?" The little leopard suddenly became excited, clenched his fists tightly, and looked as if he wanted to bite people, and almost broke free from the control of the two gangsters.

Eric quickly found what he wanted in the diary. He closed the diary and stuffed it into the little leopard's arms. "No, I'm just a good person passing by. I want to take you home and visit your home."

"Wakanda is not my home! They killed my father!"

"Child, if you do something wrong, you must bear the consequences, no matter who it is!" Eric patted his head gently. The little leopard's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and soon fell asleep. After a while, he smiled. Perhaps he met his father in his dream.

Eric signaled Ulysses to pick up the little leopard, and then snapped his fingers. The gangsters around him fell down instantly. They would not die, but the memories of the past few days were violently cleared by Eric.

The reason is simple. Control a large amount of blood to violently impact the cerebral cortex where memory is most active, destroying the cells there. This is physical destruction. Even a psychic like Professor X cannot find any useful information. Ulysses' men also had their memories cleared in the same way before. As for how many days they will have a headache, that is not what Eric cares about.

"Let's go to the Kenyan grasslands!"

Today is the second chapter, the update is late, I'm really sorry, the leader suddenly asked me to attend the training, I didn't prepare at all, well, it seems that I have to prepare more manuscripts in the future.

As usual, please collect, comment, and recommend, thank you!

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