Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 29 Since there is nothing to do, let's form a team first

Obaday's cooperation was within Eric's expectations. He was a qualified businessman who would not only focus on the immediate interests. He saw the potential behind this prosthesis.

Americans have always lacked a sense of security, even soldiers. They shed tears and blood for this country, and even lost their basic mobility. They are even more insecure. They are afraid that the military will abandon them, the government will abandon them, and the society will abandon them.

If there is a product that can make them stand up again, they will definitely flock to it and will get it at all costs. Killian of Pioneer Technology seized this point and let a large number of disabled soldiers willingly participate in his desperate virus experiment for free.

This is a product that the military will definitely buy. Even if it is sold at a high price of five million US dollars, the military will still bite its teeth and buy it. This is not a business, but a matter of military morale.

Of course, he can't sell it so expensively, the price is about the same. The real value of this thing lies in the goodwill it has gained from the military and the large amount of political capital it can add to Stark Industries.

As for Tony Stark, he didn't care how much this thing could sell for. In his opinion, whether he was worth 80 billion or 100 billion was just a different number and would not bring him any changes.

The only thing he cared about was what inspiration this thing could bring him. For him, the metal prosthesis was just a small toy. As long as he was given time, he could develop it himself. He just didn't focus on it. The only function of this small toy was to stimulate his brain and bring him new inspiration.

Eric returned to the company, interrogated Natasha again, and cleared a small amount of her memory, and then let her go. What else could he do if he didn't let her go? Would he tear his face with the long-haired braised egg? There was no need for that. He would need the braised egg in many places in the future.

It had been three months since the release of the UV shielding device, but there was no movement from Alexander. The sales of the UV shielding device were very few, which made Eric very anxious.

He quietly contacted Garrett, who was controlled by him, and the answer he got made him speechless.

Alexander did discover the true function of the UV shield, and he really wanted to get this technology, but he thought too much...

Yes, he thought too much, of course, mainly because Eric's identity as the Red Skull Guard was too intimidating.

He suspected that the UV shield was a trap set by Eric for him, with the purpose of taking away his power.

Hydra has several branches, Alexander's branch is lurking inside SHIELD, and the rest are Baron Stella, Baron Zemo, Lady Viper, Whitehall, Malik Family...

Cut off one head and grow two heads. There are too many branches of Hydra, and there is no connection between them. They will only cooperate once or twice when necessary, which makes them more difficult to be eliminated, but also makes them seriously lack trust.

Now, suddenly another Red Skull Guard appeared, and looking at their target, it seems to be directly aimed at the Insight Plan. How can Alexander not be vigilant?

He seriously suspected that Eric was sent by other departments of Hydra to seize power!

Therefore, he was very cautious and did not do anything. He just sent his men to buy a few UV shielding devices every now and then for his own research. He did not dare to buy too many at a time, for fear that Eric would get suspicious. Almost all of Eric's few orders were contributed by Alexander.

Three months of research proved how serious the technological barriers between Wakanda technology and conventional technology were, and it was also gradually wearing out Alexander's patience. He was angry about this matter.

However, he had to be patient. Alexander was a person who could endure! He endured for decades for the Insight Project. You can imagine how much he could endure. Isn't it just a UV shielding device? If it can't be researched in one day, it will take a year. If it can't be researched in one year, it will take ten years! Anyway, his Insight Project will take at least more than ten years to start, so there is no rush.

He is not in a hurry, but Eric is. He doesn't even want his face for this, but in the end, people don't take the bait!

But there is no way to be anxious. Garrett is just Alexander's subordinate and can't influence Alexander's decision. Eric has no other way for a while, so he can only wait.

The UV shielding device was not selling well, but the maglev train was a big hit.

After attending the test run ceremony that afternoon, the White House held a meeting that evening, and three days later, it placed the first order for Alice Industries, a maglev line from New York to Washington. The total length is about 360 kilometers, the construction period is five years, and the total investment is 30 billion US dollars.

That night, the entire Alice Industry was reveling all night, and the employees celebrated to their heart's content and stayed up all night. Eric fulfilled his promise to them and participated in the construction of the world's first maglev train line. Their names will be recorded in history!

The valuation of Alice Industries increased dozens of times overnight, and others could not sit still.

The White House, the military, banks, and major financial groups put pressure on Alice Industries, urging Alice Industries to go public as soon as possible. The White House and the military want to control Alice Industries in their own hands, and the bankers want to get a piece of this big pie.

Of course, there were also some bold forces that did not intend to take the right path. For a time, thieves and commercial spies became frequent visitors to Alice Industries, almost trampling down the threshold of Alice Industries.

Unfortunately, no matter who came, they all returned empty-handed.

Most of them fell on the security system designed by Eric himself. Even if someone escaped the security system, they would fall on Eric's safe.

No matter how powerful the thief is, he can't pry open Eric's safe, which makes Eric's safe a legend and taboo in the industry. Eric almost laughed his teeth off when he found out later...


Since there is no breakthrough on the SHIELD side for a while, Eric plans to build his own team first.

First is his mascot, Hawkeye Barton. According to speculation, Barton is not yet an adult and is still in a circus performing and secluded.

With a name, age, and range, it is much easier to find than the person he asked Xiao Jianjian to find. Throw a few gold bars to the mole, Eric believes that it won't take long before Mr. Mole, who has friends all over the world, can send Barton to him.

As for the other person, Eric needs to go there in person.

Ivan Vanko, the future Whiplash, is a Russian genius scientist who can rival Tony Stark in the field of mechanical engineering.

His father, Anton Vanko, once worked with Howard Stark to develop the Ark Reactor. Later, because he wanted to use the Ark Reactor to make ill-gotten gains, he was expelled by Howard and returned to Russia.

Eric values ​​his talent very much and knows his rebelliousness, so he plans to go there in person.

Uh, why does this chapter feel so difficult to write...

There is a recommendation position, although it is a mosquito leg, but it is finally there!

Please recommend, collect, and comment...

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