Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 23 Friends of Women

"Jennifer, the product launch conference will be held in two hours. We have a new product!"

Eric came out of the laboratory with his messy long hair and shouted to his assistant to the president at the top of his lungs. His clothes were so greasy that the original color could no longer be seen clearly. His body smelled bad, and he hadn't taken a shower for an unknown amount of time.

Six months ago, Eric returned to New York from Wakanda. As soon as he came back, he plunged into the laboratory and never came out. If he hadn't brought him food every day, Jennifer would have thought something had happened to him.

The harvest from half a year of retreat research is huge.

The first is the upgrade of the Cold Jade Bed. The Cold Jade Bed is integrated with vibranium. Its anti-strike ability has reached a new level, and the energy it can withstand has also been greatly enhanced. It will no longer be blown to pieces by Eric like last time. Moreover, the strengthening of the Han Jade Bed allows it to be given more powerful functions, such as foreign object fusion.

This is technology from the universe of Emperor Thanos. The Sentinel robot, a mutant's nightmare, was invented by the dwarf scientist Glass Val Trask. It uses Mystique's genes as a model and combines them with other materials to create a super robot that can perfectly display various superpowers.

Magneto has been fighting against the Sentinel robots for many years and has done a lot of research on them. This technology of fusion of cells and other substances has long been cracked by him, but unfortunately, he has not had the opportunity to use it.

Now, this technology is attached to the cold jade bed by Eric in preparation for future strengthening plans. To this end, he also specially experimented with vibranium. He fused one pound of vibranium with himself.

The effect is very good. Different from the Sentinel robot's mode that cannot be separated after fusion, Eric, as Magneto, also has absolute control over the vibranium integrated into his body. He can divide or make peace with just a thought. between.

One pound of vibranium is about the size of an egg. After fusion with Eric, the vibranium molecules were evenly distributed in Eric's cells, increasing Eric's ability to resist attacks several times. After separation, the vibranium turned into a liquid state. In this state, Eric could control it more easily.

It took Eric five and a half months to upgrade the Hanyu bed and integrate it with Zhenyun. In the remaining half a month, Eric successfully developed a new product, the ultraviolet shielding device. The reason for rushing to hold a product launch conference.

Ultraviolet shielding instrument, as the name suggests, is an instrument that specifically shields ultraviolet rays.

This thing was made by Eric into the size of a lighter. It has multiple gears to choose from. It can form a special magnetic field within one meter of the instrument and filter ultraviolet rays within one meter. It is really a must-have for beauty-loving girls when traveling at home. Prepared things.

Don't underestimate this simple function. This was invented by Eric based on Wakanda's invisibility technology and his own powers. The technology is at least twenty years ahead of the world.

Jennifer arrived quickly, covered her nose, took the information from Eric's hand, and pushed him into the bathroom.

After half a year of sleepless research, Eric finally confirmed one thing. It turns out that research is really addictive...

An hour later, Eric was dressed neatly and appeared in front of Jennifer again. The beautiful assistant to the president had already read the information. She frowned and was a little confused: "Mr. Eric, why do you want to study such an unknown person?" Something useful?”

"Oh? It's useless? How could it be?" Eric asked casually while playing with his newly cut hair.

"Ultraviolet shielding device, to put it bluntly, is a sunscreen for girls. Do you think anyone will really buy this thing?" Jennifer closed the document and gently placed it on the table. "The aesthetics of European and American women generally think of wheat. A healthy complexion is the most attractive. Many women even go to a sun spa or go to the beach to bask in the sun just for the sake of their skin color. This device of yours can be said to be completely contrary to women’s aesthetics. How could it be possible? Anyone buys it? At least I won’t!”

After hearing this, Eric chuckled, "There is no market in Europe and the United States, so we will sell it to Asia. I believe Asian women will like it very much."

"Mr. Eric, our maglev train is on the right track, and we will hold a product launch soon. Don't you think we should put this first?" The assistant to the president is very responsible for her work, and for Eric She was very dissatisfied with Ke's behavior that was detrimental to the company's interests.

"Jennifer, this thing is very important to me, even more than the maglev train!" Eric became extremely serious and looked at Jennifer seriously, "So, in an hour, the product launch will be held!"

"Well, you are the boss, you have the final say." Jennifer shrugged helplessly and left to prepare for the press conference.

There is almost no market for ultraviolet shielding devices in Europe and the United States. Of course Eric understands this, but he must do it because this thing is just a bait. In order to catch big fish, he will do it even if he loses money!

The product launch conference was held soon, and many media were very enthusiastic about Alice Industries' first product. They all learned from their respective channels that Alice Industries was developing a maglev train. They took it for granted that this conference should be the stepping stone to the maglev train.

Unfortunately, they were destined to be disappointed. When Eric stood on the stage and proudly introduced the UV shielding device, all the media were dumbfounded.

What is this?

Does this thing have anything to do with maglev trains?

Will anyone buy this silly thing?

This CEO is a fool...

Countless questions hovered in the minds of many reporters. They watched Eric eloquently and spitting on the stage.

The executives of Alice Industries were also dumbfounded. They couldn't understand what was wrong with their boss. He actually failed at such a critical moment! What a pig teammate!

The product launch conference ended quickly, and the stupid behavior of the president of Alice Industries was quickly reported. Many bold media even publicly ridiculed Eric's IQ, saying that Alice Industries would be ruined by its stupid president sooner or later.

And our stupid president Mr. Eric, because of his unusual concern for women's skin problems, was given a very funny nickname by the media: Friend of Women...

For a period of time, there was always news about Mr. Eric, Friend of Women, in the newspapers. Of course, it was all one-sided ridicule and contempt.

This phenomenon continued until the more explosive news that Alexander Pierce refused to accept the Nobel Peace Prize was alleviated.

Eric didn't care about these. He sat in the office, holding a cup of coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other, looking at the photo of Alexander Pierce in the newspaper, revealing a charming smile.

"Alexander, the bait has been put down, it depends on when you will bite the hook!"

Dear friends, can we not care about the forgiveness color of the book cover? I must change it! !

I do a 360-degree backflip and kneel down to ask for recommendations, comments, and collections...

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