Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 229 She-Hulk is born!

In the anticipation of countless people, the hammer of the snake finally came.

As expected, the target of the first hammer was Eric.

Red Tank, this muscular man whose body can be seen by the name, was first selected by the demon god Cytorak, and obtained the scarlet magic to become the strongest tank, and then changed the source of power and transformed into Hulk.

No matter what kind of power it is, it is synonymous with tyranny and destruction. There is no one on earth who is more suitable to be the Lord of the Sky Hammer than him!

All those who were paying attention to this matter saw a meteor breaking through the sky and hitting Eric's villa accurately. Almost everyone was thinking, it's over, the villa worth hundreds of millions of dollars is going to be gone!

Eric didn't know what they were thinking, but he didn't want to see his house being smashed, let alone the house, even a floor tile would be broken!

Under the satellite surveillance of SHIELD and other organizations, Eric stood casually in his backyard, wearing a casual plaid shirt, with his hands in his trouser pockets, looking up slightly, seeing the oncoming meteor, with a slight smile on his lips.

What is he going to do? This question crossed the minds of countless people.

Eric has superpowers, and many people know about this, but there are more who don't know. Now, at this time, he doesn't want to, and doesn't need to hide anymore!

The meteor is approaching, and even through the satellite monitoring screen, people still feel the oppressive feeling coming in the face, but Eric calmly stretched out his right hand and aimed at the meteor.

"Boom!" The meteor hit Eric's right hand hard, and the strong shock wave instantly radiated around, blowing down countless flowers and plants in the backyard.

But that's all!

When everything was settled, everyone in front of the satellite monitoring stared straight.

Eric still kept his hand raised, a huge war hammer stopped steadily in his hand, the violent shock wave only made the corner of his clothes flutter slightly, and even his hairstyle was not damaged!

The shape of this hammer is very simple, it is a cylindrical iron lump with a handle inserted in the middle, but it is really too big! The hammer head looks like a water tank, and the handle is as thick as an ordinary person's calf, at least two meters long.

Is this for people? This is for mammoths! Judging from the shape, this is a one-handed hammer like Thor's hammer!

However, such a big and stupid hammer was easily caught in Eric's hand!

Eric tilted his head to look at the hammer in his hand, as if he disliked it for being too stupid. With five fingers together, the hammer head like a water tank was easily cracked by him!

This is impossible! Everyone's eyes widened, their gazes wandering between Eric's hand and the giant hammer. One was the size of an ordinary person's hand, and the other was a war hammer as big as a water tank. They were totally out of proportion! Could it be that the hammer was made of foam plastic?

Just as everyone was puzzled, Eric's fingers finally came together.

"Crack." Everyone seemed to hear a light sound, and the war hammer as big as a water tank was crushed into pieces. The metallic fragments were scattered all over the ground, and several large pits were smashed on the ground.

After doing all this, Eric didn't even look at the garbage on the ground, put his hands back in his pockets, turned around and left, leaving the audience with a chic back.

The world was shocked! This time, the people who were paying attention to this matter were not only special agencies such as SHIELD, but also the military, the military forces of other countries, and some business groups with their own satellites.

It was the first time they knew that this man who created countless scientific and commercial miracles also had such a powerful power!

Of course, they could only suppress their doubts, because there was more than one hammer that landed on Earth!

In the Pacific Ocean, the snake drove hundreds of sea beasts and took Weber to gallop on the sea. The slightly withered appearance seemed so mysterious and powerful to Weber.

Suddenly, the snake's face changed, a blush flashed across his face, and his expression suddenly darkened.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?" Weber asked cautiously.

The snake glanced at him coldly, hesitated for a moment, and told him the truth, "I didn't expect that Midgard could produce such a strong man. One hammer was destroyed, but it didn't matter. The other six hammers had already landed, and he couldn't change anything!"

The words of the snake made Weber shudder, and he couldn't help but think of his god-like boss.

Is betraying him really the right choice?

The landing site of the second hammer was in a tropical rainforest in Brazil. It came from Bruce Banna.

Eric had told him about the Skyhammer Master a few days ago, and Bruce Banna believed Eric's words without a doubt. He was even more aware of Hulk's destructive power.

In order to avoid damage to the city where he lived, Bruce Banna went to the Brazilian rainforest overnight. He had lived here for a period of time and knew which places here could withstand the tossing.

Sure enough, after eating the fruit for five days, the hammer came.

Bruce Banna turned the emotion suppression bracelet on his hand to the far left and entered the sage mode. He went to check without any sadness or joy and found the war hammer in a huge deep pit.

This hammer is also huge, with a square with sharp edges on one side and a pyramid-shaped tip on the other side. There is a bowl-sized ring at the end of the hammer handle.

Bruce Banna in the sage mode was not affected by the magic of the warhammer at all. He took out several testing equipment and kept testing the warhammer. He calculated and summarized the various values ​​and then sent them to the future server.

After all the testing items were completed, Bruce Banna drove a bulldozer from not far away, wanting to bury the warhammer deep underground.

The warhammer seemed to have a premonition of its fate and trembled unwillingly. The strange magic was constantly released and swirled around Bruce Banna, as if it wanted to make a final struggle.

Bruce Banna in the sage mode was unmoved. With seven doctoral degrees, he was also a good driver of the bulldozer, not inferior to the graduates of Lanxiang. Under his control, the bulldozer quickly buried the warhammer.

When the warhammer was left with only the ring at the end of the hammer handle on the ground, it finally couldn't hold back and burst into a strong magical light and soared into the sky.

Bruce Banna raised the bulldozer shovel vigilantly and blocked it between the warhammer and him, but the warhammer bypassed him and flew behind him.

Where is it going? Bruce Banna was puzzled. He had carefully selected this place. Even the local Brazilians knew about it. Before he came, he only told his wife the coordinates. No one should come.

"Ah!" A scream came from not far away. Bruce Banna's face changed. Even the emotion suppression bracelet could not calm his heart.

This voice is too familiar, Betty!

"Roar!" As if answering him, after a loud roar, a red-skinned female monster jumped over from a distance, holding the war hammer high in her hand, and rushed towards him fiercely.

She-Hulk, born!

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