The power from the same source attracted the two young people to each other.

Sean and Jean, two Phoenix hosts, suddenly met eyes because of the riot of the Phoenix Force, so fast that people could not react.

Not only Eric and Professor X did not react, Cyclops was even more confused. How come he had a new rival in love in just one class? Moreover, it seems that Jean is more interested in him than me?

What does this mean?

Cyclops was jealous on the spot, "Hey, who are you? Stay away from my girlfriend!"

"Your girlfriend? How can a blind man like you have a girlfriend? Why don't you say that Cleopatra is your girlfriend?" With the influence of the Phoenix Force, Sean obviously did things without thinking and went straight to him.

"What did you say!" Cyclops was furious, with his fingers on his quartz glasses, "Say it again!"

"Blind man! Blind man!" Sean shouted proudly.

Eric watched and shook his head. He didn't intend to stop him, and even stopped Professor X who was going to interfere. Sean had just awakened the Eternal gene. He was just a baby who was less than a day old. His spirit was unable to resist the will of the Phoenix. He was too deeply affected by the Phoenix Force. He had to be beaten to calm down.

Cyclops was really angry. He pressed his finger hard and turned on the switch of his glasses. Two scarlet beams of light shot out of his eyes.

"Scott, don't!" At the critical moment, Jean finally got rid of the influence of the Phoenix Force, regained her clarity, and screamed to stop Cyclops.

Unfortunately, Cyclops, who was jealous, misinterpreted Jean's actions as her wanting to protect Sean. She cared about Sean more. He roared, tried to open his eyes wide, and output with all his strength.

Sean was already confused when Cyclops started to attack. He had no combat experience at all. His cognition of mutants, Inhumans and other extraordinary powers was still limited to the level of television and newspapers. He had no consciousness and means to deal with it. He could only subconsciously use his still very unfamiliar superpowers to fight.

The orange energy beam collided with Cyclops' laser beam, canceling each other out, and he barely blocked the first wave of attacks.

Sean tried to squeeze every cell in his body to extract more energy, but he had just awakened and encountered accidents again and again. How could he have so much energy to squander? In just a few breaths, he was already exhausted.

At this time, the Phoenix Force hidden in his body could not sit still. If Sean died, He would lose this host. Would Eric no longer provide the Eternal Fire? That kind of delicacy would never be eaten?

Thinking of this, the Phoenix Force burst out and turned into a pair of fire wings, wrapping Sean in it.

"Jean!" Cyclops whispered in disbelief. He didn't know that Sean had obtained the Phoenix Force. He thought it was Jean who was helping him, helping an outsider, to fight against his real boyfriend!

At this moment, Jean finally took action, and her powerful telekinesis formed a barrier in front of Sean. She has been with the Phoenix Force for many years, and her power more or less carries the breath of the Phoenix. The power of the same origin allows her telekinesis barrier and the Phoenix Fire Wings in front of Sean to merge smoothly together to resist Cyclops' attack together.

"Why! Why!" Cyclops roared angrily.

"Okay, stop, Scott!" Seeing that things were getting bigger and bigger, Professor X couldn't stand it anymore. His mental power passed Eric and controlled Cyclops' brain, asking him to stop attacking, and at the same time instilled the course of events into his brain.

Cyclops stopped attacking, and Jean and Sean also lifted their defenses. Sean was sweating profusely and collapsed on the ground. Jean wanted to go forward to help him, but seeing Cyclops standing there motionless, he hesitated.

"Get up, you are so shameful, you actually picked up someone else's girlfriend!" Eric waved his hand, and the invisible force made Sean stand up.

"I..." Sean wanted to say something, but turned his head to look at Jean and swallowed his words.

"Charles, help him set up a mind cage. His willpower is too weak to resist the influence of the Phoenix Force." Eric saw Sean's action and shook his head in disappointment. The intervention of the Phoenix Force made Sean's class in vain.

"Well, the Phoenix Force is a dangerous thing after all." Professor X nodded and closed his eyes.

Sean looked at Jean, then at Eric, with an anxious look on his face. He seemed not to want the Phoenix Force to be sealed, but before he could speak, Professor X's mental power occupied his body, forced the Phoenix Force into a corner, and set a seal.

"Fortunately, his Phoenix Force comes from Jean. We are old friends and very familiar with each other." After completing the mind cage, Professor X wiped the sweat from his forehead. This day, he was exhausted.

"Thank you, the two siblings. I'll come back another day. Sean, let's go home." After so many accidents, Eric temporarily gave up the idea of ​​meeting Wanda and Pietro. After thanking everyone, he teleported away with Sean.

After he left, Professor X finally released his control over Cyclops, "Scott, I'm sorry, I broke my promise and used my psychic power on you."

"It's okay, professor." Cyclops shook his head sadly. He didn't care whether Professor X broke his promise to control him at the moment. He only cared about Jean.

He looked at Jean carefully, but Jean turned her head away indifferently. No matter what the reason, Cyclops attacked a stranger, in her opinion, it was too much!

"I'm sorry, Jean, please forgive me, okay?" Cyclops almost begged, his love for Jean made him almost crazy, he couldn't lose her.

"Hey! Scott, maybe, it's really a mistake for us to be together." Jean sighed and left silently, leaving Cyclops standing there.

Professor X looked at Jean's back, controlled the wheelchair forward, and stopped beside Cyclops, "You should go after her!"

"But, professor, I..." Cyclops' face was full of frustration and regret, without any self-confidence.

"Go, it's normal for young people to be noisy together, what? Do you need an old guy like me to teach you how to chase girls?" Professor X slapped him hard on the back, "Go!"

Cyclops finally made up his mind and ran out, "Thank you, professor!"

Professor X watched him leave and shook his head with a smile.


Cyclops chased Jean all the way out of the school, but soon lost her trace. He looked around in panic and finally saw the familiar fiery red hair in the grove not far away.

Jean is waiting for him! Cyclops was overjoyed, ran over, reached out and gently touched her shoulder, "Jean, um, who are you?"

The woman with red hair turned around, but it was not Jean at all! Although she looked exactly like Jean, Cyclops could tell at a glance that this was not her!

"Hello, Scott, my name is Madeline."

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