Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 472 Earthlings are coming

Ego, self.

A planet with life, Star-Lord's father.

This guy actually appeared on Titan with Mantis!

"Who is he?" Skye asked curiously.

Eric snorted coldly, "A bastard who wants to rule the universe, he is as good as Thanos. The children he killed can be piled up into a mountain!"

Skye couldn't believe it. Why do the evil people in this universe like to attack their own children one by one? Are their own children so hateful? She glanced at Eric quietly and smiled sweetly. Her father is still the best.

"Don't pay attention to him. I will meet him later. Let's continue."

Skye was not interested in learning anymore. She looked at Ego with some worry, "If he appears here, will he..."

"It doesn't matter. This is just one of his clones. The real body is not here. Moreover, even if the real body comes here, I am not afraid of him!" Eric smiled confidently. Ego is a planet, and his star-eating bees specialize in eating planets!

The various strange shapes of the Crystal City did not attract much attention from the alien visitors. They were all well-informed people in the universe, and such a small occasion was not surprising at all.

The execution site was in the Roman Colosseum built by Eric. There were stands around it, and in the middle was an execution platform modified from a pyramid throne. It was simple and clear.

In the universe, such a gathering of various races also happens from time to time, but they usually get together to discuss some major events, or to reach some kind of cooperation, or to decide the direction of a war. This time, watching the execution was the first time.

Of course, watching the ceremony was not the purpose. No matter how famous the four generals of Thanos were, they were just a few bandits and wanted criminals. How could they be qualified to gather so many cosmic forces together?

Talking about cooperation was the purpose.

The earth was just a wild planet that was still in the early stages of aviation, but it already had the capital to attract the attention of the entire universe, destroying the super bombs of the Kree Empire, Skynet, Terminator armor, and a large number of superheroes with different abilities...

Everything aroused the curiosity of various cosmic forces.

And, Eric, this mysterious person, or God!

Compared to Earth, they hope to see Eric more.

But, he doesn't seem to come?

A large group of aliens looked left and right, but they couldn't find the legendary Eric. They had no choice but to give up temporarily and wait for the arrangement of the Earthlings.

"Earthlings, where is our position?" The voice of a Shi'ar soldier attracted the attention of other people in the venue, and they all turned their eyes here, and at the same time, they all looked like they were watching a good show.

Yes, where is Shi'ar's position?

According to the seating order of such gatherings in the past, there should be three most central positions, belonging to Shi'ar, Kree, and Skrull.

These are the three most powerful super empires in the universe, and it is understandable that they occupy the best positions.

The second-class position is Xandar, Sovereign and other forces.

However, Kree is dead, and Skrull is being ravaged by the Hulk Legion. The original three-legged tripod has been completely broken.

Look at this viewing platform, which is surrounded in a circle. It seems that except for the position facing the execution platform, all other places are the same? But that place was obviously reserved for the Earthlings, and they couldn't take it for no reason!

"It's the same, sit wherever you want." The person who answered him was a Night Owl wearing a Terminator armor. They were the security guards and waiters of this event.

"You!" The Shi'ar soldier was furious, "The Earthlings are too rude! How can we sit with them!"

The Night Owl turned his head and glanced at him indifferently, snorted coldly, "If you don't want to see it, get out!"

"You!" The Shi'ar soldier was so angry that he almost drew his gun, but was held down by another Shi'ar.

The venue was in an uproar, and everyone was whispering and talking.

Arrogant, too arrogant! In the eyes of Earthlings, Shi'ar is no different from ordinary forces!

Is this contempt for Shi'ar, or confidence in oneself? Perhaps, both!

The Xia soldier was dragged down by several rational colleagues and reported to a Xia official with a dusty face. The official seemed to have known the result. He waved his hand and took the Xia soldier to sit on the viewing platform. However, the dangerous aura they exuded made others automatically leave a circle for them. It looked like an invisible isolation belt separated them.

Lu Dan hid in the dark. His one eye was like a sharp knife, observing everything keenly, judging the strength and relationship of each force from some clues. After a while, he turned his head slightly, "Tony, are you ready?"

Tony walked forward with an unnatural look, "Are you sure you want me to go?"

Lu Dan nodded slightly, "Of course, Eric and I agree that you are enough to represent the entire human race."

"Representing humanity? Ha! You just want to hide behind and play dirty!" If possible, Tony really wanted to knock on Lu Dan's forehead. He had just gotten rid of the side effects of resurrection, and he was dragged by the two to be a strong man to preside over this grand event, not to mention understanding him as a patient!

However, it's not bad to be able to show my face in front of the whole universe. Thinking of this, Tony's mouth curled up slightly, and the flamboyant playboy is back.


"Why Tony?" Skye's little face was full of indignation. In such a big scene, Tony could show off, but she could only rot in the dark cave. It was so unfair!

"He is the most suitable candidate." Eric touched Skye's hair and comforted him softly.

Eric and Lu Dan discussed for a long time about the selection of the host this time. Eric must not go. He is now the strongest line of defense on Earth and the last guardian. In fantasy novels, he is the kind of ancestor character hiding in the forbidden land. How can he be exposed in such a dangerous place at will?

Lu Dan is not suitable either. He is used to hiding himself in the dark, observing everything, and planning everything. Sorry, he can't show up.

Skye wants to go, but she is now an Eternal, that is, a Titan. Killing another Titan's subordinate on Titan Star, the meaning of this will inevitably lead to over-interpretation, and she can't do it either.

Those politicians on Earth, such as the president, also want to come, but they are just a group of ordinary people with no vision and no knowledge. It's okay to play politics on Earth, but if they really come here to make trouble, if they trigger an interstellar war, there will be fun.

After much thought, Tony is the most suitable person for this job. His knowledge, experience, character, status, and position are all impeccable. Just as Eric once said to Skye, he is a true knight.

Eric was about to comfort Skye a few more times, but something new happened on the screen, attracting Skye's attention.

The Earthlings are entering the arena.

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