Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 355 Look, there's a big dog!

Deadpool experimented with his new equipment and teleported away happily.

Eric let out a long sigh of relief. He and Deadpool only met three times, and he gave Deadpool three benefits. After all, they are considered friends, right? If Deadpool really breaks the fourth wall in the future, can he take him with him?

It’s hard to say, but now that the annoying guy is gone, everyone’s ears are clear!

"How to deal with this guy?" Thor has been immersed in the sadness of losing his best friend, gritting his teeth when he looked at Odin's seal.

Eric looked at Odin, and Odin looked at him in return. The two nodded slightly, "Let's begin!"

After saying that, the two took out their own magic guns and slowly flew off the ground.

Odin raised the Eternal Spear and used the gun as a ghost to draw large and complex runes in the air, forming a huge magic circle.

Eric used the Gun of Reincarnation to reorganize the material, constantly reorganizing the materials Odin needed, and at the same time filling the energy of the space gem into Odin's magic circle.

Thor took advantage of this moment to summon thunder and lightning and recharge Tony's armor. The two of them took Sif and flew to the side, watching the two heavenly fathers pretending...

Odin's magic circle is very complex, but it has no defense or attack effects. It involves more space and dimensions.

The Rainbow Bridge has been destroyed, and ordinary people can no longer use the energy of the Rainbow Bridge, but the Eternal Gun can. At the beginning of forging, the Eternal Spear was designed with the ability to summon the Rainbow Bridge. Even if the Rainbow Bridge is destroyed, it can still communicate with the World Tree and build a temporary Rainbow Bridge. Eric once asked the dwarf king Eitri to help him add this function to the Gun of Reincarnation, but unfortunately he did not succeed.

The space gem provides space energy for the magic array, and the Eternal Spear provides it with dimensional energy. The two complement each other to allow the magic array to operate. It is like a vacuum cleaner, sucking out the dimensional mezzanine where the white-robed wizard is hiding. Compressed to one meter square.

In fact, the size of the dimensional mezzanine cannot be measured in the three-dimensional world at all. What they see is just the projection of the dimensional mezzanine in the three-dimensional world. Looking from a distance, the dimensional mezzanine has disappeared, and only two sealing magic arrays can be seen shining brightly, like two shields buckled together, looking like a huge scallop.

"Is there a suitable star?" Eric used the power of space to pack the dimensional scallops layer by layer, and finally he sat cross-legged on them.

Odin thought for a moment and nodded, "There is a star in its prime near the center of the galaxy. It is too close to the black hole and there is no life within a hundred light years around it."

Eric wanted to come to the coordinates, waved his hand to open the space door, and stepped in with the dimension scallop, "Let's go!"

Odin followed closely behind, and after he entered, the space door closed, leaving the three of them looking at each other.

"Well, it seems that the two Mr. Universes don't need low-level creatures like us who can only move on the ground." Tony shrugged and stretched, "That's fine, I just want to go back and have a good sleep. , what about you Thor?”

After this experience, Thor became much calmer. He looked firm, held Thor's hammer tightly, and looked at the small grave lovingly, "I want to find my friends. Eric said they will be reincarnated on earth." , I will definitely find them!”

"Looking for someone? I have a lot of resources in my hands. Maybe I can provide you with some help." Tony activated his suit and flew into the sky, "How about you go to my place and have some fun?"

Thor hesitated for a moment, nodded, and flew into the sky with Sif.

Looking for a star in the vast universe is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Even with Odin's coordinates, the two of them had to open hundreds of space gates to find the place.

When they arrived at the place, the two of them completely let go of their Heavenly Father-level strength. In the vast universe, they pushed the stars and took the moon, using half of the star system as a blueprint to build a super huge magic array.

This is a big project, and even with the strength of the two of them, it cannot be completed in a short time.

The entire magic circle was centered on a star in its prime. Eric once again raised the legendary blacksmith's hammer and wrapped the entire star in an iron shell, constructing a perfect Dyson sphere system.

This is the method provided by Odin, and Nidawi, the country of dwarves, was built using this method.

After the Dyson sphere system is completed, the energy of the entire star will be concentrated, emitted from a "tiny" hole ten meters in diameter, and hit on the dimensional scallop.

The continuous stellar energy will provide energy for Odin's magic circle, constantly beating the dimensional scallop, absorbing and extracting the original energy of the white-robed wizard from inside.

The entire process will last for several years, until the white-robed wizard's energy is completely squeezed out, or the star's energy is exhausted prematurely.

"It really looks like a lollipop!" Eric looked at the two people's masterpiece from a distance and clicked his tongue.

The star is encased in a Dyson sphere, with only a thin ray of light emerging from the bottom, like the plastic stick of a lollipop.

Odin had no time to admire his own handiwork; his workload was even greater.

A device built with the energy of a star is also a rare thing in the universe. There is no guarantee that someone with evil intentions will spy on this kind of thing. He must ensure the safety here.

The asteroids in this star system were damaged and were smashed to pieces one by one by Odin. The fragments were arranged in specific locations. Using half of the star system as a blueprint, a hiding magic circle was constructed, just like when he hid his father. Bol like that.

"Almost." Odin slowly flew to Eric's side, panting and exhausted.

Eric frowned, "Can't hold on? Need help?"

Odin shook his head, "No, I still have a backup in Asgard. A part of my soul is stored in Valhalla. If I replenish that part of my soul, it will be enough for me to hold on until Ragnarok."

Eric nodded and patted his shoulder, "Old man, you have done enough. It's time to let go and hand it over to the young people!"

Odin was stunned, then laughed, "Aren't you the young man I'm looking for!"

Eric was almost choked to death, "Get out! I'm talking about your son, Thor! Old bastard, don't cheat me again in the future!"

"Hahaha, let's talk about it later!" Odin laughed and summoned the Rainbow Bridge back to Asgard. I don't know how he will explain to the gods of Asgard.


After sending away Odin, the god of plague, Eric felt relieved. He left a space mark here to facilitate coming to collect the vegetables in the future and returned to Earth.

More than five months have passed since the incident in the Savage Land, and the United States ushered in another Christmas.

Eric stood on the snowy streets of New York, looking confused. After spending almost half a year in space, he felt an inexplicable sense of alienation when he returned to Earth.

"Look, there's a big dog over there!"

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