Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 441 Okay, go and kill your father!

Utopia, brainwave enhancer.

Professor X sat there alone, wearing a helmet on his head, and the indicator lights on the enhancer were almost all on, ready to take action at any time.

However, it was not time yet.

He was playing with a shining gem in his hand, and the gem emitted a dazzling yellow light. "What a magical thing, a stone, actually has such a huge spiritual power!"

"Charles, do it!" A distant call made Professor X tense up, and the Mind Gem released a dazzling light. He slowly closed his eyes, connected his mind to the Mind Gem, and then released it through the brainwave enhancer.

"Wait, there is a succubus next to Deadpool, don't touch her!" Eric added hurriedly, fearing that he would say it too late.

"Got it." Professor X responded lightly, not realizing that Eric was a million miles away from him and couldn't hear his voice.

The huge spiritual power emitted a dazzling yellow light, wrapped Professor X in it, and turned him into a bright sun, but this sun was still thinking about focusing the light with a magnifying glass!

The brainwave enhancer upgraded by Eric reached its upper limit in an instant, and sparks appeared in many places.

Professor X suddenly vomited blood. Such a huge mental power almost killed him. This is why he came here alone. If Hank followed, he would definitely stop him!

Professor X took a deep breath, tried to adjust his mental power, slowly reduced it to the upper limit that the brainwave enhancer could bear, and then released it to his heart's content.

Professor X has the most powerful mental power on earth. If ordinary people are compared to walking, then he is driving an airplane, but at this moment, he is directly on a rocket, no, a spaceship!

The whole earth is in sight, as small as a fish tank. And the earthlings are like Xiaoyu in the fish tank.

Everything is under control. The life and death of the earthlings are in his mind. At this moment, he is God! God who controls everything!

"Kill humans, the earth is full of mutants!"

"Kill Eric, you are the most powerful guardian of the earth!"

"Jean's clone is pregnant with Scott's child! Damn it, kill them!"

"The Phoenix Force is a completely uncontrollable force. Only when Jean dies can the earth be safe!"


For a moment, Professor X was full of evil thoughts. The huge spiritual power not only increased his good side, but also nourished his evil side.

"Stop!" Professor X was sweating and panting, but his eyes gradually became firm. "Eric is my friend, Jean and Scott are my children, no one can hurt them! Aliens, demons, go to hell!"

A dazzling yellow light, with Utopia as the center, quickly radiated to the entire earth.


The Sahara Desert.

Eric had just notified Professor X, and he released all the huge energy accumulated in his body, and the target was the portal connecting the two worlds.

He did not lie to Lu Dan. He really didn't know how to close the door, but if he couldn't close it, he could blow it up!

"Boom!" With a loud noise, like a nuclear bomb explosion, the portal in the air was blown to pieces, and countless demons were buried with it.

Then, a yellow light flashed, and everything was silent.

The aliens and demons who were still fighting with the Earth's superheroes stopped at this moment, their eyes became empty, their bodies became weak, and then they fell to the ground and never got up again.

"What happened?" Many people looked around in confusion, not understanding why the enemy who was still alive and well just now died in an instant?

Of course, not all enemies died. Some powerful demons and the four black generals were only seriously injured.

Professor X's body was too fragile to exert the full power of the Mind Stone, and the huge number of cannon fodder shared the damage with them, which allowed them to survive.

Not to mention Thanos, the Eternal's powerful defense ability and his tenacious willpower like vibranium helped him easily resist the attack without suffering any damage.

However, his army was destroyed in an instant. No one could remain calm in such an impact. Even Thanos was stunned for a long time. He was hit several times by Captain Marvel before he reacted.

"This is the end of invading the earth!" Captain Marvel sneered, "Are you ready to face death?"

"Facing death? That is my lifelong dream, but unfortunately, it is not the time yet." Thanos suddenly became unusually calm, "Is it the power of the Mind Stone? Sure enough, I still underestimated the Infinity Stones."

"I don't know what it is, but I know that you lost!" Captain Marvel floated in the air, looking down at Thanos.

"Failure? Haha, so what?" Thanos didn't care about failure at all. He shook his head and looked at Eric with complicated eyes, "Interesting person, I hope you won't let me down next time we meet!"

"Next time? You won't have a next time!" Captain Marvel snorted coldly, flew forward, and hit him on the head, but didn't expect to hit nothing with one punch.

Captain Marvel stood up in astonishment and found that Thanos was standing there without moving, but his body became fainter and fainter, and slowly disappeared.

"Captain Marvel, see you next time!"


After losing a large number of cannon fodder troops, the remaining enemies are only in the double digits, and there are not enough for each of the Earth's superheroes to deal with.

The big demons from hell were quickly divided up by Ghost Rider and others. Their damage bonus to demons was 10,000%, and no one would compete with them.

The four generals of Darkness were miserable. They looked weird and looked bad. They were attacked by the superheroes of Earth. They were defeated after just a few minutes and became prisoners in humiliation.

The four generals of Darkness, the dignified Mad Titan, were actually captured alive by the people of Earth!

Captain Marvel did not participate in the battle against the minions. She slowly flew back to Eric, feeling a little depressed.

"He ran away?" Eric seemed to know that he could not keep Thanos, and was not surprised at all.

Captain Marvel nodded silently, with a look of self-blame in his eyes.

Eric chuckled, "Don't worry, it's expected. I know how to find him."

"Let me go!" Before Captain Marvel could speak, Sean stood up and looked at Eric firmly, "This matter started with me, and it should end with me, let me go!"

"You are not his opponent!" Eric looked Sean up and down, and still shook his head.

"But Phoenix is!" A dazzling flame suddenly burst out from Sean's body, forcing Captain Marvel to take a step back. It can be seen that he has not been idle during this period, and his compatibility with Phoenix has increased a lot.

Sean and Eric looked at each other, not giving in at all.

After a while, Eric finally let go, "Okay, you go and kill your father!"

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