Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 223 Find a hammer!

Weber, why did he betray and the other Hydra scientists didn't?

Maybe it's because he knows too much.

As the leader of Hydra scientists in the outer space laboratory, Weber had the most contact with Ivan, and was squeezed and beaten the most by Ivan. Therefore, he knew many of Eric's secrets.

Perhaps it was the grumpy Ivan who accidentally leaked some information that made this loyal Hydra have a different heart.

However, it is meaningless to investigate the reason for his betrayal now. The top priority now is to find him and catch him!

"In the future, retrieve all the technical information that Weber has come into contact with!"

With one order, Weber's work records over the past few years were all dug out, and they were quickly summarized with the powerful computing power of the future.

Ark reactor, electromagnetic pulse weapons, electromagnetic gun series weapons, magnetic field shields, sentry robots, hive genes, star-eating bees, silicon-based life...

As long as there is information that has existed in this laboratory, Weber has been exposed to almost all of it!

And not only after Eric took over, but also the research done by Law Will before, the research data of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the light speed engine...

His IQ may not be very high, but the information in his mind can definitely drive all countries and organizations on the planet crazy!

We must catch him back as quickly as possible!

Utopia, Professor X has just packed his luggage and is about to leave.

In order to help his good friends stabilize the situation, Professor

Now that everything in Utopia is on track, he can finally leave with peace of mind.

"Who!" The powerful mental power made him aware that the space behind him was changing.

"Charles, hurry up, help me find someone!" Eric teleported over, grabbed his arm without any explanation, and teleported away again. The next second, the two of them appeared on Utopia's brainwave enhancement device.


"Help me find someone. A Hydra scientist ran away from my laboratory. The information in his head must not be leaked!" Eric briefly introduced the situation and handed Webber's information to Professor X while he was reading the information. At the same time, he put the helmet of the brainwave enhancement device on his head.

Seeing that Eric was so eager, Professor X realized the seriousness of the matter and took action immediately.

When it comes to finding people on Earth, all the satellites of S.H.I.E.L.D. put together are not as fast as Professor X. But this time, something unexpected happened. Professor There were beads of sweat, but in the end he reluctantly took off his helmet.

"I'm sorry, Eric, I didn't find any trace of him. Are you sure he is on Earth?"

"It's still too late!" Eric sighed and patted Professor It was so fast. Anyway, thank you.”

"Do you need help from the X-Men?" Professor X wiped the sweat from his forehead with a solemn expression.

"No, I just came to you to see if I could make a time difference. If I could find him directly, it would save a lot of trouble." Eric smiled and shook his head in refusal, "Even if he has built a shielding device, I still have Fazi found him, I just saw you packing your luggage, are you going back to New York? Do you need me to give you a ride? "

"You go about your business. Hank will come to pick me up and send a group of students over for exchanges." Seeing that Eric was confident, Professor X was relieved.

"Okay, see you in New York!"

The most powerful man-hunting machine did not work, and Eric could only activate Plan B.

Weber used the magnetic field data left by Eric to create a device that shielded the power of the mind. This was what Eric expected, but he didn't expect him to do it so quickly.

However, by blocking the search for psychic power, Weber left new loopholes.

Electromagnetic pulse shielding of psychic power can be said to be Eric's unique skill. Even his peer Magneto Max cannot do it. That special electromagnetic pulse distribution pattern is the biggest flaw left by Weber.

Eric randomly found a deserted place and communicated with the geomagnetic field. The entire earth's magnetic field turned into his eyes, patrolling every corner of the world.

There are many secrets on the earth, and there are countless places with abnormal magnetic fields. There are some places that even Eric dare not touch easily.

Those places had been labeled as dangerous by him when he first communicated about geomagnetism. Now, he directly skipped those places and explored the "newly added" magnetic field anomalies.

"Manhattan, no, that's Shengu De experimenting with his zero-point energy field control device. Who is next to him? Tony? What is he doing? No matter what, it's important to find someone."

"SHIELD's island prison? What a powerful electromagnetic field defense device. Who was caught? The biomagnetic field is a bit familiar. Wait, Namor?! This guy... forget it, let's discuss it again..."

"There is none in the Americas. Go to Europe and see Utopia. There is none here in Latvinia. There is none in Asia either?"

Eric quickly went through the seven continents and four oceans, but he couldn't find it!

This is impossible! Eric looked for it again in disbelief, and it was still the same.

"Wait, could it be that he didn't build an electromagnetic pulse shielding device, but used other methods, or hid in some special place? That would be troublesome!"

The development of things gradually exceeded Eric's expectations.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the future had already mobilized all the satellites that could be mobilized, and face recognition and other functions had already been fully running, but there was no clue.

Eric walked around anxiously, Ivan stood in the corner, glanced at him, and immediately retracted his neck and continued to face the wall.

Weber, where can this bastard go?

Superpowers can't find him, and technology can't find him. Maybe, I should change my mind and try to use ordinary people's methods? Just like those detectives, reasoning!

Eric's brain was running fast, and Weber's life and past kept emerging in his mind.

Weber's life was very simple. He was born in the Hydra base in the Arctic. He was brainwashed and educated by Hydra since he was a child. He participated in various training and research. He spent almost the first half of his life underground in the Arctic.

Then, he was kidnapped by Eric to his underground base, and then he came to the outer space laboratory.

His contact with the outside world was so rare that one could count them on one hand!

How can such a person who was forced to become a homebody rule the world after gaining powerful power?

"Wait, maybe I think things are too complicated!" A light flashed in Eric's eyes, "Hydra base in the Arctic! Skadi Hammer! Hydra has always believed that this hammer can let them rule the world. Weber's first reaction must be to find the hammer! Then I have to find a hammer!"

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