Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 27: Having Fun with Stark

Unfortunately, what everyone wanted to see did not happen. Eric simply interrogated her, took a tube of blood for research, and then tied her up in the laboratory and left her alone.

Eric: "What do you want me to do? I'm helpless too! I also want to do something, but the policy doesn't allow it!"

At eight o'clock in the evening, Eric came to Stark Industries on time. Obadai was sitting on the sofa, surrounded by beautiful women. From time to time, beautiful women would feed him a piece of fruit and pour him a glass of wine. He looked so comfortable.

On the other side, a young man was playing billiards with two beauties, causing the beauties to cheer from time to time. This was Tony Stark, the future Iron Man, and now the most famous playboy in New York.

"Hi, Eric, you're here at the right time. Come here, I just mentioned you to the beauties!" Obadiah greeted warmly, with a few red lip marks on his bright forehead, which actually looked a bit enchanting. .

Eric walked over with a smile, but Tony Stark suddenly walked over and stood in front of him. Unfortunately, Stark was almost five centimeters shorter than Eric, which forced Stark to raise his head slightly. Only when he could look at Eric did his momentum weaken.

Stark immediately noticed this embarrassing situation, quietly stood on tiptoes, and looked at Eric, "Hey, man, are you the guy playing with magnets?"

Eric smiled immediately, looked at his tiptoes, and smiled happily, "Yes, that's right, I'm the guy playing with magnets!"

Seeing that Eric noticed his little move, Stark shrugged, stretched out his hand above his head to compare the height of the two of them, and stamped his feet on the ground, "It's because the floor is uneven! In fact, we are almost the same. I'll have someone fix this damn thing later." the floor.”

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Stark!" Eric smiled and extended his hand.

Stark looked embarrassed, but still shook hands with him, then immediately withdrew, muttering in a low voice: "I'm not very happy."

"Haha, Eric, don't mind, Tony doesn't like shaking hands with men, you know!" Obadiah came over with a beautiful woman in his arms, smiling to smooth things over for the two of them.

"What would you like to drink?" Obadiah snapped his fingers and called a waiter.

"Martini, with gin, no vodka, stir for ten seconds, and add a little unopened Delicious wine, thank you!"

Stark curled his lips and said, "What a sissy!"

"No, he's a gentleman!" Eric drew his right hand twice in front of him, bowed slightly, and gracefully extended his palm to the beautiful woman next to Obadiah. The beautiful woman had obviously learned etiquette lessons, and gently put his right hand on his hand. In Eric's hands. Eric kissed her slowly and gave a very gentlemanly kiss on the hand.

"Okay, two geniuses, how about we sit down and have a drink with the beauties?" Obadiah once again smoothed things over. He knew Stark's character very well and knew that his genius nephew was extremely arrogant. Now Ari Ke got a lot of limelight in front of the media, which made Stark a little dissatisfied, or jealous.

"Lucy, or Anna, uh, okay, maybe Amanda, whatever your name is, bring me a glass of vodka!" Stark pointed at a beautiful woman and asked her to pour the wine. He called several names but still couldn't remember it. What is the name of this beauty? The beauty frowned with dissatisfaction, but she still went to pour the wine obediently.

Eric shook his head slightly, feeling that Stark was a bit naive. He didn't think Stark could get used to drinking vodka. This was completely against him.

Accompanied by beautiful women, the three of them temporarily put the unpleasantness behind them and had fun, singing, dancing, billiards, poker...

When he got excited, Stark even started playing golf indoors, with the goal of buying a bottle of famous wine worth tens of thousands of dollars, which made Eric feel bad just watching.

The three of them had a blast for several hours, and several beauties fell to the ground drunk. Taking advantage of his drunkenness, Obadai clapped his hands and called several waiters to come in. All female creatures, whether standing or lying down, were carried out.

"Okay, Eric, Ruth and Annie have been sent to your room. You can enjoy the evening, hehehe." Obadiah put his arm around Eric's shoulders and smiled very obscenely.

"That's great. I haven't had enough fun just now!" Eric responded with an expression that every man would understand, his eyes a little blurry.

"Hey! Man, I made the reservation for Annie first! We just played golf together!" Stark drank a lot and his mind was already a little unclear. He just said a few words and fell on the sofa.

"Hahaha! Stark, not only are you taller, your ability to drink is not as good as mine!" Eric pointed at Stark and laughed wildly. Unfortunately, Stark couldn't hear him because he was already asleep.

Obadiah looked at the slightly drunk Eric, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and in an instant he returned to his drunken state. He patted Stark's thigh hard, "Tony is really not good, haha, he has been drunk for a long time. , but the beauty is in front, and he is embarrassed to fall!"

"Haha, Tony Stark, you lost!" Eric looked proud, pointing at Stark and laughing, his eyes becoming more and more blurred.

"Yes, Eric, you won. Not only did you beat Tony in terms of drinking, but you also beat him in intelligence. Room-temperature superconducting materials, my God! I really don't know how you made them!" Obadiah said. Still a little drunk at the time, he sat next to Eric with a clear face and poured him another glass of wine.

"Hehe, that's my most proud work!" Eric squinted his eyes and drank the wine in the glass. "I tell you, if you want to create normal, normal temperature superconducting materials, the most important thing is The place is to go inside, burp! Ugh..."

When it came to the key point, Eric suddenly burped, then felt nauseous and began to vomit violently. Large amounts of undigested food and wine mixed with stomach acid sprayed hotly on Obaday's face.

"WTF..." Obaday cursed, pushed Eric away, and rushed to the bathroom, but just after taking a step, he turned back and pulled Eric's collar and asked: "What is the most important part?"

"Yes, it must be stirred clockwise, otherwise, it will, it will, burp!" Eric burped again, his eyelids drooped, and he fell asleep.

"Stir clockwise? What the hell? Damn it!" Obaday kicked Eric in a rage, but his shoes were also stained with Eric's vomit, which made him feel nauseous again, and he hurried to the bathroom.

"Someone, take Mr. Eric to his guest room, and tell Ruth and Annie to treat him well!" Obaday cleaned himself up in the bathroom, shouting at the door, "Two more people, take Tony back!"

Haha, what a pity, I can't write what everyone wants to see the most????????

Uh, no one will beat me up, will they?

Before I get beaten up, please collect, recommend, and comment

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