Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 394 Hello, Hara!

"I can't believe that those soldiers have such fighting power after only a few days of training!" Captain America stood in front of the window, watching the battle outside, and exclaimed.

"Humph, I bet those soldiers don't know what they are doing now!" Lu Dan stood aside with his head covered, and was knocked down by Wolverine's punch, leaving a big bump on his head.

"Don't know what they are doing? How can they fight?" Captain America was full of disbelief.

Eric walked up and chuckled, "They really don't know anything. They have only been on the battleship for five days, with two training sessions a day, and they have only trained ten times. If you want them to exert their strongest fighting power on the battlefield, you have to take some special measures."

"So, you let them enter the cradle of life before the space jump, and they don't know that they have arrived in Hara!" Lu Dan sneered.

"That's right, they all thought they were doing the eleventh training!" Eric's face showed a trace of success, "Those who want to spy on my secrets are destined to be disappointed! Oh, by the way, who did you send? I think I saw Agent May."

"I didn't send anyone!" Lu Dan's face was straight, and he looked righteous, but even Captain America knew what kind of character he was. He grinned with contempt and turned his head away.

Eric smiled and didn't bother with him. He looked up and looked out the window, but immediately frowned, "It's a bit too late."

"What?" Lu Dan and Captain America were shocked. At this time, any mistake could be irreparable, especially time!

Eric shook his head gently, "This war has lasted for 16 minutes from the beginning to now, and we haven't killed all their warships!"

Lu Dan suddenly had the urge to slap him in the face. One hundred warships, fighting nearly three hundred warships, almost annihilating the opponent in 16 minutes, but he himself had no losses, and he actually thought it was too slow!

"Can't wait!" Eric didn't explain to him, his face was solemn, and he contacted the four pioneers outside, "Carol stays to clean up the remaining warships, and then cooperate with our Necromancer fighters to kill the Kree's Necromancer fighters. Everyone else comes back and we launch a general attack!"

General attack! Of course, it is to attack Hala!

No one expected that Eric's blitzkrieg would be so fast. Not only did he set out beyond everyone's expectations, but the speed of the attack was also beyond everyone's belief. He arrived at Hala for only sixteen minutes, and he hadn't even cleared the first wave of warships, and he was going to launch a general attack!

However, at this time, no one would question his decision. Black Bolt and the other three quickly returned to the warship, leaving only Captain Marvel still flying in space, chasing the remaining Kree warships everywhere.

The remaining Kree warships had already sensed that something was wrong, and they started their thrusters and flew away in all directions. There were several ships in each direction. At this time, only Captain Marvel could catch up with them.

"All fighters, start the No. 9 attack plan! End the battle within two minutes!" Eric gave another order indifferently, and everyone was full of question marks.

The ratio of the Kree fighters in space to their fighters is almost one to one. What kind of attack plan can end the battle in two minutes? This is impossible, right?

Their doubts did not last too long. The Necromancer fighters controlled by the Earth soldiers soon gave them the answer.

Those Necromancer fighters distributed tasks through the mental power Internet, determined their sights, chased one by one, and exploded as long as they got close!

The explosion of the Necromancer fighters actually submerged the fleet of warships in an instant. It took less than two minutes for the Kree Necromancer fighters to be wiped out under the suicide attack of the Earth soldiers. The remaining ones would be taken away by the passing Captain Marvel.

In less than 20 minutes, nearly 300 Kree warships were destroyed!

"Attack!" Eric gave an order, and a hundred warships were arranged like a sharp knife, running at full speed, and approaching Hala at high speed.

"Look, that satellite!" Captain America suddenly changed color and pointed at a satellite in the distance and shouted.

Everyone looked over and found a huge crack in the center of the satellite, revealing a black giant cannon.

The satellite is half the size of the moon, and it gleams with metallic light. It is a man-made product, but no one expected that the Kree Empire would be so crazy as to build a giant cannon as big as a satellite!

"Is this a star-destroying weapon?" Lu Dan swallowed his saliva. Facing such a giant cannon, his legs were a little weak.

Eric sneered, "It's just a pile of scrap metal! Marx, go there!"

After that, Eric waved his hand, and Magneto disappeared immediately.

Then, the giant cannon satellite exploded violently, and a large piece of the shell was torn off. The complex and huge mechanical structure inside was instantly turned into space junk under the power of Magneto.

Before the giant cannon could play a role, it was dismantled into a pile of scrap metal. There was a new action on the planet of Hara. A dazzling silver light was quickly generated, wrapping the entire planet of Hara inside, and then a large number of spaceships flew out of the silver shell.

"An energy shield covering a planet, this is incredible! What energy do they use?" Reed took a palm-sized instrument and made rapid calculations, not knowing whether he could figure out anything.

Tony leaned over, pretending to be nonchalant, and secretly glanced at the instrument of Redd. "I think it might be antimatter. The annihilation of positive and antimatter will release a huge amount of energy, enough to support their consumption."

"It may also be some unknown new element." Beast Hank also came over. It was rare for the three super brains to get together, so they always had some common language.

Eric had no time to pay attention to the three engineering men, nor was he interested in exploring the energy problem of the Kree. He just wanted to hit Hala now!

One hundred warships were arranged in the shape of a sharp knife. The distance between them gradually narrowed. A layer of dark liquid slowly flowed down the surface of the warships, floating in the air, and then adhered to other warships. The one hundred warships soon became a whole.

The closer to Hala, the stronger the attack on the warships. The defense system of the Kree Empire was very powerful. Even the shell of a strong-force warship could not last long under such an attack.

Lasers, missiles, spaceships, battleships, bunkers, air mines...

Various attacks overwhelmed Eric's battleship, and the outer shell of the battleship was shattered. However, as long as there was a broken place, star-eating bees would immediately emerge from the battleship to fill the gap.

Damaged, repaired, damaged, and repaired again... The entire battleship, like a steel Wolverine, stubbornly plunged into the Hara planet under the powerful attack!

Hello, Hara!

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