Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 165 This is a conspiracy!

The gunshots were deafening and the smoke filled the air. Stryker and his army had already achieved brilliant results before landing, but compared with those sentinel robots, they were nothing.

This was a machine invented by the dwarf scientist Bolivar Teslak to kill mutants. Although he had not yet used Mystique's genes to create the ultimate sentinel robot, this generation of sentinel robots had been upgraded several times. In order to cope with the various abilities of mutants, it was equipped with a variety of weapons and equipment such as bullets, missiles, lasers, sound waves, flame jets, etc.

Facing mutants who had lost their superpowers, the cold robots were far more cruel than Stryker's army. Every time they killed a mutant, they would step forward to make up a knife, and the huge sharp blade directly split the mutant's body in two.

A one-sided massacre made Stryker laugh heartily. On the battlefield, corpses were everywhere, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and finally, even Wolverine fell in a pool of blood.

Stryker laughed, but the president of the United States almost cried.

This is a conspiracy! A conspiracy from mutants!

Since Stryker's plane flew over Utopia, TV stations across the United States have been invaded, and all programs have been forced to be replaced with live broadcasts of Stryker slaughtering mutants.

Moreover, Mr. President is very sure that this phenomenon will never stop in the United States!

In the second half of the live broadcast, the camera swept over a group of dead mutants, and the hellish scenes were presented to the world one by one. Then, the camera froze on Stryker's face with a wild laugh. That twisted and perverted smile was countless times more disgusting than the Shura Field behind him!

This is not the end. In the end, Stryker's face was placed in the upper left corner of the screen, and the rest of the screen listed the life story of this American colonel. The X weapon plan was made public, and the facts of his killing mutants were listed one by one. The videos of him using mutants for human experiments were also played one by one. The most eye-catching one was the cruel video of him using his own son for experiments!

This is a pervert! A demon! A bastard who should not exist in the world!

Next, it was the dwarf scientist Bolivar Teslak. His photo was put together with his sentinel robot. He also had a lot of blood on his hands. In order to deal with the various abilities of mutants, he dissected more mutants than Stryker! Many of them were even dissected alive! In the video, countless mutants screamed at the top of their lungs under his scalpel until their bodies were hollowed out and they desperately swallowed their last breath.

In front of the TV series, parents blocked their children's eyes or directly drove them back to the bedroom, but their eyes could hardly leave the TV screen.

"Honey, are mutants bad?"

"Of course, they are all bad people."

"Why? What did they do? Why does the US government treat them like this? Why let this kind of demon slaughter them?"

"I... don't know... the US government says they are bad..."

"But, look, my God, there are children among the mutants, and he doesn't look as old as our children!"

"I don't know..."


No one can stay calm in front of this bloody scene, and countless tortures from conscience fill the hearts of the people.

How many mutants are there? When Scarlet Witch shouted "There are no more mutants in the world", the number of mutants was almost at the peak of this mutant cycle, but even at that time, there were only two million mutants in the world.

How many people are there in the world? The result of the 2001 census was 6.19 billion! Two million people, among the nearly 6.2 billion people, only accounted for 0.03%, that is, only three out of every ten thousand people are mutants!

How many mutants can an ordinary person encounter in his life? How many times can he encounter mutants showing their power? How many times can he encounter mutants using their abilities to do evil?

Very rarely!

Most people don't even have the opportunity to see them in their lifetime. They just hear about it from others. Today, the TV broadcasted mutants attacking someone, and yesterday the newspaper published mutants causing trouble in a certain place. There are facts in this, and there is also public opinion control by those in power.

These onlookers who did not know the truth accounted for a large proportion of the entire society. When the video of the mutants being bloodily massacred was played in front of them, they all felt sympathy for the mutants and hatred for Stryker and others.

"Stryker is finished! Glassval is finished too!" The president closed his eyes. It was not that he did not want to save it. He called Stryker, who was far away in the European battlefield, dozens of times, but none of them could get through. Hackers not only controlled their TV stations, but also hacked into the military's secret satellite phones!

"Asshole! Where is the head of the network security department? When will this damn network and communication be restored?" The president threw the phone away in frustration and roared hysterically.

A bald young man stood up, his forehead covered with sweat, "Mr. President, we just found the Trojan virus planted by the hacker, and we are cracking it now."

"How long will it take?"

"Uh, about two hours..."

"Damn it! Two hours! In two hours, the parade will be blocked at the entrance of the White House!" The president was furious and slapped the table hard. He stopped and gasped until his hands turned red. At this time, his eyes rolled and his expression gradually became fierce, "General Ross, have we found the nuclear bomb stolen by the mutants last month?"

"Nuclear bomb? When will the mutants..." General Ross was stunned for a moment, but immediately understood what the president meant. His face changed, and he hurried forward and whispered: "Mr. President, we can't do this!"

"Why?" The president stared at Ross viciously.

"That hacker, we don't know what his purpose is. What if he is waiting for you to use a nuclear bomb?"


Before the president finished speaking, there was a change on the screen. The live broadcast that was thought to have ended started again.

I saw a green mutant crawling out from among the rubble. He looked like an adult, with green fish scales all over his body, his ears were like gills, his palms were like webbed hands, and his two big eyes looked blankly at the hell around him, with two lines of blood and tears hanging from the corners of his eyes!

There are still mutants alive! Stryker smiled grimly and pointed his gun at the unfortunate survivor.


A gunshot sounded, but the imagined scene did not happen. A black figure appeared in front of the green mutant. He wore a black metal mask on his face and a black cape behind him. He stood there coldly, but the audience in front of the TV were so excited that they couldn't help but want to cheer for him.

Doctor Doom appeared. He stood straight in front of the green mutant like a solid shield, blocking all attacks for him!

At this moment, Doctor Doom was the protagonist!

Eric: What about me?

You stay away!

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