Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 386 The war begins

"What happened to Asgard?"

"The Rainbow Bridge was destroyed, Asgard lost its most powerful weapon, and the entire Nine Realms are in rebellion. I must go back!" Thor looked much calmer than before. It seemed that he had experienced so many things and matured a lot.

Eric nodded to show his understanding. Without the Rainbow Bridge, Asgard lost its most powerful mobility and could no longer descend to any place in the Nine Realms at any time like before. "Do you need my help?"

Thor hesitated and shook his head to refuse. "No, I can handle it."

"Okay, I'll take you back." As he said that, Eric summoned the Spear of Samsara. The Space Gem just lit up, but it stopped immediately and looked up at the sky in Thor's puzzled eyes.

"There's something interesting to watch." Eric smiled and took a step back, whispering to Skye quietly.

Skye's eyes lit up, he took out the material reorganization ring from his pocket and put it on his hand, waved his hand and three small stools rose on the ground, asked Eric and Sean to sit side by side, and took out a bag of melon seeds from somewhere, waiting to watch the show attentively.

Sean didn't understand Skye's train of thought, but seeing that Eric was already eating melon seeds while waiting for the show to start, he could only sit down like the unscrupulous father and daughter.

Thor looked at them, shook his head speechlessly, and looked up into the distance.

A golden-red armor broke through the air from a distance and soon landed next to Thor.

"Hey, Tony, why are you here?" Thor greeted the visitor in a friendly manner, but in return he was slapped hard.

This slap almost used all the power of the steel armor. Even with Thor's physique, he was still whipped out and knocked down several walls.

"Let Tony pay for the wall repair." Eric whispered in Skye's ear, "Tell him that the wall is mixed with 99% vibranium, and the whole wall is calculated at the price of vibranium!"

"Okay!" Skye's eyes narrowed into a crescent shape. The father and daughter didn't care about money, they just wanted to bully Tony Stark!

"Hey! Tony, what are you doing!" Thor flew out from the rubble, a little annoyed, pointing at the armor with Thor's hammer and yelling.

The armor didn't answer, took a few steps forward, and continued to punch and kick Thor, but Thor, who had rich combat experience, easily dodged them.

"Tony! What the hell are you crazy about? Come out of the iron shell quickly, or I'll fight back!" Thor dodged, waving Thor's hammer to intimidate, and flashes of lightning flashed on his body.

"You want to hit me?" The voice coming from the iron armor was not Tony's, but a wronged female voice.

Thor was a little confused, "Jane?"

"You bastard, you ran away without saying anything, and now you want to hit me!" Jane's pent-up grievances and anger completely erupted, and she controlled the armor to attack again.

Jane had no combat experience or skills, she just randomly punched and kicked, anyone with a little combat experience could dodge, but Thor couldn't dodge, he felt guilty.

"Jane, Jane, don't do this, listen to me..." Thor used his rough skin to resist Jane's attack. In fact, Jane's attack couldn't hurt him at all, but he made a grinning expression, looking like he was beaten by Jane without any resistance.

Jane hit him a few times, and seeing her boyfriend in so much pain, her anger subsided and her heart softened. She hit him lightly twice again, and then hid in his arms and cried.

"Oh, it seems I'm late. I'm sorry, Thor. Your girlfriend stole my armor." Iron Man fell from the sky, and Tony walked out of the armor. He said sorry, but his face looked like he was watching a good show.

"Uncle Tony, live broadcast, how is the effect? ​​Also, when did your defense system become so bad? How could Jane steal your armor?" Skye was very disrespectful and exposed Tony on the spot.

"Hey, Eric, you should take care of your daughter."

"I dare not take care of her. I rely on her for my living now." Eric laughed at the side, "Your armor knocked down the wall of my house, you have to pay for it, um, that wall is vibranium."

"Asshole, vibranium wall, when did my armor have such great power..." Tony looked indignant.

"Hehehe..." The unscrupulous father and daughter laughed.


While they were joking around, Thor finally calmed Jane down, pulled her out of the armor, and hugged her affectionately, "Jane, I promise, I will definitely come back!"

Jane knew she couldn't stop him anymore, so she nodded silently with tears in her eyes, then pushed Thor away fiercely and shouted, "I'll wait for you to come back!"

Thor smiled and waved to Eric. Eric looked at the two of them and saw that they both nodded to him, so he summoned the Spear of Samsara again and activated the Space Gem.

After a blue light, Thor disappeared, but where he just stood, there was a Shar-Pei dog the size of a calf.

"You turned Thor into a dog?" Tony and Jane were confused.

Eric slapped his head with a headache, and it seemed that he and Tetanus had a collision again...

Tetanus was also confused for a long time, and after reacting, he stuck out his tongue and wagged his tail at Eric, full of flattery.

"What's going on? Are you alone? Crystal didn't come with us? Where's Black Bolt?"

Tetanus turned his head and looked behind him. He whimpered and disappeared in a flash. A few seconds later, he reappeared out of thin air, with Black Bolt and his family beside him.

"Haha, you teleported and left the passengers behind, you stupid dog." Eric pointed at Tetanus and laughed, not giving Black Bolt any face.

Black Bolt had no time to argue with him, his face was gloomy, he walked up and signed to Eric.

Eric's face slowly sank, "How long will it take?"

Black Bolt spread his hands, indicating that he didn't know either.

"Hey, you two, what are you talking about? Can you translate it for me? Sir, are you using international sign language? Why can't Jarvis translate it?" Tony interrupted the special communication between the two.

Eric looked at Tony solemnly, "We are in trouble, the Kree are coming to kill us!"

"What?" Tony thought he had heard wrong, "Kree? You mean aliens? Are they coming to attack the earth? Why? For those worthless oil resources? Or to open farms on the earth?"

"No, for revenge." Eric sneered, "I killed their accuser Ronan!"

"Are you kidding?" Tony finally confirmed that Eric was not kidding him, his face solemn.

Eric breathed a sigh of relief, "Are you kidding? Of course not, Tony, the war has begun!"

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