Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 215 I believe you will, my daughter

"It's Mr. Eric. Nice to meet you. I'm really sorry for the misunderstanding just now." After knowing Eric's identity, Jia Ying's attitude towards him immediately changed drastically, and she smiled brilliantly.

Eric had foreseen this. He knew what kind of person Jia Ying was, and what her purpose was. But Skye was different. She felt uncomfortable with her mother's obviously flattering smile.

She had seen this expression many times. Those who begged Eric to do things, or wanted to get close to Skye Industry, all had this expression, flattering, groveling...

She found it difficult to understand why her mother had this expression towards Eric.

"Okay, okay! We are all family. It's just a misunderstanding. Just talk it out!" Eric smiled and picked up the wine glass, and generously "forgave" Jia Ying's misunderstanding.

"Yes, yes, and thank you for taking care of Daisy for so long." Jia Ying continued to smile, but the scars on her face made her look a little hideous.

"Don't say that, Skye is also my daughter!" Eric's tone was full of unquestionable dominance, which made Mr. Hyde, who wanted to defend himself, speechless for a moment, and drank silently beside him.

"That's the same!" Jia Ying raised her glass again, her words full of flattery.

"Mr. Calvin, what are you going to do? It was an accident that you came out this time. SHIELD may not find it in an hour or two, but it's hard to say if it takes a long time." Eric's words made everyone look at Mr. Hyde.

Skye stood up anxiously, ran to him and hugged his arm, "Eric, think of a way, we just met."

"Skye, you have to know that he is a prisoner of SHIELD. If SHIELD finds out that he is missing, he will be charged with escaping prison again. By then, the whole world will be full of his wanted posters!" Eric looked at his daughter apologetically, saying that he could not help.

Skye was immediately anxious and asked Jia Ying for a computer, wanting to "solve it" by himself.

"Skye, stop messing around!" Eric scolded, making Skye confused and sobbing silently.

"Daisy, don't be sad. In fact, I am already satisfied knowing that you are still alive." Mr. Hyde smiled kindly, without a trace of hostility between his eyebrows. "Over the years, I have done too many wrong things to find you. Now I am imprisoned. It is the retribution I deserve. I must pay for my sins."

"But, Dad, I..." Skye was already sobbing and holding his arm tightly.

"Don't worry, I will make a device for him, his brain will no longer be affected by those hormones in the future, and we can start from the formal channels to reduce his sentence or bail him. Believe me, he will be out soon." Eric patted Skye's shoulder to calm her down.

Jia Ying seemed to care nothing about her husband's future. She watched the argument with a fake smile on her face, but did not express her own opinion.

In the end, Mr. Hyde was sent back to the dome prison by Eric, but he was not sad about it, but went back with a smile. For him, his life's wish has been fulfilled, and he has no regrets in death!

Jia Ying was different. At the subsequent banquet, she kept adding tea and wine to Eric, and she was almost willing to marry him.

No matter how awkward Skye was, Jia Ying's attitude did not change at all, and the three of them ended the banquet in a very awkward atmosphere.

Late at night, Eric strolled on the beach of the afterlife, and Skye lagged behind him half a step, lowering his head and following him silently. They were like two ghosts, leaving no footprints on the soft beach, and no one could find their existence.

"Is it a little different from what you imagined?" Eric asked in a low voice.

Skye pursed his lips and said nothing, but everyone could see the unhappiness on his face.

"Hehe, Skye, I remember I told you that anyone has a purpose for doing anything! Even a subconscious action, a look, an expression, has its purpose!"

Skye looked up suddenly, "I know, but why? Because you are rich? Because you are powerful?"

"Yes! That's why!" Eric's tone became heavier, and he looked at Skye with a serious face, "Do you know how deep your mother's hatred is?"

Skye was silent again, and put herself in her shoes. If she had suffered such a tragic experience, she would have collapsed long ago, and the hatred in her heart would have soared to the sky!

"She hates Daniel Whitehall, Hydra, SHIELD, the sky, the earth, humans, your father, and even you!" Eric's words were like a stone breaking, leaving Skye stunned on the spot.

"Can't figure it out? I'll take you to see it." Eric sighed and teleported away with his daughter.


"Terrigan crystal?" Skye looked at the boxes of crystals in front of her, and it was a little hard to believe.

"Yes, all the Terrigen crystals accumulated over countless years in the afterlife are here." Eric reached out and stroked them, and all the Terrigen crystals left the box and floated in the air. For a moment, the whole room was filled with the blue light reflected by the crystals.

"But, I talked to the aliens in the afterlife during the day, and they said that Terrigen crystals are very precious, and the reserves in the afterlife are very scarce. Many people can't even wait for one more crystal in their lifetime..." Skye squinted his eyes and muttered blankly because of the blue light in front of him.

"She wants to spread these crystals all over the world!"

Skye felt a pain in her chest, and squatted down slowly, holding her chest. Only the Inhumans can withstand the Terrigen Mist, and ordinary people will only turn into rubble. Both Eric and the Inhumans in the afterlife have told her this.

She didn't think Eric was lying to her. He never lied to her, and there was no need.

If Jia Ying was really planning this conspiracy to destroy the world, she would be exposed sooner or later, and Eric had no need to lie to her.

"If I guess correctly, she wants to use the power of Skye Industries or SHIELD. In another year, you will take over Skye Industries. At that time, be careful. Dad can only help you so much." Eric gently took Skye into his arms and comforted him softly.

Skye cried in his arms for a long time before she stood up, looking at him with tears in her eyes, "Eric, there is still one year, right? I still have one year!"

"Yes, one year, this year, it depends on how you choose!" Eric nodded solemnly.

Skye burst into laughter, "One year is enough. I will make her give up this plan. I will succeed! I am her daughter. I can make her change!"

"I believe you will, my daughter."

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