Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 31 Bullying the Stupid Boy

"You damn bug!" Red Tank roared, raised two fists as big as casseroles, bent down and smashed them hard on the metal hemisphere, and two big holes were smashed on the metal hemisphere.

Eric chuckled, raised his right hand slightly, and the metal hemisphere immediately returned to its original state. Then, he controlled the metal hemisphere to fly upside down, hanging Red Tank by his head and feet.

"Damn bug! Let Red Tank down!" Red Tank roared, and seeing Eric's mocking smile, he became even more furious. He struggled and pulled his legs out!

Eric frowned. This won't work! He can keep controlling these metal powders and keep Red Tank hanging in the air so that he can't hurt himself.

But this seems to have no other effect except making Red Tank more and more angry.

Moreover, he can't outlast Red Tank. With the support of Setorak's magic, Red Tank will not get tired, nor will he die of hunger or thirst, but Eric will, so he must find a way to calm his anger.

"Well, let's use the old method!" Eric moved his fingers slightly and put the Red Tank down. There was only one way to calm the Red Tank's anger, and that was to let him vent enough...

The metal hemisphere quickly deformed in the air and threw the Red Tank directly down. He stood up, shook the ice on his head, let out a thunderous roar, and rushed towards Eric again.

Eric controlled the metal powder to turn into a cheetah, and pounced on the Red Tank fiercely. Then, Eric aimed his palm at a mountain not far away. He just sensed that there was a large iron mine there.

A large amount of iron elements were extracted, and the mountain quickly cracked, collapsed, and broke, and soon formed a large pit in the original place. If someone discovered it in the future, I'm afraid there will be another unsolved mystery in the world.

Eric couldn't care about that. He controlled the iron elements to transform into a large number of metal beasts, including common animals such as lions, tigers, and elephants, as well as dinosaurs, werewolves, and aliens.

Ten thousand beasts are running wildly! A large number of metal beasts stepped on the ice, roaring and rushing towards Red Tank.

Red Tank had smashed the metal cheetah with one punch. Seeing the huge number of beasts running towards him, he shouted excitedly, licked his lips with a scarlet tongue, and rushed forward with his fists waving.

No matter the size of the beasts, they could not cause any damage to Red Tank, but Red Tank could smash a metal beast with every punch.

However, under the feet that Red Tank had never noticed, the smashed metal beasts decomposed into wisps of metal powder, drifted behind Eric, and turned into a giant beast again, rushing towards Red Tank.

Over and over again, Eric relied on his powerful mental power to control his supernatural powers and transformed the metal powder into various shapes. Unknowingly, he was having a lot of fun.

This is something that Magneto has never done. Even the old Magneto may not be able to do such a delicate and large number of operations, but Eric did it. The body strengthened by the super soldier potion allows him to control his superpowers more accurately and has more powerful energy. This is a problem of the upper limit. The super soldier potion has increased the upper limit of his superpowers!

Unicorns, giants, flying dragons, and later, even spaceships and Transformers appeared...

Anyway, as long as Eric can think of something, he will use metal powder to materialize it and smash it in front of Juggernaut to destroy it.

Even with a strong body and huge mental power, such consumption makes Eric gradually exhausted.

He suddenly woke up and cursed himself for being stupid. You said it would be better to turn out 10,000 iron balls for Juggernaut to smash. Why do you have to show off these things? Who is he showing off to!

"It seems to be a little bit short." Looking at Juggernaut again, the red light in his eyes is fading, but there is still a little residue, which is greater than the counterattack.

There was not much power left and it could not be used anymore. Eric put down his hands, and the metal beast lost control and turned into a handful of metal powder and scattered on the ice. The white ice surface suddenly turned black.

Red Tank was fighting with Optimus Prime just now, and he was fighting vigorously. Suddenly, his opponent was gone, and he didn't hold back his fist and fell on the ice.

Eric quickly stepped forward and punched him on the back of the head, smashing him into the ice, and then punched him again, aiming at the back of the head and hammering hard.

A big hole was soon hammered out on the ice, and Red Tank fell into the water. Eric controlled the iron sand to pull him up and continued to hammer.

"Ah! Damn bug, Red Tank will tear you apart!" Red Tank roared, resisted Eric's iron fist, turned over, and took a few punches from Eric with his nose, then he covered his nose with one hand, clenched his fist with the other hand, and hit Eric hard.

Eric was not as stupid as him. He used his face to catch the punch. He quickly dodged to the side and avoided the punch, but also let Red Tank stand up.

"Haha, damn bug, let Red Tank hit you with a punch!" Red Tank licked his lips excitedly, and his fists clenched "clack".

"Well, that, I let you hit me with a punch, and then we sit down and have a good talk, how about that?" Eric stared at his eyes closely, and he seemed to have regained his sanity.

"No! You let me hit you with two punches, no, three punches!" Ha, he knows how to bargain, it seems that he has really recovered.

"Okay! Just three punches! Come on!" Eric stood there with a smile.

Red Tank walked over with a grim smile, aimed at Eric's head and hit it hard. He had already imagined the scene of Eric's head bursting like a watermelon, and the excitement on his face became more and more intense.

Unfortunately, this could only be his imagination. When Eric's fist was still a few centimeters away from him, he easily ducked aside and let the punch pass.

Red Tank must punch with all his strength, and the same goes for this punch. He punched with all his strength, but his opponent dodged, and he almost dodged.

"Damn it, why are you hiding!"

"Why can't I hide? You didn't say you couldn't hide!" Eric stood aside and shrugged, looking innocent.

"Well, it seems that I really didn't say it. Sorry, this punch doesn't count. Let's do it again. You can't hide!" Red Tank touched his head, feeling a little embarrassed.

"How can that happen! You've already punched me, but you still blame me for not punching? No, there are still two punches left!" Eric rejected him righteously.

"Oh, okay, then I'll punch you two more times, and you can't hide!" Red Tank raised his casserole-sized fist again.

Eric stood there calmly, "Keep your word, I will never hide!"

When Red Tank heard this, he immediately became happy. He waved his fist again, aimed at Eric's head, and hit it hard.

Unfortunately, he missed again.

An invisible electromagnetic shield blocked his fist, and his fist couldn't make any progress when it was one foot away from Eric's head.

"Hey! What is this!" Red Tank shouted dissatisfied.

"Oh, this is my shield. It turns on automatically when I'm in danger. It's not my fault!" Eric pretended to be innocent again. In fact, he was laughing crazy in his heart. He was bullying the stupid boy. ah!

Tomorrow is another busy day. Well, let’s work for a while before going to bed...

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