Marvel: This Magneto is a good guy

Chapter 48 I finally found you!

St. Agnes Orphanage.

The spring sunshine shines on the corridor, dispelling the cold that lasted for several days. New buds sprouted from the branches nearby, and a few birds landed happily on the branches.

A little girl sat alone on the railing, her head lowered, her face completely covered by her thick black hair, her hands tightly wrapped around her clothes, and she looked not in a good mood.

Under the black hair, a delicate little face was tightly tensed, and his teeth were biting his lips, which actually produced a few strands of blood.

She just sat quietly, but it seemed as if there was a gap separating her from the world, not interfering with or affecting each other.

At this time, a little boy walked over with a blind cane. His eyes were tightly closed, and there were a few scars on the corners of his eyes. It seemed that he had an accident.

Although invisible, the little boy moved very quickly, as if he was very familiar with this place.

"Skye, long time no see. I heard they said you were back again, so I guessed you must be here." The little boy sat next to the little girl familiarly and patted her shoulder gently, "Skye, don't be sad. ,everything will get better."

"Matt, I was sent back by my foster family, again." Skye finally raised her head, her eyes were red and her nose was trembling, but she stubbornly refused to cry.

Matt smiled, grabbed her hand and put it on his eyes, "At least you have been out, at least you can see the outside world, right?"

"Matt, I'm sorry," Skye finally cried, crying on Matt's shoulder.

Matt still had a sunny smile on his face, patted her on the head, and comforted her softly, "It's okay, everything will be fine together."

In the dean's office, a young couple sat across from the dean. The husband frowned, folded his hands on his chest, and said nothing. The wife was sobbing softly and wiping her tears constantly.

The dean looked around helplessly and said, "Mr. Jones, are you really not thinking about it anymore?"

Jones was silent for a long time, then slowly shook his head, "Ms. Dean, we really tried our best!"

Mrs. Jones burst into tears immediately, complaining while crying: "Ms. Dean, wuwu...we really like her! We don't have children of our own, we only adopted her, and we did everything we could for her. . However, she just can’t integrate into our lives. She always stares in the mirror and never takes the initiative to say a word at home..."

"We take her to the playground, fishing at the lake, picnics, and museums every week. We play with her every day after get off work, tell her stories, and teach her cooking, painting, and piano! We really She did everything, but she never took the initiative to talk to us! She never even smiled at us. She couldn't integrate into our lives at all!" Jones took over and talked about his efforts, his hands unconscious. Waving in the air, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

"Okay!" The dean sighed, "When you came to adopt her a year ago, I told you that this was how she was in the last foster home."

"We really thought that as long as we paid, we would be rewarded, but..." Jones put down his hand weakly, with a very frustrated expression.

"I understand. I will handle the procedures for you two." The dean sat up straight and looked at the couple with a smile. "So Mr. Jones and Mrs. Jones, what are your plans? Are you willing to re-adopt a child?" An orphan?"

"Of course!" Mrs. Jones stopped crying and looked at the dean with red eyes, her tone was very firm, "This is also one of the purposes of our coming again! We need a child!"

"So, what are your requirements? Is it still the same as last time?" The dean stood up and took out a thick amount of information from the cabinet next to him.

"Yes, just like last time, we need a healthy daughter!" Jones stared closely at the information in the dean's hand, eager to know who would be his future daughter.

The dean rummaged through the information for a moment, then handed a copy of the information to the two of them, "What do you think of her?"

Jones hurriedly took the information, opened it and looked at the photo in the upper right corner at first glance, "Oh, my God, she is so beautiful!"

"Yes, Jones, look at her nose, it looks exactly like yours!" Mrs. Jones pointed to the little girl in the photo, her face full of surprise.

"Yes, her eyes are very similar to yours! Madam Dean, what's her name? Can we meet her?"

"Of course, her name is Jessica!"

Mr. and Mrs. Jones finally took away their adopted daughter. The dean returned to the office, looked at Skye's information on the table, and sighed helplessly. She walked to the window and looked out, and could faintly see the lonely figure on the railing of the corridor.

"Skye, why don't you cherish these opportunities? Only a small part of the children in the orphanage can be adopted. Most children will not be adopted even if they reach adulthood, but you gave up twice!"

The dean stood in front of the window and murmured to herself. The glass was stained with a layer of white mist from her breath. She slowly wiped away a small piece in the middle, revealing the lonely figure. She murmured with some distress: "Yes. I don’t know if anyone will adopt you!”

"Of course!" A voice suddenly came from behind her, scaring her so much that she almost fell down.

"Oh, sorry, ma'am!" A tall figure quickly ran over, helped her up and put her on a chair, "I saw that the door was open, so I came in. I'm sorry for scaring you."

"It's okay, it's okay," the dean gasped, "You are?"

"Let me introduce myself. I am Eric Lansheer, a Polish hereditary baron and the president of Alice Industries." Eric stood up straight, straightened his clothes, and showed a Coulson-style smile, making himself look very friendly, "I want to adopt that girl, Skye!"

"Uh, why? You may not know that she was just sent back by the foster family, she..."

"Madam, I have learned about her information, but I still want to adopt her." Eric interrupted the dean in a firm tone.

The dean looked at him suspiciously, "Sir, can I see your driver's license or passport first?"

Eric's smile froze on his face. He was too eager to show it, and people thought he was a bad guy!

Eric had to take out his information and explain it to the dean, so that she believed that he was not a bad guy.

"Mr. Eric, why do you have to adopt her? She's not easy to get along with."

"Because she's very important to me! Just think of it as fate. You see, we're both half Chinese, aren't we?" Eric looked out the window and saw the lonely figure.

"Finally I found you!"

Oh my, I've written 100,000 words without realizing it. I didn't even notice it. Haha, thanks to my friends for their support along the way. Thank you!

I'll continue to shamelessly ask for collections, recommendations, and comments...

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