Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 425 You Released Me

Crow's Mouth!

As soon as Skye finished speaking, a huge explosion sounded not far away, and the aerospace carrier also trembled violently.

"I'll go and see!" Skye's face changed, and he rushed to the explosion site at the maximum speed.

The explosion was located in the center of the aerospace carrier, which was the residence arranged by Lu Dan for the superheroes. Skye rushed in with the flames rising to the sky and quickly found the source of the explosion.

Iron Man's residence!

To be precise, it is his warehouse.

Tony's combat power all comes from his armor, so wherever he goes, there will be a place dedicated to storing his armor, and the aerospace carrier of SHIELD is no exception.

Of course, it is not only the armor he wears that is stored here, but also ten artificial intelligence armors, that is, the Ultron armors are here. After the war, Tony was afraid that there would be emergencies and he would not be able to mobilize in time, so he left ten on the aerospace carrier.

In addition, there is another thing here, or a person, the clone Thor.

Clone Thor is a half-mechanical and half-biological structure. The entire nerve center and brain are completely controlled by machines. It has no thoughts of its own. When not fighting, it will sleep with Tony's other armors. It can be said to be a living robot.

"I heard that someone cloned Thor?"

"Give me the cloned Thor, and I will tell you everything!"

In Skye's mind, these two sentences of Loki suddenly popped up, and her face changed drastically. Cloning Thor, maybe this is Loki's goal!

She hurried to the hibernation chamber of the clone Thor, and violently knocked away all obstacles along the way, almost causing a second collapse.

But she couldn't care about these, until she saw the clone Thor still lying quietly in the hibernation chamber, she put her heart back into her stomach again.

"What happened?" Tony flew in wearing armor, his face under the armor was blacker than charcoal, and his warehouse was actually blown up!

"I don't know, Clone Thor is fine." Skye shook his head solemnly and looked around. The explosion was very powerful. Tony's bedroom had been blown to pieces. Six of the ten Ultron robot armors were destroyed, and the remaining four were also bumpy and looked like street stall goods.

"All the surveillance was blown up, it's hard to check."

Tony punched the ground, "Damn, which bastard did it? Is it Loki?"

Skye's heart moved and dialed the communicator, "Fury, what is Loki doing?"

"Reading, "A Brief History of Space"."

"A Brief History of Space? Are you sure it's not "A Brief History of Time"?

"A Brief History of Time is at his feet, this is "A Brief History of Space", and there is also a "A Brief History of the Mortuary" under his butt." Lu Dan's voice was a little weird, "Where did he get those books?"

"A Brief History of the Mortuary?" Skye almost spit out yesterday's dinner. Mortuary, and a brief history? Was it written by Uncle Ying?

"Don't worry about those 'brief histories' for now, Skye, come and help me!" Tony wanted to move the hibernation chamber of the cloned Thor out, but found that the chamber was stuck by a fallen steel support and could not be moved. The support happened to support a large roof, so it was really difficult to move it alone.

Skye hurried to help, and the two of them worked together to finally pull the hibernation chamber out without any danger.

"Bang!" As soon as the hibernation chamber was pulled out, the lid popped up, and the cloned Thor suddenly opened his eyes, releasing lightning from his eyes.

"Be careful! I didn't activate him!" Tony shouted, his eyes full of panic, things had exceeded his expectations.

"Damn it!" Skye cursed, and instantly punched the cloned Thor in the chin.

The cloned Thor seemed to have slept for a long time, and before he could recover, he was hit hard by Skye's punch, and instantly flew backwards, knocking down a wall.

Skye and Tony hurriedly followed, only to find that the clone Thor stood up unsteadily, stretched out his right hand, and made a standard summoning action of the genuine Thor.

"What the hell? A fake, and he wants to summon Thor's hammer?" Skye complained, but found that there was a sound of breaking air in the distance, and the clone Thor's hammer flew quickly.

Skye looked at Tony with resentment, and Tony shrugged awkwardly, "In order to restore the reality, I added a positioning system to his hammer."

"What a stupid idea!" Skye rolled her eyes, carefully distinguished the sound of breaking air, and at the moment when the hammer flew past her, she quickly grabbed the hammer, closed it in her palm, and squeezed the hammer with both hands to burst it alive!

"Uh, you're really strong." Tony smiled awkwardly, not wanting to answer again. He tapped his chest armor and projected a virtual keyboard in the air. "I'll take back control of him. It'll be done in no time."

"Wait for you, the opportunity is gone!" Skye snorted coldly, stepped forward quickly, walked around behind the cloned Thor, and slapped him hard on the back of his mechanical head. At the moment of slapping, she also sent out several shock waves, and even the titanium alloy inside was deformed!

"Oh, God, don't!" Tony was extremely distressed and immediately ran forward to test the cloned Thor.

"Don't repair it, just take this opportunity to destroy it!" Skye looked at the cloned Thor with a squint, feeling creepy no matter how he looked at it. He really didn't understand why Tony was doing this!

"Destroy?!" Tony suddenly raised his head, widened his eyes, and roared angrily: "No one can destroy him! He is my masterpiece!"

"Snap! Snap! Snap!" A burst of clapping suddenly interrupted the conversation between the two.

Skye and Tony looked in astonishment, only to find a mechanical armor pressed under a stone clapping its hands. Its lower body had disappeared, but its upper body was intact.

"Oh, he is your masterpiece? Then, what am I?" The mechanical armor spoke, and a terrifying red light emanated from its electronic eyes.

"What am I?"

"What am I?"

"What am I?"


Questions that seemed to be from the soul came from all over the ruins. Skye and Tony looked at them one by one and found that they were all smashed Ultron armors!

"Ultron?" Tony asked tentatively.

The half armor pulled its mechanical mouth, "It's me, my father, thank you for giving me life, but I also want to thank another person for giving me a soul!"


Mind Scepter!


Skye's face changed drastically. At this moment, she finally understood Loki's purpose.

He didn't want to clone Thor, but Ultron!

"Bang!" Tony suddenly raised his arm and shot the half armor with a palm cannon, "I gave you life, now, I take it back!"

"Gah! Gah! Gah!" A series of harsh sounds came, and the paralyzed clone Thor came back to life. He stretched his body and turned to look at Tony, "Take it back? No! You didn't take it back, you released me!"

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