Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 389 They just need to play games

How long does it take to build a warship?

If it is handed over to the earthlings, even with complete technology and sufficient materials, the time spent will be calculated in years.

But when it comes to Eric, a warship takes one hour!

This is because he needs to draw resources from other galaxies, which delays a lot of time. Otherwise, he can build a fleet in minutes.

"This is definitely a miracle!" Lu Dan drove the space plane of that year and flew out of the atmosphere again after many years. He wanted to see with his own eyes how Eric built a fleet.

Next to him was Captain America, who opposed interstellar war. When he heard the word interstellar war, his first feeling was absurd. The earth had to spend a lot of money to launch a satellite. How could it engage in interstellar war? But when he saw Eric's feat, he was silent.

"My God, what is this? Nanotechnology? Liquid metal? Metal life? No, no, it's all, and it's none..." Iron Man Tony Stark came with him. He was already in a state of confusion. His whole face was pressed against the glass of the plane, and his eyes were dull.

In space, Eric looked back at the plane, smiled slightly, and closed the space door in front of him. Over there was an uninhabited planet that once had rich resources, but now it has become barren and there is no longer any resource that can be used.

He waved his hand again and opened another space door. Over there was a new resource planet. Star-eating bees followed his arm and swarmed towards the planet, faithfully interpreting their name.

Star-eating bees can really devour planets!

The entire resource planet quickly became barren under the gnawing of star-eating bees. The resources on it were consumed at a very fast speed, and even the energy in the core of the earth was completely extracted, leaving only a pile of useless garbage.

Devour, copy, devour again, copy again, over and over again...

With enough resources, the number of star-eating bees began to increase exponentially. Except for resources, nothing can limit their number!

In less than an hour, a planet was completely consumed. The Star Eater Bees carried the resources of an entire planet, passed through the space gate, and returned to the outer layer of the earth. Under Eric's command, they reunited and transformed, and soon formed several warships dozens of kilometers long.

"Until this moment, I understood what he said!" Lu Dan smiled bitterly, "If you want to take down Harry, he alone is enough!"

"Damn, what kind of technology is that? Even Odin doesn't have those things in his knowledge!" Tony turned his head over, but he couldn't understand what the Star Eater Bee was. He wished he could fly out now and catch a few to study.

"Tony, calm down. That's Eric's secret. He's very kind to allow us to see it." Lu Dan pulled Tony's shoulder back very calmly, "Don't cause trouble for yourself!"

"I..." Tony's breathing stagnated, and then he cursed, "Damn Eric! Hateful Eric! The person I hate the most is definitely Eric, no one else!"

Lu Dan shook his head helplessly, let go of his shoulder, and turned to look at Captain America, "Captain, what do you think? Do we have a chance of winning?"

"Don't ask me!" Captain America shook his head and smiled bitterly, "When I was frozen, we were still climbing trenches with rifles, but in the blink of an eye, the people on Earth can wave their hands to build warships! Fury, I think you should freeze me."

"I'm afraid this is difficult to do." Lu Dan shrugged and looked out the window, "The people of the World Security Council should really see this scene!"

"Come on, they will be scared to death!" Eric's voice suddenly appeared behind Lu Dan, scaring the three of them. Turning their heads, they saw a figure composed of star-eating bees speaking.

Under the gaze of the three, the Star Eater quickly changed into Eric's appearance. The three couldn't help but wipe their eyes, look at the Star Eater, and then look at Eric outside the window.

"If the World Security Council sees this, they will definitely want to kill me first." Star Eater Eric put his hands behind his back, shook his head and pouted.

Tony stared at him for a long time, then pointed outside, "That one and this one, which one is the real you?"

"Of course it's the one outside." Star Eater Eric rolled his eyes, "Just think of these things as some special nanotechnology."

"Ivan's kind of metal life..." Tony stepped forward and touched the body of Star Eater Eric, and found that it was exactly the same as a real person, whether it was skin, hair, or the fabric of the clothes on his body, they were exactly the same as the real ones!

"Oh my god, this is incredible. Has your technology involved changes at the atomic level? No, that's not right. It's a much smaller level! Your clothes have completely turned into textiles!" Tony, wearing his armor, grabbed a corner of Eric's clothes and tore off a large piece with a slight tear, his face full of disbelief.

Eric smiled and took the corner of his clothes back from him, shaking it in front of his eyes, "Do you want it?"

"If you don't want it, you're my grandson!" Tony swallowed his saliva, his eyes were like an old cat in heat...

"Then keep thinking about it!" Eric laughed, and the corner of his clothes turned into a star-eating bee again and returned to his body.

"You! Cough cough..." Tony was choked and coughed, pointing at Eric and couldn't speak.

"Hehehe, no more chatting, I still have work to do, you guys take your time." After saying that, Eric dissipated with a sly smile, and when he reappeared, he had already gathered in the torrent of star-eating bees and became part of a battleship.

"Damn bastard, he must have done it on purpose!" Tony recovered and pointed at Eric angrily and cursed, "Isn't it just nanotechnology! I can research it anyway!"


In two weeks, Eric built a full 100 battleships in outer space of the earth. Each battleship was tens of kilometers long, and it was not a problem to carry hundreds of thousands of people.

The 300,000 people he asked the World Security Council for were allocated to this fleet, and each ship could only be allocated 1,000 people, which was not enough to maintain the operation of this fleet.

"Every soldier is a citizen of the earth and the most precious wealth of the earth. I will not let them be consumed in a meaningless interstellar war!" Faced with this question from Lu Dan, Eric sneered.

"Then what do you want to do? What do you use to control those battleships?" Lu Dan couldn't understand.

Eric smiled without explaining. The Star-Eating Bees were like a part of his body. Where his heart goes, the bees move!

"How is the recruitment of 300,000 soldiers going?"

"Almost done. How do you plan to train them?" Seeing that Eric didn't answer his question, Lu Dan didn't ask further. He witnessed the scene of Eric building the battleship with his own eyes. He always felt that there was a deep gap between the two of them, dividing him and Eric into two different worlds.

"Training? No need. They just need to play games!"

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