Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 193 Actually, I am also a mutant!

If you want to please a woman, the most important thing is to cater to her preferences.

In this materialistic society, many girls like money. Eric doesn't need to do anything. He just needs to show his identity as the world's richest man, and a lot of gold-digging girls will come to him.

But this trick doesn't work for Emma. She has money and doesn't care about money. Money, in her opinion, is just a number, a number that can make her skin more tender and her figure more perfect. This number is enough and there is no need to pursue it.

What she cares about is the quality of life and the pursuit of a perfect life.

If you want to attract her attention, at least you need to dress yourself up.

Eric's outfit is the most suitable one for him to wear today through big data analysis in the future.

Emma likes white. More than 70% of her clothes are white, and she is also wearing white today. Eric can't wear white, which would be too targeted. He can't choose black either. Black is usually the color for attending funerals. He can't commit this taboo.

Silver is the most appropriate. And not only the color of the clothes, but also the style of shoes, the design of the hairstyle, the brand of the watch, etc., are all in the precise calculation in the future.

For Emma, ​​Eric's dress and the way he appeared can only be described in one word, perfect!

"Mr. Eric, it's nice to meet you!" Whether it's for her five cloned daughters or for his dress today, Emma couldn't find a reason to ignore him, and she couldn't help but put on a charming smile on her face.

"I'm very happy to see such a beautiful scenery, but Miss Emma doesn't seem to be very happy? Can you tell me what's going on? Maybe I can help!" Eric kept a Coulson-style smile. This skill is simply invincible. Anyone who is hit will automatically +10 to Eric's favorability, and they can't be immune or detect it...

Emma was also hit, and she felt that Eric's smile was very charming, adding a special temperament to him, making people want to get close to him and couldn't bear to refuse any of his requests, "Nothing, just some small things."

In the end, Emma still relied on her strong mental strength to resist this special charm. The medicine Eric had injected was very effective. His X gene was perfectly hidden. Only a few people in the world knew that he was a mutant, and Emma was not one of them.

In Emma's opinion, Eric was just an ordinary person with great talent. There were many such people in the Hellfire Club.

Well, he met the requirements for membership. How about I invite him to join the club?

This thought suddenly came to Emma's mind, and then she could no longer stop. The idea of ​​inviting Eric to join the Hellfire Club was like a spark, burning every corner of her heart.

Eric didn't know what she was thinking, but it didn't hinder his next plan. He stretched out his right hand very gentlemanly and bowed slightly, "Miss Emma, ​​you shouldn't have dinner yet? How about we go together? I know there is a very good French restaurant nearby."

With such a beautiful scene, Emma didn't even think about the reason for refusing. She readily agreed and gently put her hand on Eric's forearm.


The restaurant and the dishes were also accurately calculated in the future. The color, music, and atmosphere of the restaurant are all Emma's favorites.

"Strange, why didn't I find such a comfortable restaurant here before?" Emma looked around curiously. This place is not far from their small bar, but she has never been here.

Eric smiled slightly. Of course she has never been here. This is a place carefully selected by the future. Excluding all the restaurants she has been to, creating some unexpected situations, and changing the music and other small details here, this has created this effect.

For the first dinner together, Eric didn't want to choose a place she was familiar with. Of course, it can't be too obvious. Emma is a powerful psychic. If he really booked a restaurant like an ordinary rich man, and dressed up like Emma likes, he would definitely die miserably...

Things are indeed as he expected. Emma still became suspicious. The mental power gushed out and swept everyone in the restaurant. It was found that none of them was deliberately arranged by Eric, so she was relieved.

"Miss Emma, ​​the vegetable salad here is very good, especially the sauce, it's perfect!" Eric took the menu and recommended several dishes to Emma.

Appetizers, main courses, appetizers, and desserts, each one is very suitable for Emma's taste, but it is slightly different from her usual combination, which not only satisfies her taste needs, but also allows her to experience some unique stimulation.

"Mr. Eric, thank you for saving Celeste and the other five!" Emma smiled and raised her glass to Eric.

Eric was surprised, "Oh? Miss Emma, ​​did you name them five?"

"Of course, Celeste, Esme, Sophie, Phoebe and Maddie, how about it?" Emma said, looking at Eric expectantly.

Eric seemed to be considering one by one, and then nodded approvingly, "Very nice names, your naming skills are much better than mine, look at the name I gave to the room-temperature superconducting material, Lansheer No. 1, God! I really can't think of any other words, why didn't I meet you at that time?"

"Haha, that's different." Emma chuckled, and talked with Eric, talking happily.

The more they chatted, the more Emma found that Eric was very much to her taste. Coupled with the stimulation of alcohol, when Eric asked her again what she was worried about, she sighed and told him that she was a mutant.

In fact, this was also a test of Eric to see what his attitude was towards mutants. After all, mutants were not very popular in the United States.

The imagined disgust expression did not appear. Instead, Eric's face showed a hint of joy, but it was quickly covered up by him. If it weren't for his abnormally strong mental power, Emma would have thought she was dazzled.

However, although Emma was puzzled, she did not expose it immediately, but threw the question of the Hellfire Club to Eric.

Eric pondered for a moment, as if he was making some important decision. Emma looked at his expression and thought he was using his genius brain to advise her. She didn't dare to disturb him and sat quietly aside, looking at him with her green eyes.

The two were silent for several minutes. Eric slowly spoke, but what he said made Emma's expression solidify.

"Emma, ​​in fact, I am also a mutant!"

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