Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 175 Star Alliance

As long as politicians are involved in anything, it will develop into all kinds of nonsense in the end, even major matters related to the future destiny of mankind.

After several forces successively demonstrated their great achievements in fighting aliens, the meeting once again turned into a pot of porridge.

Various languages ​​​​are intertwined, but they all have the same meaning, requiring SHIELD and other forces to disclose more information and share weapons to fight aliens.

Luodan watched with cold eyes. He knew that things would develop to this point. He really couldn't figure out what was wrong with the World Security Council. It wanted to release such confidential information. If there was a secret, it would be better to keep it secret by himself! Now, let's see how you end up!

Seeing Lu Dan's expression, Eric raised the corners of his mouth and glanced at Gideon Malik, indicating that it was almost done.

Gideon Malik nodded slightly, stood up, and pressed his hands down to restore silence to the venue. "Everyone, please be quiet. The purpose of our meeting is to discuss ways to deal with these crises, but let other organizations make it public. The materials and technology are really difficult to come by.”

Discussions resounded in the venue again, and Gideon Malik hurriedly waved his hand again, "Everyone, please be sensible. We are all adults. We all know that this kind of pie-in-the-sky thing is impossible. But, we can Take a detour and think of another way!”

"any solution?"

"The World Security Council proposes to establish an international team specifically to respond to interstellar crises!"

After Luodan heard this, his face immediately fell. What does it mean? Isn’t that what SHIELD does? Why set up another one? You are trying to steal a job from me! My braised egg was the first one to refuse! Besides, didn’t you just agree with me to become an avenger? Why do you have to start a new business after leaving the house?

"The SHIELD in the west and the SHIELD in the east are designed to respond to all crises that threaten human survival, but this scope is a bit too broad. We need a team to specifically deal with alien threats. !”

"This team can include mutants or ordinary people; it can include soldiers, doctors, lawyers, and businessmen; it can come from S.H.I.E.L.D. or Spearhead... In short, this is a global team. The organization exists only to deal with alien affairs!”

"In this organization, we have no distinction between nationality, color, or rank. We only have one name, and that is Earthlings!"

Gideon Malik, the old Hydra leader, seemed to be a defender of the earth who was willing to dedicate everything to the safety of the earth. He introduced their plan to everyone with great emotion and excitement.

It's a pity that 99% of the people here can pretend like this. This is a necessary skill for politicians. No one cares about how high his ideals are. They only care about two things. What do I need to pay for this plan? What can I get?

Gideon Malik also knew this. With a wave of his hand, the secretary distributed the detailed plan.

"This organization is led by the United Nations and has a tentative number of hundreds of thousands, including 80,000 combatants, 10,000 scientific researchers, and 10,000 others. All members are recommended by participating countries, and then screened one by one by the United Nations. Combatants require combat effectiveness. Scientific researchers have different requirements for scientific research ability and so on. Of course, if there are strangers who apply, we will have another set of standards.”

"So, what can we get?" Luo Dan asked with a cold face what everyone wanted to ask.

Gideon Malik gave him a gentle look and replied with a smile: "Since we are dealing with extraterrestrial affairs, we will naturally come into contact with aliens and alien technology. The countries participating in the organization will be based on their contribution to the organization. Get priority distribution rights for alien technology.”

The leaders of several big countries frowned, but the eyes of those small countries lit up. This was giving them a chance to develop!

In the past, whenever there was such an extraordinary event, it was not controlled by the United States and other major powers. Many of them suspected that the United States could develop so quickly because it had a large amount of alien technology at its disposal!

However, no one wants to be the first person to be the first person.

"Latvinia will join this organization! We can provide the organization with some necessary technological equipment." Doom, who had been watching with a cold eye, took the lead, making the leaders of several big countries frown even more.

"Utopia joins in!" Magneto also stood up and changed his vest in front of his former enemy, but the enemy didn't notice at all. This feeling is doubly awesome! Wan Magnetic Field can now feel the joy of Mystique.

"Mutants have also joined!" There was another round of discussion in the venue, and everyone's expressions became more and more eager to try.

"But, we have a condition!" Magneto looked around sternly, "Utopia is the country of mutants. We hope that if there are mutants who want to join Utopia, countries will not stop them."

"This is impossible! Mutants are dangerous!" the President of the United States blurted out, but immediately regretted it after saying this. This was on his own territory, and the mutants would not leave him behind!

"You think mutants are dangerous because mutants will explode when they awaken their abilities. This outbreak has an uncertain time, an uncertain scope, and an uncertain ability. Therefore, it will cause many casualties and economic losses, right?" Magneto said tightly. Staring at the President of the United States, there was a chill in his tone, as if he would eat him if he said "no".

"Yes." The US President was under tremendous pressure, and thought carefully for a moment in his chaotic mind, as if it was really the case.

"We have a way to solve this problem. In the future, the awakening of mutants will not cause any losses. Of course, the prerequisite is that the mutant is not in a laboratory or hospital!"

Magneto's words caused the venue to be discussed again. Eric rubbed his aching forehead and left the meeting room. He really didn't want to listen to these politicians' bickering anymore. Let his peers have a headache!

Eric proposed the idea of ​​forming an organization to deal with aliens. This idea is actually beneficial to all parties. Mutants will definitely occupy a large number of positions in the organization with their various abilities, and eventually become the umbrella of the earth. The earth will become more and more inseparable from mutants.

As for other countries, they will get fair development opportunities, and sharing of alien technology is not just a pie in the sky!

And superpowers such as the United States and organizations such as SHIELD can also gain enough benefits from this new organization.

There are benefits, it can help mutants, and it can protect the earth. Why not do it? Even Gideon Malick saw an opportunity for the development of Hydra.

Eric even gave it a nice name, Star Alliance!

The energy alliance under the stars, to protect the earth from the sharp blades of the stars!

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