Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 19 Look at what evil you have done!

The aircraft landed slowly in the palace. Eric held the little leopard in his left hand and Ulysses in his right hand, and followed the bald woman out of the aircraft.

But after getting off the aircraft, Eric couldn't find her.

I saw two rows of bald women running out quickly, with the same bald heads, the same red battle clothes, the same vibranium spears, the same beady eyes... Well, these are the royal guards of Wakanda.

As soon as the woman who led him stood in the queue, Eric could no longer tell who was who.

"Are these women cloned?" Eric looked left and right and muttered in a low voice, causing several women approaching to look at him angrily.

"Welcome guests from afar!" A deep voice came. King T'Chaka walked slowly with the queen on his arm. The queen's belly was swollen high, and her face was shining with maternal glory. In her belly, she should be pregnant with The younger Black Panther's sister, Shu Rui, is a super genius with an IQ no less than Tony Stark.

Next to the king and queen, there were two children, a boy and a girl. The boy turned out to be the little black panther Eric met when he first traveled through time. The little girl also seemed familiar to Eric and couldn't help but look at it more. Two eyes.

"Ahem!" The queen frowned and coughed twice, obviously dissatisfied with Eric's lack of etiquette.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I suddenly thought of something and got distracted." Eric retracted his gaze and threw Ulysses at his feet, "Your Majesty, His Excellency, Viscount Eric Lansheer, was accidentally captured while in the United States. The sinners of Wakanda are here to present themselves to His Majesty the King."

"Ulysses Klaue stole important military supplies from Wakanda, slaughtered the people of Wakanda, and caused extremely serious damage to Wakanda. Thank you very much for traveling all the way to send him here!" King T'Chaka He crossed his hands, lowered his head, and performed a Wakandan etiquette to Eric. The queen and two children next to him also imitated it.

"You're welcome. It's an honor to be able to help Wakanda do something trivial!" Eric bowed in return.

"Viscount Eric Lansheer, the banquet is ready, come with me to the table!" King T'Chaka took Eric into the palace, and Eric praised him from time to time. What a magnificent building and rich historical atmosphere. Technology is advanced, in short, it is touted all the way, making the king and queen feel more proud.

Several guests and hosts sat down, and Eric finally saw the leaders of several other tribes.

The leader of the merchant tribe is a woman, about thirty or forty years old, with triangular eyes, huge earrings on her ears, and her head wrapped in a colorful rag.

The leader of the border tribe is an old black man, holding a cane in his hand, and his face is covered with dense tattoos. It is almost impossible to see the original color of his skin. It is said that their custom is that the more tattoos they have, the higher their status. Behind him stood a young man with many tattoos on his face.

The leader of the mining tribe is an old lady who is a little fat. Her hair is braided in dozens of small braids, and there are many decorations hanging on the ends of her hair.

The leader of the River Tribe is the strangest. He is a skinny man with three large blue plates stuffed into his lower lip and earlobes. As long as he opens his mouth, saliva will flow out. Eric just looked at it and got goosebumps all over his body. It was too much. Disgusting!

King T'Chaka introduced Eric one by one, and Eric nodded one by one. Although he appeared to be humble on the surface, in fact, his mind had already wandered off to nowhere. What did it matter to him what the names of these strangely dressed guys were?

"This is Miss Ororo Monroe, my son's fiancée and the future queen of Wakanda!" When the little girl was introduced, Eric's attention was immediately attracted.

"It turns out to be Storm, why do I look so familiar! Hehe, the lolita version of Storm. Looking at her chubby little face, I really want to pinch it. I don't know how she will grow up to look like a queen in the future. No, I have to think of a way to take a photo and leave it as an emoticon later.”

Storm is actually not a pure mutant. The Monroe family she belongs to is a Kenyan family similar to witches. Their family has been passed down for thousands of years, their magic power is enduring, and the X gene continues.

Each generation of them is both a magician and a mutant. Each generation can control the weather. The only difference is the level of achievement.

By her generation, the magic and superpowers in her bloodline were combined, allowing her to achieve even higher achievements. When Storm reached her peak, she was even able to control solar storms and destroy the earth with just a wave of her hand.

As for getting engaged at the age of ten, Eric has no control over it. In Africa, it is common for teenagers to have babies. It is very common for people to have a baby as a child and then get married later when they are older. Civilized performance.

"Mr. Eric!" King T'Chaka brought Eric's distracted attention back to reality, "I'm very curious, how did you know about Wakanda? How did you find Ulysses K. Law and my nephew Ni Jadaka?”

King T'Chaka looked at the little leopard with very complicated eyes. After all, his father was killed by himself, but this child was his own nephew. He didn't want to cause trouble to his children and grandchildren anymore, but the way his nephew looked at him, it was obvious that he knew that he was his father-killing enemy.

"Your Majesty the King, let me first explain that I am a good person!" Eric showed a kind smile and stood up. "It was really by chance that I met Ni Jadaka. It was a snowy night. After volunteering at the orphanage, I was riding my bicycle on my way home when I suddenly saw a small figure curled up in the corner. "

Eric spoke with great emotion, making everyone focus on him. Little Storm's eyes were full of curiosity. She and her fiancé Little Black Panther stared at Eric closely, looking like they were listening to the story. appearance.

Eric was indeed telling a story, he made it up so much that he almost believed it...

"He was so thin and helpless. He was wearing very thin clothes, which were covered with snowflakes. He kept trembling, trying hard to squeeze his thin body into the corner, as if he wanted to rely on the cold wall for support. A hint of warmth.”

"Oh, my God..." The queen was pregnant with the child, and she was officially the most sensitive period for the child's feelings. When she heard this, tears fell down immediately, and she covered her mouth with her hands, trying not to cry.

Eric saw that the heat was almost done, so he continued to write: "I was anxious at that time, so I took off my coat and put it on him, and took him to the nearest fast food restaurant to keep him warm and fill his stomach. . God, you didn’t see how hungry he was! He ate eleven of these big burgers!”

Eric made an exaggerated gesture with a burger that was bigger than a washbasin, causing the queen to burst into tears again. Next to the king's hand, he tightly twisted the king's thigh and looked at her husband with eyes that seemed to say: Look what evil you have done!

Confusing right and wrong, calling a deer a horse, well, what other words can describe our evil protagonist? so bad…

Let’s use our favorites and recommendation votes to kill the protagonist~~

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