Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 478 Old fox, very cunning

This violent temper is so lovable!

Eric was just worrying about how to find him, and he jumped out.

"Jin, protect the three of them." Eric whispered, and jumped up with a light tap of his toes. He finally understood that as long as Star-Lord was still here, Ego would definitely come out.

With a wave of his hand, the unified force field turned into a cage, trapping Ego's energy phantom in it. At the same time, Eric waved his hand down, using his hand instead of a knife, and the invisible space force tried to cut off the connection between Ego and the earth.

Ego had already tasted the taste of this move, so naturally he didn't want to try it again. The giant energy face suddenly spread out, turning into blue dots of light, scattering and fleeing, trying to get back into the soil again.

How could Eric let him do what he wanted? The unified force field and the planning power were used at the same time. The two forces twisted and entangled together, turning into another familiar power, the Spear of Reincarnation!

In other words, modifying reality!

After the guidance of the God of Stories, his understanding of the power of planning has been greatly improved. At this moment, when he used the power of reincarnation again, it was no longer a simple reincarnation of matter and energy, but extended to the reincarnation of reality and illusion.

At Eric's level, the boundary between physical attack and energy attack has become very blurred. Whether it is energy or matter, it is actually reality.

Among the various abilities he controls now, the unified force field, spatial ability, and planning power are more inclined to the reality side.

By analogy, he also has some understanding of the illusion side. Although it is not as easy as the reality side, he can use it to some extent. For example, mind, soul, probability, time, etc., he has more or less some understanding of these abilities.

The energy star point of Ego's incarnation soon touched the earth, but suddenly found that the earth turned into a muddy swamp. This is not a swamp on the ordinary physical level, but the rules of space, mind, soul, probability, etc. are distorted, and the earth is rejecting his entry.

It is not impossible to return to the earth, but the time and energy required will increase exponentially, which is not worth the loss.

Ego immediately made a decision. Following Eric's space blade, he took the initiative to disconnect the energy from the energy tentacles deep in the earth. Then the energy gathered together again, compressed, transformed, and turned into a brilliant blue ball of light, and the color became brighter and brighter.

"Abandon the car to save the king? Humph, forget it!" Eric snorted coldly, stepped on his feet, and a large number of star-eating bees left the body and drilled into the ground.

Sure enough, those energy tentacles were retreating quickly. The tentacles were not simply retreating, but undergoing a magical transformation. They were originally energy bodies, but at this moment they quickly turned into matter, the same matter as the soil and stones in the earth. Wherever they passed, there was no trace left.

If you didn't see these energy tentacles withdraw with your own eyes, no one would believe that there would be such a weird thing inside the earth.

Perhaps, this is the means by which Ego invaded other planets.

The star-eating bees followed the retreat path of the tentacles upstream and chased them quickly. If they were a few seconds late, they would run away, and even Eric would not be able to determine their location.

"You're quite capable." Eric praised and pointed his hands repeatedly.

The remaining energy body of Ego was transforming into a very unstable energy form, which could explode at any time. This was a small trick he left to ensure the smooth withdrawal of those energy tentacles. Eric had to stay and solve it.

A series of magical powers hit the energy ball, and the transformation in it was blocked, modified, and changed by various rules.

It was like a magical chemical experiment. Ego's original energy ball was like a ball of harmless water. He electrified the water and ionized it into hydrogen and oxygen. As long as there was a little spark, a huge explosion could occur.

What Eric had to do was to stop the explosion. He threw a piece of copper oxide into the hydrogen, and then heated it slightly. The hydrogen quickly reduced the copper oxide to copper and water, and an explosion was resolved invisibly.

The principle was simple, but it was not easy for Eric to do it, because Ego was not water, and what was transformed was not hydrogen and oxygen, but a certain high-level energy form.

Reasoning, experiment, correction, disassembly...

Eric seemed to be back in his laboratory. What he was doing now was not a battle, but an interesting experiment.

The color of the energy bomb changed rapidly, sometimes blue, sometimes red, and sometimes green, flashing quickly like a neon light, which was very beautiful.

"It's a very novel way to use energy, interesting!" Everything was settled, Eric pressed down with both hands, and the energy bomb suddenly turned into a rain of light, fell to the ground, and disappeared.

This side was done, but the Star-Eating Bee encountered trouble.

Following the path of the retreat of the energy tentacles, the Star-Eating Bee finally found the location of the light bulb flower, but also found a problem. Ego buried the light bulb flower for decades. In these decades, the light bulb flower has been like a parasite, constantly eroding and transforming the earth's matter and energy.

Today, the light bulb flower has been closely integrated with the earth, which is why it can quickly transform between energy and earth's matter.

It is almost impossible to completely pull the light bulb flower out of the earth. If you force it, the earth is likely to be destroyed!

"No wonder he dared to come out! It turns out he's not afraid of me digging him out!" Eric's face was solemn, and various possibilities flashed through his mind quickly, but he found that no matter which method he used, it would be impossible to remove the light bulb flower without harming the earth.

It seems that the only way to save the earth is to kill Egg!

"Eric! Come and see him!" From the other side, Qin called anxiously, waking Eric up.

Eric quickly calmed down and returned to Qin, only to find that Star-Lord had undergone surprising changes.

His eyes were flashing with brilliant blue light, and blue energy tentacles were also flowing under his skin. His body was floating in the air uncontrollably, twitching constantly, but there was no trace of trace on his face. The pained expression revealed a hint of enjoyment, which looked very strange.

"What's going on?" Eric frowned. He had clearly isolated them. It was impossible for Ego to contact Star-Lord without alerting him.

"It's her!" Qin pointed at Mantis. She didn't know what happened. Mantis fell to the ground, unconscious. "A blue energy suddenly shot out of her body and penetrated into his body. I didn't have time to stop it. ”

Qin's voice became lower and lower, and her face became even more ashamed.

"It's okay, I'll take care of it." Eric patted her shoulder gently to express comfort, "That guy has lived for millions of years, old fox, he is very cunning."

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